Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3540 Hope and Dawn

Chapter 3540 Hope and Dawn

If it was really like what Song Qingyu said, he would break one of his legs and let him learn a good lesson.

During the period of raising his legs, then he is really going to regress.

The lesson is long, but not being able to improve, this is the most unacceptable point for him.

So, at this moment, he is trying his best to refute.

Moreover, while refuting Song Qingyu and others, he also secretly glanced at Yang Fei.

He wanted to see what Yang Fei's expression was.

If Yang Fei is moved, it will be difficult for him.

Fortunately, he didn't see any emotion or other expressions on Yang Fei's expression.

"Look, we gave Lao Zhao a fright, haha!"

Song Qingyu laughed out loud when he heard this.

He was just happy to see this scene.

Of course, his purpose was just to liven up his anger.

He knew in his heart that Yang Fei wouldn't do it very well.

"Ha ha!"

Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen also laughed at this moment.

Seeing Zhao Yili's anxious look, they were very happy in their hearts.

"OK OK!"

Yang Fei smiled and waved his hands, and said to Zhao Yili, "Sit down."


Zhao Yili glared at Song Qingyu and the others when he heard Yang Fei's words.

These three guys are not good things.

Especially Lao Chen, who was lucky to be so close to him, and at this time, he still followed him into trouble, which is not a good thing!
Hearing Yang Fei's words, Zhao Yili sat down obediently.

"You three, are you still in the mood to tease Lao Zhao!"

Yang Fei looked at Song Qingyu and the others, and said with a serious expression:
"Is your own problem small?"

"Because of a little progress, I am complacent."

Yang Fei started talking directly to Song Qingyu and the others.

Indeed it is.

Song Qingyu and others have made some progress, even a lot.

However, among them, there are many, and not a few, faults.

If they can get rid of these shortcomings and defects, then their abilities and military skills can definitely go a step further.


Seeing Yang Fei began to reprimand Song Qingyu and others, Zhao Yili who was on the side suddenly laughed.

At this moment, with his appearance, it is obvious that he is gloating.

"Okay, okay, it's not the time for you to talk about me, it's better for Lao Yang to beat you up. Hehe!"

In Zhao Yili's heart, he was thinking like a child.


Seeing Yang Fei aiming his gun at himself and the others, Song Qingyu couldn't laugh anymore.

They all lowered their heads.

Start a strategic retreat.

At this time, they didn't dare to touch Yang Fei directly.

Otherwise, their fate would not be much better than that of Zhao Yili.

"Remember it all for me. In the next time, I will correct all your bad habits, shortcomings, etc.!"

"Otherwise, once you take on the important task of Liude theater, if you can't support it, what will happen, you are very clear in your heart!"

"So, what to do, you decide for yourself!"

For Song Qingyu and others, Yang Fei has never been stingy with being strict.

After all, it is Yang Fei's insistence that strict teachers produce outstanding apprentices.

Although Song Qingyu and others were not his apprentices.

However, these guys are all people who learn skills from him. They don't have the status of masters and apprentices, but they have the reality of masters and apprentices.

There is no difference between master and apprentice.

This is also the reason why he was so harsh on several guys.

Of course, for other people, other fighters, he actually did the same.

It's just that, because there are too many fighters, he can't teach them all with all his heart.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to complete missions and battles all day long, he would just quit his position as a commander and become an instructor and coach for the soldiers.

"Yes, Lao Yang!"


Hearing what Yang Fei said, Song Qingyu and the others didn't dare to say a word, so they immediately started to promise.

"Okay, let's all sit down!"

After Yang Fei said a word, he didn't waste any time, and directly started the main topic of this meeting.

Otherwise, if the time is delayed, who knows how long it will be delayed.

Hearing Yang Fei's words, Song Qingyu and the others all sat down, and sat upright, waiting for Yang Fei's opening.

"The combat mission in the Liude theater, starting today, can be said to have come to an end!"

"As far as the little devils are concerned, even if they get the news, it is impossible for them to gather their forces again in a short time and come to revenge."

Yang Fei said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, why is that, Lao Yang?"

Zhao Yili was very puzzled about this from the very beginning.

Although, Song Qingyu briefly said it before.

However, he still didn't fully understand it.

He felt that what Song Qingyu said was not as clear as what Yang Fei said.

This kind of thing is the most clear and clear for Yang Fei to tell them.

"Didn't Lao Song tell you before?"

Hearing Zhao Yili's doubts, Yang Fei looked at Song Qingyu.

After all, he told Song Qingyu about this matter, the reasons for it, and so on.

Although he didn't say very detailed, it is not very difficult to get the answer through what he said.

"Where is the time?"

Song Qingyu smiled bitterly when he heard Yang Fei's words:
"I just briefly mentioned it to them before, they may not have remembered it, and since the end of the battle, we have not been idle, one task and one order, and the people who will hide Finding them, bringing them out to live, etc., I really don’t have time to explain this situation to him three times.”

What Song Qingyu said is true.

From the end of the battle until now, I haven't had a good rest yet.

"Old Yang, this is the situation!"

Liu Zhiyun nodded, indicating that it was so.

Staff Officer Chen also nodded, agreeing with this point.

He didn't say anything about Zhao Yili's words.

However, from the fact that he didn't say anything, he knew that what Song Qingyu said was true.


Yang Fei nodded, he didn't pursue this point, and said directly:

"Since Lao Song didn't have time to tell you in detail when he was in the past, let me tell you about it at this time."

"This question, the answer is very simple!"

"Old Song also mentioned a little bit to you before, and I also explained a little bit in the information I gave you earlier!"

"It can be said that the reason for this situation is that today is different from the past. Our anti-Japanese team is no longer as weak as before."

"We have become stronger, and we will no longer allow these little devils to bully and kill!"

"At this moment, no matter which war zone it is in, our anti-Japanese armed forces are very strong and can defeat or even annihilate the little devil's troops!"

"Under such circumstances, the little devils who have stretched the front line for such a long time, their sources of troops are starting to be short-changed and tense. It is even possible that the major regions must mobilize support from each other in order to save them."

"And at this moment, we are here, that is, in this small war zone, in the Liude war zone, and we have killed the little devils here. Because of the shortage of devils in the major war zones, it is impossible for them to fight in a short period of time. For this small Liude war zone, they sent troops to seek revenge on us!"

"I said so, you understand?"

When Yang Fei said this, he already said it very clearly, very clearly.

"Old Yang, if you say that, will our war against the devil's aggression be about to win and end?"

At this moment, Zhao Yili was very excited when he heard Yang Fei's words.

After all, the one thing they want most every day, every night, all the time, is to defeat the little devils as soon as possible, and drive these damned invaders and killers out of the land of China.

Before, there was no hope.

But at this moment, I heard Yang Fei's analysis.

Hope, it seems, is in sight.

"It can be said like this!"

Yang Fei looked at the excited Zhao Yili and said:

"Now, we are in the war against the Japanese invaders, we have seen hope, we have seen the dawn!"

"As long as we persevere, victory must belong to us!"

"Remember, this is Huaxia, our place, not, let alone let these beasts run wild here!"

"I believe that in a short time, we will be able to drive these little devils and beasts out of the land of China!"

Yang Fei's words are extremely firm and sonorous at the moment!

(End of this chapter)

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