Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3543 You must not ask for things

Chapter 3543 You must not ask for things

Song Qingyu introduced to the people: "This is our head, Yang Fei."

In fact, this was also the reason why Song Qingyu felt that there was no problem.

Because, in the past, the people of Daliu Village wanted to see Yang Fei, the head of the regiment.

In any case, it was Yang Fei who led the soldiers to wipe out the devils in the Liude War, so that they could come out and live in the mountains without avoiding the little devils.

It can be said that this kind of life is no different from seeing the sun again.

Therefore, the villagers of Daliu Village are very grateful to Yang Fei, the head of the group.

This is why Song Qingyu believes that there is no problem or accident when buying grain in Daliu Village this time.

"Commander Yang, you are Commander Yang, alas, thank you very much, our Daliu Village thank you very much."

"Yes, Commander Yang, if you hadn't led the soldiers to kill the devils on our side, then we are still living in caves and thatched huts in the mountains at this moment."

"Teacher Yang, thank you, thank you very much, the villagers of our entire village, thank you very much, thank you!"

These villagers, seeing Yang Fei at this moment, came directly to Yang Fei's side and began to thank him.

The attitude of the villagers is extremely sincere.

Yang Fei can fully feel this point.

"My fellow, hello, hello, I'm Yang Fei."

Yang Fei also grabbed the hands of these villagers with a smile, and said directly with a smile: "If you are grateful, I will see you. Our Eighth Route Army and you are a family. We are all from poor families. We know your difficulties better." , So, don’t say thank you, we beat devils just for our family to live a stable life.”

"After all, if you don't annihilate and drive away these little devils, none of us can live a peaceful life."

At this moment, Yang Fei looked at these villagers with great emotion.

He was born in Dayang Village. At that time, Lei Zhan led them in Dayang Village and started to develop.

At that time, they were really living in dire straits.

Those devils, those beasts, they are really not a thing, killing and looting.

They can't live their lives any longer. Every day, they worry about whether these little devils will come again to kill them under the leadership of those damned traitors.

Later, Lei Zhan began to lead them to resist and lead them to join the Eighth Route Army.

And, kill and annihilate the little devils in their place, establish a base, and so on.

Yang Fei was right, they, the villagers, and the common people were like a family.

The Eighth Route Army is a team of the people, serving the people wholeheartedly, fighting devils for the people, so that the people can live a stable life.

So, at this moment, Yang Fei also told the villagers in front of him, don't say thank you.

Say thank you and see you.

"Let's go, Head Yang, let's go to the village. If the village head knows you're here, he will be very happy!"

"Yes, Commander Yang, let's go, let's go to the village, let's go to the village, not only the village, but all the people in Daliu Village will thank you when they know about your arrival."


In this way, Yang Fei, Song Qingyu, and several soldiers entered Daliu Village with smiles and joy under the warm welcome of the villagers.


10 minutes later.

Daliu Village boiled up.

"Commander Yang is here!"

"Villagers, Captain Yang is here!"

"Come on, Captain Yang is here!"

"Haha, Commander Yang has come to our village, come out soon!"



It can be said that the arrival of Yang Fei made Daliu Village boil instantly.

A famous villager ran around telling each other, passing the news of Yang Fei's arrival to each other.

It didn't take long for all the people in Daliu Village to become active.

And, gathered outside the village chief's yard.

Of course, it is impossible to stand in the courtyard at this moment.

The villagers who came early were all blocked in the yard.

The villagers who came later could only be outside the courtyard or on the courtyard wall.

In order to see Yang Fei, the villagers climbed up on the courtyard wall and the roof.

"Uncle Liu, look, this?"

When Yang Fei saw this scene, while understanding in his heart, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Originally, he came to Daliu Village to ask if he could buy some grain.

Who knew that this would happen right away.

He is not the kind of person who makes a big statement. Now that so many people have come down, what should the people do with their own work? They have all let go.

Isn't this a delay?
So, at this moment, Yang Fei felt a little helpless, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

He could only look at the village chief, Uncle Liu, for help.

