Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3533 Persuasion

Chapter 3533 Persuasion
When he received this task.

Among the telegrams Yang Fei gave him was such a telegram.

It was pointed out to him, after the battle, how to develop the Liude theater and so on.

But at this moment, Liu Zhiyun and others asked.

Then he would just say it outright.

Anyway, their next step is to do this.

"In that case, let's just follow Lao Yang's order!"

Liu Zhiyun said directly:
"Old Yang is right. We have captured a lot at this moment. If we can't turn these captured into the fighting power of the soldiers, it will be a waste!"

"That's true. Our fighters seem to be powerful in combat, but they still have many, many shortcomings!"

"In these few battles, although I can win the battle every time!"

"But, if you think about it carefully, it's all because of the perfection of the plan, having the upper hand, and directly defeating the enemy!"

"And such a situation doesn't happen every time!"

"We have to understand one thing, that is, once there is a fierce battle on the battlefield, if there is no initiative, no advantage, no perfect plan, if we have to fight a fierce battle, can our soldiers still win? Victory, can we continue to fight?"

"In my opinion, this is a very serious problem, what do you think?"

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun expressed his opinion.

Indeed it is.

Liu Zhiyun is right.

The analysis is right.

On the battlefield, there is a perfect plan, there is an initiative, and there is an advantage in the battle.

It is completely different from a sudden or vicious battle to be overcome.

There are two ways of fighting.

So, if there is no awareness of this point, if the awareness is not clear.

As far as they are now, if they are directly pulled into the frontal battlefield to fight the devils.

Then there is only one result.

It is a rout!

Yes, rout.

But there is a second end.

There is only one end, defeat.

Even, was annihilated by the little devil.

This is the fact.

It is the reality that they have to face now after they have won the victory in the Liude theater.

If you are still immersed in the victory of the battle.

If you don't reflect, don't think about your own problems.

Can't understand.

Then, they are going to stumble on the frontal battlefield.

Once it was a big somersault.

Whether they can get up is a question.

Hearing what Liu Zhiyun said, Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen fell silent.

In their hearts, before, they really didn't think of this.

I only thought that after the victory, if the Liude theater is developed, the guards must be protected.

And didn't think of this in itself.

It is completely ignoring this point of itself.

Thinking of the reality Liu Zhiyun said, once such a situation really happened.

Well, consequences!

Thinking of this, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili were filled with fear.

They, not being able to get carried away by victory.

Not to mention being immersed in the victory in front of you.

It is of no benefit to them to be immersed in the victory in front of them.

As a result, it is really harmless but not beneficial.

"Old Liu is right!"

Song Qingyu nodded in agreement:

"What he said is actually what I said. This is also the reason why Lao Yang gave us the suggestion, let us train, capture these, and turn them into combat power for the soldiers!"

"Otherwise, we, who seem to be powerful, are actually not very different from paper tigers!"

"Once we are caught in a long and fierce battle with the little devil, our result is unimaginable!"

"So, in the next time, you have to lead the soldiers directly below, to train, to directly turn the capture this time into combat power, do you understand?"

Song Qingyu was very satisfied with Liu Zhiyun's opinion.

From this point, it can be seen that the gap between Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun has come.

From the analysis of this point, it can be seen that the gap between the three of them is not ordinary.

Otherwise, Liu Zhiyun was not the only one who had the insight and awakening this time.

It was Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun.


The gap, under the situation in front of you, will be highlighted and obvious.

In normal times, it is hardly noticeable.

But at this moment, through the analysis of the situation and oneself, etc., it was completely revealed.

"I know what to do."

Staff Officer Chen's heart sank, and he immediately agreed.

Zhao Yili also nodded firmly.

They both felt it.

The gap between himself and Liu Zhiyun seems to have no tendency to catch up, but the gap is getting wider and wider.

This made it difficult for them to accept it.

Even, very unwilling.

You know, at the beginning, there was no gap between them and Liu Zhiyun.

Even, there is still a big gap between Liu Zhiyun and them, there is a distance.

But at this moment, it only took a lot of time for Liu Zhiyun to overtake them.

They have beaten a lot more than their abilities.

How does this make them accept?
However, this also made them make up their minds.

In the next time, we must work hard.

Not to mention surpassing Liu Zhiyun again.

At the very least, it should be equal to Liu Zhiyun.

From this point on, they are going to do it.

And, in the next time, it must be done!

Only in this way can they follow in Yang Fei's footsteps.

Otherwise, in the Liude war zone, only Song Qingyu and Liu Zhiyun could keep up with Yang Fei.

The two of them can't allow this to happen.

We must work hard and forge ahead.

Once the progress can't keep up, it's hard to say whether they will have their share in beating devils in the future, it's another matter.

"Old Chen and Old Zhao, you two don't need to worry!"

After Song Qingyu saw this, he comforted him directly: "There is no rush for such a thing."

In view of this situation, he wants to persuade.

Otherwise, if these two guys walk into a dead end, there will be no possibility of progress.

"Let me tell you, if you want to improve like Old Liu, you must first position yourself!"

"After setting yourself a good position first, only in this way can you make progress and make progress towards this goal!"

"Otherwise, you don't have a clear positioning, your own cognition, and goals, etc. Although you have worked hard, it is likely to be in vain!"

"So, in the next time, if you want to improve, you must first position yourself."

"Only in this way can you make real progress!"

"do you understand?"

At this moment, Song Qingyu was actually worried about Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

He saw the efforts of the two of them.

And no slack.

However, the progress is not very great.

This, in the current situation, was indeed a problem for Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

One, a problem that had to be corrected.

Reflection and self-examination are actually a good way.


Hearing Song Qingyu's words, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili let out a sigh of depression.

Regarding this point, they also wondered in their hearts.

After realizing this before, they worked hard.

Unfortunately, the progress is not very great.

There is progress, but very small.

So, at this moment, the hearts of the two of them are also very depressed.

"Okay, okay, don't be depressed!"

Song Qingyu smiled and said: "I will help you in the next time, don't worry, not only me, but also Lao Liu, I won't pull you two down!"

Song Qingyu's smile at the moment was very sincere and serious.

"Yeah, don't worry too much, you two. I've made great progress, but I'm still learning, so, in the next time, let's make progress together."

Liu Zhiyun also said with a smile: "You know, on the way forward, I am making progress alone, and there is no way we can make progress together. The effect is better and faster. So, the two of you will make progress in the next time. , don't worry, with me and Lao Song here, there will be no problem!"

Liu Zhiyun also encouraged Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili through his own words.

Let them not be discouraged.

You have to cheer yourself up.

(End of this chapter)

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