Anti-Japanese Violent Army

3537 - 4 people with emotion

Chapter 3537 The four people with emotion

Yang Fei thought in his heart, according to the past, at this point in the mission, the transfer order is almost coming.

However, this time the transfer order never came.

This can't help but make Yang Fei think that for the little devils, the situation has become very serious.

For their anti-Japanese team, the situation has become better.

In such a case, there is no such tricky task.

Therefore, the transfer order did not come so fast.

Yang Fei felt that this should be the case.

Otherwise, there is no other explanation.

Now, the little devils in the major war zones are already having a hard time.

The first is the shortage of logistical resources.

Immediately following was the issue of the source of troops.

For these little devils, the problem of the source of soldiers is the first major problem they have to face.

This is indeed the case.

It’s different in the past.

For these little devils, according to their attack speed at the beginning, they had indeed won many, many territories on the land of China.

All the anti-Japanese teams that fought were retreating steadily.

lost heavily.

The invincibility along the way also ignited the arrogance of these little devils.

Let their offense become more and more sharp, and they have won more and more territories.

However, with the passage of time, in a short period of time, it is true that no resistance team can resist the attack of the devils.

But now, with the passage of time, the result is different.

The anti-Japanese team, which had been being beaten all the time, gradually got used to it.

The anti-Japanese team grew in adversity.

Progress step by step.

Step by step.

In the case of heavy losses and growing up in adversity, it gradually grew up.

Can resist little devils.

Slowly, I can defeat the little devil.

Can defeat some of the Imp's teams and wipe out the Imp's army.

It can be said that after paying a heavy price in the early stage, the anti-Japanese team has experienced fire and blood before reaching this point.

In the major war zones, the power of the little devil was resisted, restrained, and balanced.

As a result, the little devils fell into a problem that the source of soldiers could not solve.

You know, in the early stage, this was indeed the case, attacking a lot of territory, complacent.

But at this moment, under this large number of territories, the forces of the little devils have been greatly dispersed.

so that they cannot support each other.

As a result, a large number of troops were wiped out by the anti-Japanese troops.

This led to the current situation, and it was an extremely severe situation for the little devils.

These little devils at this moment are like the sun setting on the western mountain.

There is no more momentum, that momentum when I first came to China to invade.

It really arrived, and the momentum was like a rainbow from the beginning.

Now, the sunset is west.

Yang Fei analyzed these situations through the information that Lei Zhan regularly sent him.

Yang Fei knew that the little devils who had been wreaking havoc on the land of China for so long and caused the bloody crimes would not be around for long.

Next, it was time for these anti-war teams to break out.

Clean up and annihilate more devils.

So as to win the battle.

"Ha ha!"

"I finally see hope!"

"The haze is fading away, and hope is born!"

"Ha ha!"

Thinking of this, Yang Fei laughed heartily in the office.

Yang Fei believed that countless anti-Japanese soldiers were looking forward to this day.

Devil, it's finally about to lose momentum.

Although, on which day this result will be determined, I don't know.

But, now that there are signs, there is hope.

Then, in the next time, this day will not be too long.

Half a year.

Or a year.

Even two years.

It's nothing.

As long as there is hope, even if there are three years, there is no problem.

Know that in despair you can see hope and you cannot see hope.

That's totally two outcomes.

Just imagine.

You are trapped in a desperate situation.

In front of you, there is a haze, a darkness, a despair.

What's your mood, what's your feeling?
And what about another situation?

In front of you is also a haze, a darkness, a despair.

However, above this dark haze, there is a sun setting.

The setting sun is slowly dispelling the haze and darkness.

Under such circumstances, what kind of mood and feeling do you have!

So say it.

There is a difference between having hope and without hope, the situation you are in, and so on.

This is also the reason why Yang Fei is happy and excited at the moment.

Seeing hope, in the days to come, I will really have a bright future.

Otherwise, the days when you can't see hope will only make you more desperate.

Even if you have a good mentality, can persevere, can explode your potential, and continue to run forward.

But, sooner or later, when there is no hope in sight, you will burn out.

Once that time comes, what you are about to face is real despair.

"I hope Lao Lei's transfer order won't come so soon!"

"In this way, I can have more moments to help Song Qingyu and others become stronger, and at the same time, I can leave with peace of mind!"

Yang Fei smiled and murmured: "Perhaps, this transfer order will never come again!"

In fact, Yang Fei was looking forward to this point.

Why do you say that?
Because if Lei Zhan's transfer order does not come, it means that there will be no tricky tasks.

And the absence of tricky tasks meant that their team was stronger and began to be invincible.

By then, the victory of the Anti-Japanese War will not be far away.

This is what Yang Fei thought of.

Although, he knew that this was just his extravagant wish.

But, it's good to think about it when you're free, even if it's to cheer yourself up.

Thinking of this, the smile on Yang Fei's face became even stronger.

In his heart, he hoped that this day would come,

At that time, the people will be able to live a stable life.

It would be great if there was such a day.


After getting rid of these thoughts from his mind, Yang Fei lit a cigarette, smoked like this, and walked towards the conference room.

Hope is hope.

But, what's in front of you is the most important thing.

He estimated the time, and the four of Song Qingyu should have almost read the material plan he gave them.

That being the case, it's time for him to play again.


in the conference room.

The three of Song Qingyugu and Liu Zhiyun just gnawed on the cornbread, ate pickles, and looked at the plan that Yang Fei gave them. They read it with relish.

Looking at their appearance, people who don't know may think that what they are eating now is some kind of delicacy.

The truth.

They didn't eat any delicacies from mountains and seas.

It's completely corn-bread pickles.

It's not what they eat that really makes them relish.

It was something Yang Fei wrote to them.

These things are really important to them.

With this thing, they can save a lot of detours and make a big progress in a short period of time.

For them now, it was like it was raining heavily when they were about to die of thirst in the desert.

Just this gap.

"Old Song, what do you think is in Lao Yang's head?"

"How can he be so powerful, how can he know so much?"

"You said, why can't we compare?"

After Zhao Yili put down the plan in his hand, he looked at Song Qingyu who had also put down the plan, and started talking directly.

"Ha ha!"

Song Qingyu smiled and said, "Old Yang has the same things in his head as we do, except that he is high-end stuff, and we are all low-level stuff, so we need to keep learning!"

After Song Qingyu finished speaking, he looked at Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen who had regained their senses, and asked with a smile:

"How is it? How is your harvest?"

For this issue, Song Qingyu at the moment is still more concerned.

Progress is their biggest task now.

"A lot of feelings!"

Staff Officer Chen said with a wry smile: "Before I saw what Lao Yang gave me, I felt that I could still do it, but now, looking at it now, I am really useless, and the actual combat experience is too little!"

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen felt that he was wasting his time as a staff officer in the regiment headquarters.

Practical experience is really too important.

This thing is completely different from looking at a sand table map and doing a simulation.

The difference in the final effect is simply as big as a sky and an underground!

(End of this chapter)

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