Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3544 The Hardest Moment

Chapter 3544 The Hardest Moment

In fact, Yang Fei already had an idea in his mind at this moment.

Perhaps, the source of the food has been lost.

Earlier, he was worried that the people would not help other people and share their own food.

But at this moment, seeing the people in Daliu Village, he felt that he was too worried.

Therefore, Yang Fei had an idea in his mind.

In this way, they don't need to collect things, but solve the situation of the people who lack food in other places.

The best of both worlds.

At this time, Yang Fei also relaxed in his heart.

After all, as long as the food shortage of other people can be solved, then the development of the Liude area will have no problem.

At the very least, there is no problem for the people in the Liude War Zone to survive this most difficult time.

After all, this period of time is the most difficult time for the people in Liude area.

As long as this period of time is passed, and the soldiers are trained and armed.

Even in the later period, the little devils continued to come.

Then they don't have to be afraid.

People, let alone flee again.

Instead, they can continue to live in the Liude area in a stable manner.

At this moment, Yang Fei thought a lot, a lot.

What pleased him most was that these villagers did not disappoint him.

It's not what he thought before.

"Fellows, gentlemen, brothers, listen to me!"

In fact, Yang Fei thought of so much at this moment, and at this moment, he didn't want to waste any more time.

He was about to get the topic straight to the point.

After all, if there is any further delay, who knows what these excited villagers will do.

Why not take advantage of the current, when the villagers are in high spirits, to speak out about the current difficulties in the Liude area.

In this case, perhaps, the villagers will directly agree and take the initiative to help other villages. It will be difficult for the people who have no food and food to go.

If so, the result is for the best.

The villagers at this moment, looking at Yang Fei standing on the table, also looked forward to what Yang Fei would say next.

Of course, the most important thing in the hearts of the villagers is to let Yang Fei replace the soldiers and accept their thanks.

This is the most important.

As for the rest, it doesn't matter.

Their thanks must be sent out.

People from Daliu Village can't spread the word, and they are considered an ungrateful village by others.

This can't be done.

"That's right. In fact, I came to Daliu Village this time to ask for help."

At this moment, Yang Fei said with a heavy expression:
"You all know that this is the most difficult time for our Liude region."

"In the past, the little devils and these beasts were all there. They were in the Liude area, causing massacres, slaughtering villages, robbing resources, robbing food, and so on."

"Under such circumstances, most of the villages are not spared. Even if the people can hide and hide, they live a life of hunger and hunger."

"And at this moment, we wiped out the little devils, so that other little devils dare not come!"

"Under such circumstances, I asked the soldiers to call back all the hidden people, and let them continue to survive, live, and rebuild their homes in the Liude area!"

"And under such circumstances, the common people have all returned, but even if they have returned, the situation facing the common people is even more severe and cruel!"

"You also know, the former little devils, what did they come here for?"

"It's not burning."

"Not for women."

"Their purpose is only one, and that is to plunder the food in our Liude area."

"Because the war has lasted for so long, they are also short of resources."

"Under such circumstances, these beasts can only plunder our supplies and so on."

"This has led to the fact that our people can't survive."

Originally, the villagers of Daliu Village watched Yang Fei speak with anticipation.

They expected that after Yang Fei finished speaking, he would accept what their village was grateful for.

However, when they heard Yang Fei say these words at this moment, their faces all showed grief.



At this moment, these emotions actually exploded in the hearts of the villagers of Daliu Village.

But, they are suppressing.

The villagers of Daliu Village knew very well that before, if Daliu Village hadn't gotten the news early and escaped quickly.

Whether or not their Daliu Village still exists is a question.

Perhaps, their Daliu Village, like other villages, was destroyed under the devil's iron hoof.

Their hearts are full of fear, anger, and unwillingness.

In ordinary times, there may be conflicts between villages.

However, in the face of national hatred, they are a family.

Other villages were destroyed by the little devil, and the villagers were brutally slaughtered by the little devil, and their hearts were also extremely angry.

But at this moment, Yang Fei's words once again aroused the anger in the hearts of the villagers of Daliu Village.

Unfortunately, they are just ordinary villagers, they have no strength and no weapons.

Otherwise, they would still be able to fight the little devil and fight the little devil desperately.

Unfortunately, they don't have these things.

Similarly, when there was a way to retreat in the mountains, Daliu Village chose to retreat into the mountains for the sake of his family and children.

