Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3536 Wowotou with pickles

Chapter 3536 Wowotou with pickles
It was because they knew in their hearts that the four of them did not dare to take credit for it.

Instead, he was very sensible and refused this credit.

What should be, what should not be.

They are very clear in their hearts.

Although, they knew in their hearts that Yang Fei treated them like this for their own good.

But, still the same sentence, if you want something, if you don't want it, you can't want it.

This is a matter of principle.

Although there is no problem if you want it.

But, forget it.

"You guys!"

Yang Fei shook his head with a smile, no longer thinking about this question, but asked: "In the next time, you can talk about the summary of these few battles, combat experience, etc. You can tell me, and I will listen."

"After you finish speaking, I will correct you, let's start!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he lit a cigarette for himself, took out a small notebook and pen, and started recording.

In fact, Yang Fei is like this every time.

He is even more dedicated to the people below.

Let me ask, with that commander, can he do this step?

For the progress of the people below, I personally guide them.


But Yang Fei did it directly at this time.

After each battle, as long as he has time, he will call the officers below, etc., and let them tell their battle summary, battle experience, etc.

Of course, there is also the battle process, deployment and so on, all of which must be said.

As for him, just listening like this, he will write down what he hears at any time.

In this way, after the officers below have finished speaking, he will be able to tell the following people about the deficiencies that he has analyzed.

In this way, the officers below will recognize their own shortcomings and let them understand where they are not doing well.

In this way, in the next battle, they will know where to start to make corrections.

Progress, that's how it came about.

In the process of improvement, progress and success.

time flies.

In the following time, Song Qingyu and the others narrated all of their battle summary, battle process and so on.

Yang Fei also slowly wrote down his own improvement suggestions and so on in his own small notebook.

The whole morning passed like this.

"Okay, Lao Yang, I'm done talking!"

Zhao Yili was the last to speak.

The four of them narrated the battle during this period of time, and it took nearly a whole morning.

On the other hand, Song Qingyu and others looked thoughtful.

From this point, we can fully see the purpose and benefits of Yang Fei's doing so.

One person speaks, four listen.

While listening, they can also discover shortcomings, think about them, and correct them.

This is the method Yang Fei came up with. After each battle is over, the project will start immediately after dealing with things and so on.

The benefits are great.

No, look at Song Qingyu and others, they are weak and thoughtful, and you can tell by the way they are weak and thoughtful.

There is progress.

They all thought of their own shortcomings.

You know, at this time Yang Fei hasn't expressed his opinion yet.

So, next time, if Yang Fei told them how to correct it, then they could go one step further.

From this moment, one can fully see what Yang Fei's intention is.

"Okay, here are my opinions and correction plans for you, four copies, you can read them separately!"

After Yang Fei lit his cigarette, he threw the proposal in his hand to the four of them.

As for Song Qingyu, Liu Zhiyun and others who saw this scene, they felt like they had found a treasure.

He took over the proposal as quickly as he could, and looked forward to it with great anticipation in his heart.

You know, for them.

Right now, nothing else matters.

Only progress is the most important thing.

They keep one point in their hearts all the time.

That is, Yang Fei will leave.

Will leave the Liude area.

But at this moment, even though Yang Fei didn't leave.

But, Yang Fei will leave in the future.

It is impossible for such a capable person to stay in their small Liude war zone.

So, under such circumstances, Yang Fei will leave.

In other theaters, there are more places that need Yang Fei to complete the task.

This point, Song Qingyu and others are very clear in their hearts.

So, that's why they want to improve quickly.

In this case, Yang Fei will leave in the future.

Then they can also shoulder the burden of the Liude theater.

No, Yang Fei left on the front foot, and the little devil came on the back foot to wipe them out and take away the Liude war zone.

So, under such urging, they are all gnashing their teeth and exerting their strength. While Yang Fei is still here, they must make rapid progress.

Otherwise, after Yang Fei left, they might not be able to really shoulder the burden of the Liude war zone.

The most important thing is to shoulder the burden of the Liude theater.

They can't waste Yang Fei's hard work.

Not to mention living up to Yang Fei's expectations for them.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Song Qingyu and the others look very serious, Yang Fei nodded in satisfaction.

Then, smoking a cigarette, he walked out of the meeting room.

When it was time to eat, he went to eat first.

As for these four guys, just take advantage of this opportunity and study hard.

After returning to the office.

Xiao Liu brought the food to Yang Fei.

Meals are simple.

Two corn buns, a few pickles that I don't know what to use.

There is also a bowl of boiled vegetable soup. There is no noodles in it, just water soup.

"It's delicious, haha!"

Yang Fei smiled and said to Xiao Liu: "This pickle looks good, is it from the fellow?"

When I ate before, there were no pickles.

And among their ranks, the soldiers didn't make pickles either.

"Yes, team leader. After the villagers came back, thank us for beating the little devil and sending us a lot of pickles!"

Xiao Liu directly reported: "However, don't worry, leader, we didn't ask for the pickles from the villagers for nothing. The military supply department folded them up and gave them the ocean and some clothes. You told us that we have not forgotten. !"

Xiao Liu knew in his heart that the things that Yang Fei had told them before must be completed.

Take nothing from the masses.

If you accept it, you must exchange it at an equal value, and you can't let the people suffer.

This is the rule.

Every soldier firmly remembers these rules.

"Ah, very good!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei nodded with a smile: "You are doing the right thing, that's what you should do!"

"The common people are suffering enough. If we accept the pickles from the common people, then their future life will be miserable!"

"If you give them some oceans and clothes now, it will just solve their urgent needs!"

"Very good, well done!"

Yang Fei smiled and praised Xiao Liu.

"Hey, leader, this is what we should do!"

Xiao Liu chuckled and said, "We will remember what you told us."

"Well, have you eaten yet?"

Yang Fei picked up the Wowotou, ate the pickles, and asked Xiao Liu while eating.

"I ate it, Captain, you should hurry up and eat it!"

After Xiao Liu finished speaking, he began to tidy up Yang Fei's office.


As for Yang Fei, he ate with gusto.

Tasty pickles, paired with steamed buns, the taste is undeniable.

Just one word.

You know, this taste, most people can't taste it.

After 10 minutes, Yang Fei was full and said directly to Xiao Liu who was waiting at the side: "Go and order four more meals and send them to the conference room. Company Commander Song and the others haven't eaten yet."

"Yes, Captain!"

Xiao Liu took the order and was about to do it immediately.

"By the way, let's get them some more steamed buns, these are very edible!"

Yang Fei thought of Zhao Yili, an edible guy, and said directly.

"Hey, that's good, Captain!"

When Xiao Liu heard this, he turned around with a smile and went to carry out the order.

"I don't know how long I can stay here?"

Looking at Xiao Liu's back, Yang Fei murmured.

One task at a time.

Leave again and again.

Yang Fei actually didn't like this feeling very much.

But, for the mission, to kill the devil, he had to go through such a scene.

As if, this is his mission.

Ordinary officers and soldiers may stay in the same team for a lifetime.

As for him, he went to perform tasks everywhere, and since he left Lei Zhan's place, he hasn't stayed in one place for a long time.

He thought, when will Lei Zhan's transfer order come this time?

(End of this chapter)

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