"Captain Yang, after all, you are the benefactors of our Daliu Village."

Old man Liu, the village head, didn't care about this: "Our Daliu Village is a grateful village!"

"So, under such circumstances, is it understandable for the villagers to do so?"

"Also, you can't leave today, you must stay. Our Daliu Village must thank you well today."

"Only in this way can our hearts be at ease. Otherwise, our hearts will be uneasy. After all, you are the great benefactor of our village."

"Of course, not only you, but also your soldiers are all benefactors of our Daliu Village!"

"You don't know, before you came, our village discussed that we should bring things and go to Liude City to thank you and the soldiers."

"It just so happens that you are here today, so you must stay and accept our thanks in the village. When you leave, you must take our thanks back to Liude City and give it to the soldiers."

Old man Liu, the village head, was very serious.

Yang Fei felt the sincerity of the village chief, Old Man Liu.

However, he waved his hand directly and said:

"Uncle Liu, thank you from the village, we have subordinates, but the things are left behind, we can't ask for them!"

"This time is the most difficult time. The villagers also need these things, so we can't ask for them!"

"In this regard, we are disciplined!"

The words of thanks and so on, this point, Yang Fei accepted, because there is no problem with it.

But, if there is something, it is absolutely unacceptable.

This is the rule.

Even more discipline!

Besides, he came here to ask for something, let alone ask for things.

The villagers thanked them voluntarily, but that didn't work either.

"Hey, Commander Yang, I said you young man, you can't do this!"

When Uncle Liu heard this, he immediately became a little anxious:

"I don't care what discipline you have, what are the rules?"

"You saved the people in our Daliu Village and allowed us to live a stable life. These thanks are just what we should. We give it to you voluntarily. Thank you. If you don't want it, what's the matter?"

"Teacher Yang, this word, my old man put it here today, even if it is these things, if you don't want them today, then tomorrow, I will take the men from the village and send them to Liude City for you and the soldiers."

As soon as he heard that Yang Fei didn't want it, the village chief, old man Liu, became anxious immediately.

After all, the grace of saving lives is greater than the sky.

Although they are hiding in the mountains, the little devil can't find them, and there is no danger to their lives.

However, in their generation, these old men are young and strong.

And the women and children in the village, old and young, can't stay in the mountains and forests.

You know, the mountains and forests are extremely humid, and there are poisonous insects, snakes, rats, etc. These things have nothing to do with the young and strong in their village.

However, it is not friendly to young and old.

Bitten by snakes, bitten by rats and poisonous insects.

These are all fatal things.

Besides, they have been hiding in the mountains and forests, what about their next generation, young children?
Going down sooner or later, the village will also have an accident, and it will be finished.

In their Liude area, he had never heard of that village where they could live in the mountains for a long time.

So, if calculated in this way, Yang Fei and the soldiers, to Daliu Village, are a new life and a great favor to see the sun again.

Everyone in Daliu Village remembers this kindness.

To be a human being, one cannot forget one's roots and one cannot be ungrateful.

Let alone be an ungrateful person.

They are not this kind of people in Daliu Village.

So, at this moment, old man Liu is very serious about Yang Fei.

"Yes, Commander Yang, you don't have to!"

"That's right, this is the sincerity of our village, and it's our thanks from your Eighth Route Army."

"Yes, no matter what, you have to accept it, otherwise, we will take the things and go to Liude City as the village chief said."

"Commander Yang, please accept it. This is our intention. We all know that you and the soldiers eat corned buns, and life is hard."

"Yes, you accept it, and you accept it on behalf of the soldiers. This can be regarded as improving the living conditions for the soldiers!"




At this moment, the people in the yard and the villagers outside the yard.

The villagers on the courtyard wall and roof also spoke loudly to Yang Fei.

For them, these things given are not a lot.

However, this is indeed their intention.

They saw that Yang Fei and his soldiers ate the worst food.

What's more, there are leaves, grass roots, bark and so on mixed in that cornbread.

Such an Eighth Route Army, they all shed tears when they saw it.

