Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3538 reprimand Zhao Yili

Chapter 3538 reprimand Zhao Yili

This is indeed what Staff Chen felt at the moment.

Before, when he was a staff officer in the regiment headquarters.

Working with other staff officers to formulate combat plans, etc., are all based on intelligence, sand table maps, and deduction.

Not to mention the success or failure of the battle plan they formulated in the final battle

This is not important.

The important thing is that they did so at the time.

Not just their group.

Even the entire [-]th Brigade can be said to have done that.

This is true of the brigade staff.

Not to mention their regiment headquarters staff.

So, after seeing Yang Fei's criticism and advice at this moment, he instantly came to his senses.

He felt that his previous self was really useless.

It seems, like a joke.

No wonder, the battle plan they made before failed eight out of ten times.

At that time they were still discussing to find the reason.

Unfortunately, the last reason was not found.

But at this moment, seeing Yang Fei's criticisms and pointers, he found the answer.

Practical experience.

It seems that the staff officers of the regiment headquarters lacked actual combat experience in the past.

Just like the old saying, if you don't do anything else, you will talk about it on paper.


What is the difference between what they did before and what they did on paper?

There is no difference.

Sandboxes and maps are not the same as battlefields.

The gap is huge, huge.

At this moment, he understood everything.

And it's too late to wake up now?

Actually it is not too late.

Although Staff Officer Chen felt that it was too late.

But, to be honest, it's not too late.

As long as you can wake up, it is never too late.

"You don't have to say that."

Song Qingyu said with a smile: "There are many staff officers who are in the same situation as you."

"This is also the reason why Lao Yang didn't set up a staff department in our regiment!"

"It is a good thing for an officer with actual combat experience to serve as a staff officer in the regiment headquarters."

"However, once an officer without actual combat experience serves as a staff officer, it will not be a good thing."

"Just like what you said, it doesn't mean that you are not to blame yourself for not awakening."

"It's your origin, which represents your direction!"

"You are in a regiment under the [-]th Brigade. You have military knowledge, rich theoretical experience, and a solid foundation!"

"Under such circumstances, what else can you do if you don't serve as the regiment's staff?"

"Really go to the battlefield for actual combat, leading troops?"

"This is simply impossible. I know very well that people like you who have rich knowledge of military theory are the treasures of the regiment, and you can't go to the battlefield."

"So, you don't have to think too much about this matter, and it's no wonder you!"

"It's not too late for you to wake up now and understand this point. In the next time, just correct it one by one!"

"I believe that after you realize this at this moment, your future road will be smoother. Believe in yourself, you can do it!"

Song Qingyu's words, although he was enlightening Staff Officer Chen at the moment.

However, for Staff Officer Chen, it was also a kind of recognition, a kind of recognition.

This warmed Staff Chen's heart and gave him a lot of comfort.

"Yes, Lao Song is right."

At this moment, Yang Fei's voice sounded.

Smoking like this, he came into the meeting room.

With Yang Fei's arrival, Song Qingyu and Liu Zhiyun immediately set their sights on him.

Yang Fei sat on the first seat with a smile, smoked a cigarette, exhaled a mouthful of smoke, and said with a smile:

"Recognizing this problem, you are doing very well now."

Yang Fei looked at Staff Officer Chen and continued:
"Can you see where you went wrong?"

"Being able to admit that what you did before, etc., is wrong, this represents your new life, your new start!"

"It can be said that, Lao Chen, since you have the current understanding, you have made progress."

"Similarly, in the next time, your future road will be even easier!"

"Because you are starting from a new starting point. In this case, your initial progress will be very fast. Believe me, you can do it!"

Yang Fei's words are more of an encouragement to Staff Officer Chen at this moment.

Although, in the proposal, he mostly criticized Staff Officer Chen's approach.

However, the purpose of his criticism was to let Staff Chen understand where he was wrong.

As long as he can realize his mistakes and put aside his wrong past, then what awaits him in the next time is the fast track of progress.

Everyone knows this.

Of course, if he couldn't realize his mistakes and would get angry because of Yang Fei's criticism, then his result would be another one, and he would develop directly in the opposite direction.

What does the development in the opposite direction represent?

It means no progress.

represents a retreat.

represents backwardness.

This is the case.

Fortunately, at this moment, Staff Officer Chen is completely awake to this point.

That's it.

This also proved that Yang Fei's hard work was not in vain.

This, at this moment, is the best result.


Hearing Yang Fei's words, Staff Officer Chen nodded heavily.

And said: "Old Yang, don't worry, I am a person who can withstand criticism. In the next time, I will definitely stand on this new starting point, work hard, and strive for greater success." Progress, take the burden of the Liude theater together with Lao Song, Lao Zhao, and Lao Liu, I will definitely not back down, I will not hold back, you can rest assured!"

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen made a decision in front of Yang Fei for the first time, expressing his determination.

You know, expressing his determination with Song Qingyu is completely different from expressing his determination in front of Yang Fei.

He expressed his determination to Song Qingyu, even if he couldn't finish it, Song Qingyu would just laugh at him at most.

But if you can't express your determination in front of Yang Fei, the consequences will be serious.

Don't forget, Yang Fei is the real supreme commander in the Liude theater at this time.

This is like a military order.

You set up a military order in front of the Supreme Commander, but failed to do so.

What are the consequences?
You can imagine.

So, at this time, Staff Officer Chen completely showed his sincerity and decision!

Yang Fei nodded, indicating that he saw it.

"Come on!"

"I believe you can do it!"

After Yang Fei encouraged Staff Officer Chen, he looked at Zhao Yili again.

Regarding Zhao Yili, to be honest, Yang Fei was very optimistic about him at the beginning.

Before Zhao Yili went out to carry out his mission, he had been lingering in his office.

Being by his side all the time, it can be seen that this guy is also a self-motivated person.

It's a pity that this guy was with Staff Officer Chen after he went out to perform his mission. I don't know if he was influenced by Staff Officer Chen or what.

The previous self-motivated spirit seemed to have broken down halfway without fuel.

This made Yang Fei very disappointed.

In his imagination, Zhao Yili's progress should be faster than Liu Zhiyun's.

Unfortunately, the reality is not like this. The opposite result came directly. Liu Zhiyun made rapid progress, but Zhao Yili stopped.

Although they didn't keep pace, the results were not much different.

So, this made Yang Fei very annoyed.

However, Yang Fei also knew that it was useless to get angry with someone with Zhao Yili's character.

Otherwise, if it is useful to get angry, he can just beat this guy up.

Sadly, it didn't work.

Even if he beat him up, it was useless.

It doesn't make any sense.


Hearing Yang Fei's words, Zhao Yili smiled embarrassedly and lowered his head.

Now, thinking of what he did before, he doesn't dare to see Yang Fei anymore.

No face to see.

He let Yang Fei down, he was ashamed.

Don't say far.

Let's talk about the last blocking combat mission.

If it weren't for Song Qingyu's help, the three of them might not be able to complete this task.

In Lao Chen's blocking position, accidents will happen first.

At that time, if there is an accident in Lao Chen's blocking position, then his blocking position will not be much better.

So, at this moment, being watched by Yang Fei, he felt very shameless.

"Well, you don't have to have such an attitude."

Yang Fei scolded and said with a serious face:
"Let me tell you, starting today, there are no combat missions, and you are right in front of my eyes. If I can't see your progress, just wait!"

Yang Fei directly threatened Zhao Yili.

It is impossible to treat this kind of person without some means!

(End of this chapter)

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