Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3541 Reconfirmation 1

Chapter 3541 Confirm again

Similarly, Song Qingyu and Zhao Yili, who heard what Yang Fei said, were also full of enthusiasm.

Moreover, the heart that had been dead for a long time, at this moment, also became alive and colorful, with a different color.

It is no longer just the method and belief of fighting devils and killing devils.

At this moment, they also have a desire for the future life.

After all, in the past, like the soldiers, like the people who suffered and were oppressed and killed by the little devils, they dare not think about the future life.

I dare not have such a beautiful idea, and I dare not plan what my future life will be like.

After all, the little devil is still there, and they haven't driven him out of China yet.

Under such circumstances, what qualifications do they have to think about the future.

What are you thinking about, planning for the future?

So, under such circumstances, because of such reasons, the pure land and longing deep in their hearts became completely silent.

All I have is one thing, one thought.

That is, kill devils, beat devils.

From that moment on, there was only one thought left in their hearts.

Kill devils, kill devils!

I dare not think otherwise.

The little devils are wreaking havoc on the land of China and destroying their homes. Even if they have the best ideas, it is useless. These little devils will destroy everything for you.

No hope in sight.

But now, it's completely different.

Yang Fei's words gave them hope and the dawn of dawn.

There is hope.

And under the nourishment of this hope, their dead hearts, at this moment, are rejuvenated.

Otherwise, they dare not think about the future.

From this point, it is also more obvious.

Hope and dawn are so important to those who can't see the way ahead.

This kind of importance is like being a new student.

It can also be said that it is a new student.

Without this hope and the coming of the dawn, their hearts are still very silent at this moment, and they only have one thought, that is to kill the devils and kill the devils.

There is simply no other way of thinking.

Because of this, at this moment, their hearts have other colors and vitality like new life.

"Old Yang, is the information you got true?"

Zhao Yili came to his senses, and when he came back to his senses, he asked uncertainly in his tone.

After all, this matter, this hope, is really too important.

So, at this time, he wanted to get the exact news from Yang Fei.

Get the kind of news that isn't guesswork.

Just because the hope came so suddenly, at this moment, he felt a little uncertain.

At this moment, what he wants to know most is the real answer.

It's not the kind of speculation or deduction.

In fact, Zhao Yili is not the only one who has this idea.

Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen also had the same idea.

Of course, Song Qingyu did not.

Because, first of all, he believed in Yang Fei, and secondly, he also believed in his own judgment.

According to the information he got from Yang Fei, analyzing them one by one, and comparing the situation in front of him, he came to the conclusion that what Yang Fei said was true.

More real than real gold.

At this moment, after Zhao Yili finished speaking, the eyes of Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen fell on Yang Fei.

As for Liu Zhiyun, who has made great progress, why does he want this answer this time?

The purpose is also very clear.

Because he didn't get the information Song Qingyu got.

Otherwise, he would be able to come up with the answer after analysis.

At this time, it was too late for him to analyze.

It just so happens that Yang Fei is here, just wait for Yang Fei to tell them the answer.

It's that simple.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the eyes of the three, Yang Fei smiled and said, "It's true!"

"I don't need to say this myself, and it's not the answer I deduced. It's the situation that the heads of the anti-Japanese teams in the major theaters can analyze!"

"Now, you believe it."

"If I say it alone, there may be mistakes!"

"However, I'm not the only one talking about it now. From the regular intelligence summary messages sent to me by the war zone, there are these!"

"Of course, when I first started, I was just like you, and I was a little unsure about this!"

"However, after deduction based on judgment, the result is the same as what those leaders analyzed!"

"In this way, there will be no mistakes. Now, you can rest assured!"

Regarding this, Yang Fei has no emotion.

this is normal phenomenon.

In fact, what he would like to see the most is this scene.

Because, Zhao Yili and others, under the circumstance of trusting him so much, will analyze and confirm the matter in this way.

Rather than what he said blindly, Zhao Yili and others just believed.

Under such circumstances, have your own independent analysis ability, put forward opinions and so on.

That's a good thing.

It's a good sign.

For this, Yang Fei is very satisfied.

As it should be.

Anyway, on the battlefield, no matter how much you trust your companions, don't blindly follow them.

Otherwise, once you have this kind of blind obedience, it will bring you surprises sooner or later.

Bring about unexpected situations, even accidental ones.

So, under such circumstances, he is very satisfied with what the three of Zhao Yili did.

But at this moment, Liu Zhiyun, Staff Officer Chen, and Zhao Yili felt relieved when they heard what Yang Fei said.

It's not that they doubt Yang Fei and don't believe what Yang Fei said.

Rather, this matter, this judgment, is really too important.

For them, this news is really the ray of light in the darkness.

It's really the kind of hope that comes down.

So, don't allow them to be sloppy.

After confirming it again in this way, their hearts are completely relieved.

"Hey, that's fine, that's fine."

In Zhao Yili's eyes, at this moment, an unprecedented look burst out.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

"Waiting for so long!"

"It's been so long."

"Hey, he finally saw hope, saw the dawn of victory!"

"In order to drive these bastards out of the land of China, how many people and comrades did we sacrifice?"

"At this moment, after we completely win in the future, they can also rest in peace!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Yili's tiger eyes began to turn red and tears flowed out.

He thought of the villagers and folks who had died tragically at the hands of the devils.

I thought of the comrades who died in front of me.

And these comrades of his, when they sacrificed, there was incomparable despair in their eyes.

That kind of look is the kind that really has no hope for the future life.

And at this moment, there is finally hope and dawn.

When the time comes, the battle will be won, and the comrades he sacrificed will finally be able to rest in peace.

At this moment, it was not only Zhao Yili, but also Liu Zhiyun, Staff Officer Chen, and even Song Qingyu.

The feelings and feelings in their hearts are the same as Zhao Yili's now!
(End of this chapter)

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