However, it was such a group of extremely cute people who drove away the little devils and wiped out the little devils in the Liude area, allowing them to live a stable life at this moment.

Under such circumstances, seeing the soldiers eating grass roots, bark, leaves, etc. in their hearts, they felt very uncomfortable.

So, under such circumstances, they did their best to improve the lives of the soldiers.

Although it is impossible to let the soldiers eat white flour steamed buns.

However, it is still possible to eat steamed buns made of pure grain.

"Old Yang!"

Looking at the excited villagers, Song Qingyu said, "If not, just accept it."

To be honest, Song Qingyu also felt bad about the hard life of the soldiers.


However, Yang Fei's attitude is very firm.

Don't take the masses one by one.

This rule, this discipline cannot be broken.

"Captain Yang, you...!"

Now, Old Man Liu, the village head who heard Yang Fei's words, immediately stared.

He didn't expect that Yang Fei would not accept these things.

This made the old man feel angry in his heart.

"Lao Yang, let's buy it, let's buy it, let's go to the head office now."

Seeing this, Song Qingyu also became anxious.

After all, they will discuss buying food later.

As for Yang Fei, why didn't he understand this truth.

And what he thought in his heart was, if this is the case in Daliu village, should other villages also do the same?

Things can be bought.

However, if the money is given to the people at this time, what use is it for them to take the money.

This is also the reason why he was worried that the people would not agree to using money to buy food.

In troubled times, money is the most useless thing.

Of course, this is true for the poor at the bottom.

Poor people who have money are likely to be robbed and killed by rich and unkind people.

Therefore, Yang Fei was worried about this.


Regarding Song Qingyu's words, Yang Fei nodded.

Reluctantly agree.


"Take money to buy!!!"

"That won't work!"

"This is not a decision!"

"what is this?!!"

When he heard the old man Liu, the village chief, he stood up angrily.

"Teacher Yang, if you bought these things with money today, once word spreads, what will Daliu Village become? A bunch of ungrateful things!"

"This won't work, absolutely not!"

"Our Daliu Village can't afford to lose this person!"

"You can't do this, it's an insult to us, no!"

The words of Old Man Liu, the village chief, were immediately spread.

The villagers in the yard also roared at this moment.

buy with money.

This is absolutely impossible.

Anyway, this is what they thank the Eighth Route Army for.

How can the Eighth Route Army buy it?

This is absolutely not acceptable.

Once word spread, the reputation of Daliu Village would be ruined.

At that time, who in other villages will communicate with them in Daliu Village?

This is absolutely not possible.

"Gentlemen, villagers, folks, listen to me!"

Seeing the excited villagers, Yang Fei jumped onto the table and said loudly, "Listen to me!"



Hearing Yang Fei's words and looking at Yang Fei who was standing on the table, the village chief Old Man Liu and the villagers all stopped.

They wanted to see what Yang Fei had to say.

Anyway, what they are grateful for is what they are grateful for, to repay their life-saving grace.

Absolutely no money.

No matter what Yang Fei said, it would not work.

Of course, it doesn't hurt to listen first.

"First of all, we understand the thoughts in your hearts!"

"Also, at this moment, your life is also very difficult, you shouldn't do this!"

"Thank you, our subordinates, but things, we absolutely can't take them!"

"Yes, our soldiers and I, life is indeed hard. Eating chaff and swallowing vegetables is not considered a thing. Adding leaves, bark, and roots to rough noodles is indeed hard life."

"However, this is not the reason for us to accept your thanks."

"So, I accept your thanks, and I accept it on behalf of our soldiers."

"Things, we absolutely can't want them."

"Even if you want it, you can't ask for it in vain. We will call for something of the same value, or give you money in exchange for your things!"

"Okay, okay, don't get excited, keep listening to me!"

Looking at the villagers of Daliu Village who were getting excited again, Yang Fei waved his hands loudly again and said.

"Listen to me first, don't get excited, listen to me next."

Under such circumstances, the villagers calmed down again.

(End of this chapter)

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