Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3535 The first meeting after the war

Chapter 3535 The first meeting after the war

Although the Liude area is not big.

However, there are many people among them.

If you want to find these people in a hidden place at this time, it is not so easy to do.

However, there are still quite a few villages with people in them.

Under such circumstances, it is also possible for the people in these villages to publicize it.

Song Qingyu and the others believed that in the next time.

As long as they do it, it won't take long for these hidden people to come out.

After all, coming out to live is the real thing.

And the village is their home.

No matter where you live or where you hide, you are not as comfortable as in your own home.

that's it.

Under Song Qingyu's order and strategizing, Liude City began to resume operation.

Through the propaganda, search, etc. of other soldiers, more and more common people began to slowly come out of the hidden woods and mountains.

Returned to their home once.

And smelling the air without little devils, the common people felt extremely relaxed.

All the fatigue and worry disappeared.

Under such circumstances, the common people felt that kind of indescribable ease all over their bodies.

It's like being reborn.

For the future life, the people are even more yearning for it.

Very normal.

In this Liude area, before, there were little devils everywhere.

For the future life, the people can't see any hope.

At that time, no matter how you think about it, how you look at it, what you see and think about is all hopeless, without any hope.

As long as there are little devils around, it doesn't matter what they think.

Maybe one day, the whole family will be killed by the little devil.

So, there is no hope.

But now, it's completely different.

Hope, yes.

The little devils have been wiped out, without the oppression and slaughter of the little devils, they have more hope for their future life.

Dare to think about it in the future, and plan for the future life!

Seeing hope, the people dared to plan their future lives.

Just like before, the little devil came to the village from time to time to sweep up.

There are also traitors leading the way.

Waiting for a series of means like this, it is a luxury for them to live.

For other things, I dare not have any plans.

But now, everything is different.

Hope, it's real.

On the fifth day after Liude City was brought down, Yang Fei also moved the headquarters from Jiuping Town to Liude City.

After all, Liude City is much better than Jiuping Town.

It's also much more important.

Jiuping Town is actually on the back edge of the Liude area.

As for Liude City, it is almost located in the center of Liude area.

Under such circumstances, Liude City is the best place to serve as the headquarters.

After arriving in Liude City, Yang Fei immediately called Song Qingyu and others to the conference room.

So long, so much happened, fought several times.

Yang Fei hasn't had a chance to hold a meeting for them yet.

Now, the fighting has temporarily stopped.

In a short time, there was no fighting.

Under such circumstances, he happened to call Song Qingyu and the others over to teach them a good lesson, and to test them to see how they have progressed.
You know, it is very important for officers to take regular school examinations.

One is for supervision.

Second, it is for them to make progress.

After all, better progress is produced through supervision.

Except for very few geniuses.

For the rest of the people, if they want to make progress, they are actually produced under supervision.

And this urging does not mean using people to urge.

The urging of things is the same.

Even some soldiers and officers have made great progress under the supervision of the little devil.

And being urged by the little devil, what's the situation?

That is, when oppressed, forced by circumstances and situations, one has to make progress.

You must know that under certain circumstances, under the persecution of the little devils, some soldiers and officers made progress very quickly.

The reason for this is also obvious.

Because, if you don't improve, then you can't beat the little devil.

And if you can't beat the little devil, what will be the final result?

That is to be annihilated and killed by the little devil.

Therefore, under such persecution, or urging, some soldiers and officers made progress very quickly.

However, Song Qingyu and others did not encounter this situation.

Because, with Yang Fei as their backing, they will not be in such a situation at this moment.

If Yang Fei left here, then Song Qingyu and others would almost face such a situation.

Without Yang Fei sitting in charge for them, planning and strategizing, everything would have to be faced by them.

At that time, their life will definitely not be as comfortable as it is now.

So, Yang Fei's intention at this moment is also the purpose. Before he is transferred, he should hurry up and let Song Qingyu and others make progress.

Yang Fei knew very well in his heart that when he left, he would not take Song Qingyu and others away.

Even, it wasn't just Song Qingyu and others that he couldn't take away.

The people he brought before cannot be taken away.

Every mission is basically like this, come alone, after completing the mission, leave alone.

This was the case for the previous few missions. Even if he came with soldiers, later, when he left, he left the soldiers behind.

After all, the fighters he brought can basically stay and become the backbone.

If he leaves, if he also takes away, the backbone will be taken away, and the team will also collapse.

Therefore, Yang Fei will not take anyone away.

Song Qingyu and others, he will stay here.

Only in this way, after he left, there would be no chaos in the Liude theater.

Otherwise, once he leads people away, then the Liude war zone, once the little devil comes out, Song Qingyu and others will be in real trouble.

Yang Fei is not such a careless person.

Before he leaves the Liude theater, he will definitely complete the deployment of the Liude theater.

How can the place that was finally won be handed over to the devil again?


It is impossible to say anything.

Everything will be arranged before he leaves.

It can be regarded as the last guarantee for Song Qingyu and others.

conference room.

Yang Fei was smoking and sitting at the top.

Song Qingyu and others arrived and sat down neatly.

In front of Yang Fei, they still didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

At least, they didn't dare before Yang Fei smiled at them.


After extinguishing the cigarette butt, Yang Fei said: "This time, you have completed the task pretty well, without any accidents or mistakes. From this point, it is enough to see your progress!"

"You didn't let me down, I hope you, in the next time, make persistent efforts and make progress again, instead of standing still, do you know?"

Before the meeting started, Yang Fei first praised and recognized Song Qingyu and Liu Zhiyun, as well as Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

After all, the performance of the four of them during this period was indeed very good.

"Leader, it's all because of your good education. You taught well. Without your guidance and guidance, I would not have made such great progress. The credit lies with you, not me!"

Song Qingyu shook his head directly.

He will not take this credit.

He was very clear in his heart that the victory during this period of time had their credit.

But, the real credit lies with Yang Fei.

Without Yang Fei's plan and strategizing, relying on themselves alone, the Liude war zone would definitely not be in the current situation.

So, for this credit, they can't just take it at this time.

"Yes, Captain!"

"Yes, this is the situation, all this is your guidance!"

"Hey, without you, we still don't know where we are buried by the little devils."

Obviously, Liu Zhiyun and others also understand this truth.

At this moment, they also said one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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