Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3534 Discussing Countermeasures

Chapter 3534 Discussing Countermeasures
After all, there's really not much to say about progress.

Progress is not that easy.

If progress is really that easy, then the world will be full of geniuses.

There are so many smart people everywhere.

So, in the current situation, what Liu Zhiyun said is not wrong.

If Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili want to make progress.

The encouragement and support from him and Song Qingyu was inevitable.

Only in this way, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili could persevere.

Otherwise, Liu Zhiyun was worried that these two guys would not last long if they only relied on their self-consciousness.

After all, that's what progress is all about.

Persist for a while, you can do it.

You can still do it for a while.

However, when you persist for a long time.

However, you can't see yourself, and you can't feel any progress in yourself.

Or, progress simply hasn't met your expectations.

In such a situation, what else can you do?

Most people, it can be said that basically, will choose to give up.

After all, if you can't see the way ahead, you can only make this choice.

Regarding this point, Liu Zhiyun was very clear in his heart.

Not only Liu Zhiyun knew this, but Song Qingyu also knew it.

This is also the reason for the two of them, at this moment, to encourage them.


Zhao Yili nodded heavily.

At this moment, his heart is warm.

And said: "Don't worry, Lao Liu and Song, I will not let you down!"

"In the next time, I want to improve, I will not give up, even if the progress is very slow, I will never give up!"

Zhao Yili, at this moment, made a promise.

"Me too!"

As for Staff Officer Chen, it was the same at this moment, and he made a promise without hesitation.

In my heart, I have strengthened my confidence.

This time, say nothing and don't get pulled down.

Zhao Yili has made up his mind, and he will definitely not be able to fall behind again.

Originally, he, the staff officer of the regiment, was already behind Liu Zhiyun, which was embarrassing enough.

If he falls behind Zhao Yili, then his face will really be shameless.

Don't forget who they were before.

He is the regimental staff officer.

Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yili are just two humble company commanders.

In terms of status, compared to the three of them, one is in the sky and the other is in the earth.

So, Staff Officer Chen will absolutely not allow such a thing to happen again.

He absolutely wouldn't allow it to continue falling behind.

Otherwise, he will really be unable to meet people in this regiment in the future.

Say nothing else.

As for Song Qingyu, Staff Officer Chen also knew about it.

Before following Yang Fei, his status was not that high.

In terms of ability, it doesn't necessarily mean how great it is, but killing devils with a passion for blood.

However, it was because of following Yang Fei that he became a company commander. Afterwards, he began to learn from Yang Fei and made rapid progress.

Under such circumstances, a company commander like Song Qingyu is far more capable than his former regiment staff officer.

Tell me, how does Staff Chen accept this.

When he thought about it carefully, the blow he received was not so serious.

So, this is also the reason why Staff Officer Chen vowed to make up his mind completely in his heart.

"Okay, okay, let's not say more about these words, since it is progress, let's make progress together, it's as simple as that!"

Song Qingyu continued to smile and said:

"Anyway, we have no combat missions during this period of time, and Lao Yang didn't say what the plan is after the development. Since this is the case, let's just keep training and practicing!"

"For example, you old Chen, you lack actual combat experience, insufficient judgment on the battlefield, etc., but your brain is very good, and you still have basic theory, and your foundation is very solid. What you lack is the actual combat on the battlefield. experience!"

"Under such circumstances, in the next time, we will help you, simulate the battlefield, let you make judgments and plans, so that you can improve!"

"Not once, not twice, not enough four times and fifty times!"

"It's like your old Zhao, you're just lazy, so I won't talk about you!"

"So, in the next time, the mission of the four of us is to train the soldiers below, and at the same time, let the four of us improve their military skills!"

"In this case, when the next combat mission comes, I believe that the fighting power of us and the soldiers, etc., will definitely make the little devils extremely satisfied and comfortable. When the time comes, we will directly hit these beasts by surprise, ah Ha ha!"

Speaking of this, Song Qingyu immediately burst into a hearty laugh.

And that is indeed the case.

He's telling the truth.


Staff Officer Chen nodded heavily.

Song Qingyu's words made him relax a lot.

"Hey, I won't do it in the future, just don't worry, Lao Song, if I don't make any changes in the future, if I make progress, then it's up to you. Whatever you want me to do, I will do whatever you want?"

As for Zhao Yili, he also smiled and reassured.

"Then this matter ends here."

Song Qingyu nodded, he glanced at Liu Zhiyun, and said:

"Then let's make a good plan in the next time, how to bring out all the fleeing people who are hiding in the mountains and forests, and let them restore their homes and rebuild them. To live a stable life is our most important task besides training."

In fact, Song Qingyu's head hurts when he thinks about this task.

When the devils came, they were frightened and the persecuted people fled a lot.

In order to survive, they hide in various hidden places.

Even if they were starved to death, they would not want to come out.

I was really scared by these little devils who were like animals.

Under such circumstances, it is not so difficult to find these common people and let them return to live in the village.

He was actually thinking about this before the battle even started.

It's a pity that I didn't think of any good way.

But at this time, he could only speak out, let Liu Zhiyun and the three of them have a look, and discuss together what should be done.

Otherwise, even if they beat down the lifeless Liude war zone and killed all the little devils in it, it would be of little use.

The people are the essence.

The people are everything.

Killing devils is for the common people to have a stable life and not be killed and oppressed by devils.

But after the devils in the Liude war zone were defeated, the people did not come back, so the use and significance were much smaller.

"What about that?"

Liu Zhiyun thought for a moment.

Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen were also in deep thought, thinking about how to complete this task.

time flies.

10 minutes passed quickly.

Song Qingyu was smoking a cigarette.

Liu Qingyun came back to his senses, he said:
"There is no good way, otherwise, let's follow the old way."

After Liu Zhiyun said this, Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen, who were in deep thought, also came back to their senses.

The two said:

"Yeah, we didn't think of any better way, so let's follow the old way!"

"Let the soldiers go into the woods, or look for the people in the mountains, and tell them the facts in the Liude area. The little devils have been driven away and wiped out by us, and they can come out to live!"

"At the same time, post notices on the gates of each village. I believe that there must be people hiding in the dark. After seeing them, they will come out to live!"

"After all, no matter what, the village is their home and their roots!"

"In the past, there were little devils, so in order to survive, they had to hide."

"Now that the little devil is gone, then these common people will definitely come out to live."

"After all, it's not a solution to keep hiding like this!"

On this point, Staff Officer Chen has his own opinion.


Hearing Staff Officer Chen's words, Zhao Yili nodded.

The same is true for Liu Zhiyun.

That's what he wanted to say.

After all, there is really no better way to deal with this situation!
(End of this chapter)

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