Chapter 3532


Never mind the ordinary little devil soldiers.

Or their major officer.

As well as Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo and Cangqiao Yougui Lieutenant Zuo.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

They saw these black holes and big muzzles at first sight.

All the sights are light machine guns.

There are more than twenty of them.

They couldn't imagine what it would be like if these twenty or so light machine guns fired at them like this.

What kind of scenario will it be, what kind of consequences will it be?
at this point.

At this moment, they didn't have the heart to think about it at all.

The only remaining thoughts in my heart are fear and horror!
If you react quickly, you may be able to hide.

However, in this case.

Not possible at all.

From the corner of their eyes, they looked at Zhongzuo Hegang Yuki.

But at this moment, all they saw was Hegang Youji Zhongzuo's extremely fierce eyes.

At this time, there was Ji Zhongzuo in Hegang, which made them extremely strange.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"


But, right now.

The sound of a light machine gun roared like thunder.

The rain of bullets like raindrops enveloped the little devils in charge of guarding in front of the headquarters.

Most of these little devils didn't realize what happened, they were in severe pain, their eyes went dark, and they lost consciousness.

So die.

Together with the leader of the team.

Also Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo and Cangqiao Yougui Lieutenant Zuo were all shot and fell to the ground.

The unwillingness in his eyes also slowly dissipated.

Lost my spirits.

The body even lost its voice.

The battle in front of the headquarters started abruptly.

It ended even more abruptly.

It was like a battle like lightning.

These little devils all died under the fire of light machine guns.

"Clean up the battlefield, enter the headquarters immediately, and kill all the little devils in it!"

Song Qingyu gave the order directly with a serious face.


Now, Liu Zhiyun and others personally led the team and rushed into the headquarters.

However, Ji Zhongzuo of Hegang said directly to Song Qingyu: "Company Commander Song, I will lead the way. There is still a squadron of troops on the third battle side, and the supply team is still full. I will lead the team. It’s even better to hit them with a sudden attack, making them unable to react!”

It has to be said that Zhongzuo Hegang Youji, who had already made a decision in his heart, became extremely ruthless.

Now that he has decided to give up, he has decided to betray.

Then, he should be more ruthless in his betrayal.

There was no way he could.

He just wants to live.

Just want to live!

In order to live, he can give everything now.

You can do everything for these Eighth Route Army.

Just to survive.

"it is good!"

Song Qingyu immediately agreed, and ordered to Zhao Yili: "Follow him!"


Zhao Yili immediately took the order.

"Lead the way!"

Zhao Yili said to Hegang Youji Zhongzuo.

"Okay, come with me!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo immediately began to lead the way.

In this way, he took the troops of Zhao Yili's battalion and headed for the garrison of the third brigade and the garrison of the supply brigade.

"Da da da!"


In the following time.

In Liude City, gunshots continued.

There are also counterattacks from the devils.

But, in the middle of the night.

The gunfire stopped completely.

Inside Liude City, it was once again in a state of calm.

It's just that the strong bloody smell wants to radiate away from the surroundings.

The battle in Liude City ended like this.

Has the upper hand.

With the cooperation of Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo.

They had nothing to lose, and took Liude City down.

All you have to pay is some guns and ammunition.

And, dozens of soldiers were injured.

Not a single soldier died.

From this aspect, it can be seen that the importance of the first move in the battle.

With the initiative, don't care what it is, arrange in advance, etc., to achieve such an effect.

"After cleaning the battlefield, everyone rests!"

"I can sleep well tonight!"

"This time, we won Liude City, so we won't leave!"

"Old Yang has received news before that the little devil's troops in the first theater, the second theater, the third theater, and the fourth theater, etc., are already insufficient!"

"Deploy troops everywhere to support the major battlefields!"

"Under such circumstances, if these little devils want to rush to the Liude war zone, there is not much possibility!"

"So, according to Lao Yang's analysis, we can occupy Liude City and develop the Liude area!"

"For a while, the little devils can't spare their hands and enter the Liude war zone!"

"In the next time, we can take a good rest and train a bit, haha!"

When Song Qingyu was talking to the soldiers, he immediately laughed out loud.

Although, he continued to want to kill the devil.

But, in the current Liude war zone, the little devils can no longer come.

Then, the most important thing is to develop the Liude theater.

The most important thing is to call back all the people who are hiding and fleeing.

Tell these people that they can live well in the Liude area.

That's the most important thing.

Compared with fighting devils, it is most important to complete this matter first.

"Haha, grandma! We have defeated the Liude war zone now, then in the next time, let's take a good rest and train, can we go to other war zones to fight devils!"

At this moment, Zhao Yili was also very excited.

"Not necessarily."

Regarding this, Staff Officer Chen had a different opinion.

He said: "Although we have defeated the Liude war zone, the little devils in it have been annihilated and cleaned up by us."

"But, as the saying goes, it is easy to conquer the country, but difficult to defend it!"

"In the next time, once we let the people come back and start to develop their lives, then we will guard these people and continue to protect the people!"

"So, under such circumstances, if we want to leave the Liude war zone happily and enter another war zone to fight, it will be very difficult to fight devils!"

"Old Song, I analyzed this situation, right?"

After Chen Staff finished speaking, he looked at Song Qingyu.

In fact, Staff Officer Chen could analyze this point.

It is entirely the reason why he served as a staff officer in the regiment headquarters.

At that time, he was concerned about logistics and so on.

So, at this moment, he has this analysis.

"Well, you're right!"

Song Qingyu nodded. He agreed with Staff Officer Chen's analysis.

This is indeed the case.

It's easy to fight the country, but it's hard to keep it.

Don't look at them taking down the Liude theater at this moment.

Cleaned up all the little devils in it.

Under such circumstances, if they don't develop the Liude area, but leave directly and go to other battlefields to fight the devils, it is completely possible, and there is no need to worry about the future.

However, once they are in the next time, they will develop the Liude theater.

Let the people come back, and so on.

Under such circumstances, at this moment, they are close to the strength of five battalions.

It would be great to have two battalions of troops to go out of the Liude theater and fight devils in other theaters.

They want to leave people behind to protect the people in the Liude area.

Otherwise, once a little devil frees up his hand.

The people are in danger.

Therefore, Staff Officer Chen's analysis of the situation is quite correct.

Liu Zhiyun also nodded at this moment: "Then our next development direction and so on, we have to discuss it carefully!"

"I think, Lao Yang should have told you about this point, Lao Song!"

But Zhao Yili just looked at Song Qingyu and asked.

He felt that it should be so.

Others don't know, Song Qingyu should know.

This guy is a celebrity in front of Lao Yang.

He must have known about this situation.

"You, haha!"

Hearing this, Song Qingyu said with a smile: "Lao Yang did tell me!"

"For the rest of our time, we will not leave the Liude war zone, but within the Liude war zone. One is to help the people resume production and let them resume their previous lives."

"Second, which is even more important, is training."

"You have to know that we have seized a lot of resources, guns and ammunition at this moment!"

"So, in the coming time, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers needs to be improved!"

"Otherwise, wouldn't the things we seized be wasted right now?"

"When I am like this, do you understand?"

Song Qingyu didn't hide anything, and told Liu Zhiyun and others all the things that Yang Fei told him before, without hiding anything!

Besides, there is no need to hide such a thing!

(End of this chapter)

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