Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3542 Big Liu Village Buys Grain

Chapter 3542 Big Liu Village Buys Grain
You must know that when their comrades sacrificed, the last expression in their eyes was only despair and endless darkness.

If their comrades-in-arms at that time knew that there was hope, then their eyes, at the last one, burst out, it was definitely a yearning for future life, and a longing full of hope!
Time passed, and after Yang Fei gave Liu Zhiyun and others a final lecture and arrangement in the next time, the meeting ended.

This time, Yang Fei only pointed out two points at the meeting.

First, train, correct, improve!
Second, resettle the people, help the people, and rebuild their homes!

These two are extremely important.

It is the most important thing during this period of time, that is, the period before Yang Fei was transferred.

Even, in the face of rebuilding the homes of the people, the training progress of the soldiers and so on are ranked second.

The people are the most important.

This is especially true for the Liude area at this time.

In the past, the little devils in the Liude war zone were really too ruthless.

In order to collect resources, Tucun of Tucun, all in all, is doing everything that is out of the ordinary.

Let the people, in desperation, only escape and escape.

At this moment, after the little devil is killed by them, then they find the common people and must help the common people rebuild their homes.

Otherwise, it would simply not work to rely solely on the people to rebuild their homes.

In any case, at this time, the power of the people is really too weak.

If the common people want to rebuild their homes, they must have their help.

In this way, under Yang Fei's order, the soldiers of these battalions alternated in batches and began to help the common people to rebuild their homes.

Daliu Village.

This village is not very far from Liude City.

Moreover, it is surrounded by mountains and rivers.

It can be said that after the arrival of the little devil, the whole village was preserved.

Because relying on the mountains, after receiving the news of the arrival of the little devil and sweeping other villages, the people of this village, directly under the organization of the village chief, brought food and family members, etc., all entered the mountain forest dodge.

It can be said that there are only houses left in the village that cannot be moved.

All other things that could be used were moved to the mountains by the villagers.

It can be said that there is not a grain of food left for the little devils.

Under such circumstances, after the little devils were wiped out by Yang Fei and the soldiers, the people of Daliu Village got the news immediately and returned to the village under the leadership of the village chief.

Today, Yang Fei brought Song Qingyu to Daliu Village.

There is only one purpose, and that is to buy food.

Yes, buy food.

Other villages were severely damaged. Although the people came back, there was simply not enough food to eat.

Although, they wiped out the little devils in this Liude war zone before.

However, the grain seized was not a lot.

In the past, these little devils had already harvested and robbed them of food, transported it to other war zones, and handed it over to other little devils.

So, under such circumstances, Yang Fei and the others did not capture a lot of food after exterminating the little devils.

He had ordered before that these grains should be given to the people as much as possible.

However, it is still difficult to close this gap so that all returning soldiers have food to eat.

Under such circumstances, Yang Fei could only put his mind on a village like Daliu Village that suffered little loss.

In villages like Daliu Village, the people have hidden food. If they can buy it, it is completely possible for other people to spend the most urgent time in front of them.

Of course, once this is done, the people and villages who sell food will also have to eat on their stomachs.

Every meal can't be full, just enough to keep you from being hungry.

So, Yang Fei knew in his heart that in troubled times, food is everything to the common people.

If you have money, you may not be able to buy food.

If you have food, you will not starve to death. Even if the devil comes back again, if you hide and have food, you will survive.

On the contrary, if you have money but no food, then you will probably starve to death.

After all, in troubled times, money is not enough.

If you have money but can't buy food, then you have to wait to die.

There is only this result, and there will be no other results.

So, for the matter of buying food, this task, Yang Fei chose to do it himself, instead of directly handing it over to Song Qingyu and others.

He was really worried. Guys like Song Qingyu were good at fighting and killing devils, but they were not good at communicating with the common people to buy food.

If the task is given to them, once they screw it up, that will be the real trouble.

Looking at Daliu Village in front of him, Yang Fei asked, "Have you figured out the situation in Daliu Village?"

To be on the safe side, Yang Fei still wanted to confirm with Song Qingyu.

After all, Song Qingyu was responsible for finding out the situation in Daliu Village.

"Well, I figured it out, you can rest assured about this."

Song Qingyu said with a serious face: "The people in Daliu Village were all brought out by me in the mountains, so I can definitely figure out the situation!"

"In addition, from the previous conversations with the people in Daliu Village, he has a good impression of our anti-Japanese team, and he is very grateful to us for annihilating the little devils and allowing them to return home again!"

"Old Yang, I believe that under such a premise, we must have no difficulty in buying grain."

Regarding this point, Song Qingyu was very confident.

After all, he had been in contact with the people of Daliu Village before, and these people in Daliu Village had a great impression of them.

In any case, they were the ones who wiped out the little devils in the Liude theater.

Under such circumstances, it is strange that there is no good feeling.

So, this also led to the current Song Qingyu, who is very confident about this.


However, Yang Fei shook his head with a smile and said:
"You are also a child from a poor family. You struggled in the village. How could you not know that food is above everything else?"

"You have to know, especially at a time like this, the common people value food more than anything else."

"Food can be said to be their lifeblood. If you ask them for other things, even money, they can give it to you. But in terms of food, it is somewhat impossible, and it can even be said that it is very difficult. .”

"Don't even think about it. If they hand over the food to you, what will they eat? Wouldn't they be hungry!"

When Yang Fei said this to Song Qingyu, he was very serious.

"Old Yang, I know all this, after all, I am also from the village!"

Song Qingyu's thinking was different from Yang Fei's. He said: "We didn't buy all the food in Daliu Village, but let them keep enough for themselves, and sell the rest to us. That's it. reason."

Song Qingyu still felt that the matter was not that serious.

He thought, if it was him, then he would definitely keep his own, after the rations of the living family, sell the rest, and help other people who are suffering and have no food.

"Don't talk about it, let's go to the village to have a look first."

Yang Fei shook his head, he didn't want to waste time arguing with Song Qingyu on this point.

It's better to go to Daliu Village first, and then talk about it after seeing the specific situation.

"it is good!"

Song Qingyu didn't say much, just nodded, and led Yang Fei, and a few soldiers behind, towards Daliu Village in front of him.

At this moment, outside Daliu Village, several villagers who were digging saw Song Qingyu's arrival.

He walked over with a smile on his face.

And, very warmly greeted:
"Company Commander Song, you are here, hurry up and enter the village."

"Our village head told us that once you arrive, come to the village immediately and treat you well."

It can be seen that the villagers at this moment are really grateful to Song Qingyu and the soldiers.

This attitude is not fake.

Yang Fei could tell at a glance.

"Haha, sir, here I come again."

Song Qingyu also responded with a big smile, and said, "Look, didn't the village chief say that he wanted to meet our regiment leader? No, I brought our regiment leader here."

While talking, Song Qingyu introduced Yang Fei to the villagers of Daliu Village: "This is our leader, Yang Fei!"

(End of this chapter)

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