This is completely human.

It is the nature of a normal person to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

And the villagers of Daliu Village did the right thing.

Without the strength to resist the devils, staying and resisting the devils is just courting death.

It's better to leave it to yourself and wait for the opportunity.

Even Yang Fei agrees with what Da Liu Village did before.

As long as the situation is favorable and there is no weapon in hand, it is better to hide it far away.

Hide with everything.

Not a grain of food is left for the little devils. This is the greatest contribution they can make.

At this moment, Yang Fei's words continued.

Beside him, Old Man Liu, the village head under the table, looked even more ugly and became more serious.

He already guessed what Yang Fei would say next.

And his ugly face was not because of what Yang Fei was going to say, and the severe situation of death.

That's right, Daliu Village was not robbed by the little devil because they ran fast and hid well.

However, other villages are not like this.

Many of them did not escape.

Under such circumstances, what will they eat and drink when they return?
Or even, what to live in?
Of course, if you live, you can still make a living. If you have a little place to stay, you can live.

But eating and drinking is the real big problem.

So, at this moment, old man Liu, the village head, thought of this.

Before that, he didn't think of it.

And at this time, because of avoiding the little devil, how many people had to starve to death on the road, in the forest, in the haystack, and in various hidden places.

Thinking of this, old man Liu, the village head, felt like a knife was piercing his heart.

The fire of anger rushed straight into his mind, and the fire of anger in his chest was like a volcano, about to erupt.

However, he is old and has experienced a lot, so he temporarily suppressed all these emotions in his heart.

It won't work if you don't suppress it.

The most important thing is that Yang Fei hasn't finished talking yet.

He also wanted to hear what Yang Fei would continue to say in the next time.

At this moment, the village chief, Lao Liu, has made a clear decision in his heart, and at this moment, he has also made a decision in his own heart.

In front of this, one village and one place is just a trivial matter.

But before, when they fled, they had no time to care about other villages.

If other villages were taken into account, even they would be involved, and they would not be able to escape.

But at this moment, it is not the case.

They don't have to run away.

Therefore, at this time, Daliu Village must also dedicate its strength to these villages that are suffering and are in the most difficult situation.

After letting go of these thoughts, the village chief Lao Liu listened to Yang Fei's speech again.

"At this moment, in our Liude area, there are many villages, and the things in them were completely destroyed by the little devil, and all of them were burned to the ground!"

"And when the people returned, they didn't even have a home!"

"What does it feel like to have no home, how uncomfortable it is, I believe you all have experience in your heart!"

"Of course, this is not the most important thing. People live in the present, as long as they are covered by even a few tiles, and they are not exposed to wind and rain!"

"However, the villagers in these villages at this moment, the problems they are facing are not these!"

"It's food, it's food!"

"Because of the little devil's looting, they no longer have any food!"

"You don't know, before, under my order, the soldiers under me went to various hiding places to find the people, that scene!"

"There are many villagers who are pale and emaciated from hunger. They eat leaves, roots and bark, and even dirt and stones!"

"It was under such circumstances that many people died directly in hidden places."

"As for the other surviving people, after they return, the situation they are facing at this moment is starving to death!"

"Because we are running out of food."

"Even if we win this battle in the Liude City area, annihilate the little devils in it, and regain the food that the little devils looted!"

"However, these grains are only a small part compared to what the little devils looted in various villages in the hands of the common people!"

"Most of them have been sent away by these little devils!"

"So, the situation we are facing now is that if I take out all the food and distribute it to these common people, it won't last long!"

"At that time, these people who have no food to eat will end up starving to death!"

"So, folks in Daliu Village, uncles and brothers, do you know?"

When Yang Fei said this, his eyes were full of grief:
"What I want to say is that we can't accept the food and other things that you give away to thank us for fighting the devils!"

"However, we can help you and send these supplies to those who need them most now, and go to other villages and villagers. How do you feel?"

When Yang Fei said this, he stopped.

He looked in front of him, the scene was silent, and the villagers of Daliu Village were all looking at him.

He believed that the villagers of Daliu Village would not let him down.

At the beginning, Yang Fei finished speaking.

The people of Daliu Village did indeed keep silent.

But then, all the folks in Daliu Village turned their attention to the village chief, Old Liutou.

these eyes.

Sensing these gazes, Old Liu immediately understood what the villagers meant!
(End of this chapter)

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