Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3546 Old Liu's Guarantee

Chapter 3546 Old Liu's Guarantee
"Commander Yang, this food is donated by me, Daliu Village!"

The words of the village chief, Lao Liutou, are extremely sonorous and firm at this moment.

It was as if, at this moment, he was not an old man at all.

Looking at this momentum, it is like a young man.

"Yes, Commander Yang, this food, our Daliu Village, donated it."

"Yes, Commander Yang, this food, our Daliu Village, will be donated."

"Yes, Commander Yang, this food, our Daliu Village, donated it."


At this moment, the villagers of Daliu Village also shouted out the words of the village chief, Old Liutou.

In this regard, the people in Daliu Village are no weaker than anyone else.

Because, Daliu Village has been doing this since the beginning of the establishment of the village.

Relieve the poor, help those who can help.

Help those who deserve it.

But at this moment, their Daliu Village survived the raids, burning, killing, and looting by the devils.

The vitality is preserved, the food is preserved, and so on.

It can be said that Daliu Village itself has preserved everything.

At this time, since in the Liude area, the villagers in other villages need help and need their help.

Then they can't hesitate anymore, they have to help.

Even if they go hungry once a day, they have to accomplish this.

Help other villagers who should be helped in this Liude area.

"it is good!"

Song Qingyu beside Yang Fei was excited, even his blood boiled.

Not only him, but also several other fighters.

Don't look at them winning many battles and killing many little devils during this period of time.

However, the excitement after winning a battle is not as good as it is at this moment, the scene in front of you, the scene of the villagers being single-minded, makes their blood boil and they are extremely excited.

After all, there is hope only when all people are united and united.

And this is exactly the spirit, scene and action that is most needed in the Liude area at this moment.

Most importantly, there is salvation.

The other people in the Liude area are saved.

what is hope

This is hope!
What is Dawn?

This is the dawn!
Hope and dawn came like this.

When the little devils were not annihilated by them, they were annihilating these little devils.

These people are the hope and dawn of the people.

Their arrival, killing the devils, annihilating the devils, and bringing hope and dawn to the common people has become a reality.

What now?
They wiped out the devils.

What more common people need is no longer for them to kill devils.

Instead, food is needed.

At this moment, food is more important than them.

Food is scarce, and there are not many villages with food.

And like Daliu Village, there are very few such preserved ones.

So, under such circumstances, the decision of all the villagers in Daliu Village is the hope and dawn of the people who need food most in the Liude area.

Especially in such a chaotic world, this is the case.

If there is one absolute point, it is that food represents everything.

With food, there is hope for survival.

Only by being alive can we do more things.

This is true for soldiers.

This is even more true for the common people.

It can be said that this is a common principle in troubled times.

Not to mention that Song Qingyu and the soldiers were full of enthusiasm and excitement.

Even Yang Fei was very excited when he witnessed this scene.

For the battle, for the battlefield, Yang Fei can say that he has experienced enough and is already numb.

But for the common people, he never will.

Because war is cold.

As for the common people, they are passionate and alive.

The gap between them is really too big.

So, when facing the war, what Yang Fei felt was cold and ruthless, killing and death.

But at this moment, facing the people, what he feels is hope, dawn, vitality, and vigor.

The gap among them, if compared in this way, is simply a world of difference.

"Fellows, I will replace the rest of the people in the Liude area, thank you!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking loudly, he directly bowed deeply to the people of Daliu Village.

Express thankfulness.

After all, at this moment, he can't offer anything else to express his gratitude to the people.

Only so.

Song Qingyu and others behind Yang Fei immediately followed Yang Fei and bowed deeply to the villagers of Daliu Village.


"Commander Yang, Company Commander Song, soldiers, what are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, the village chief, Lao Liutou, stood up immediately, and several villagers quickly helped Yang Fei, Song Qingyu, and the soldiers to their feet.

"Captain Yang, if you do this, you will be looking down on me, Da Liu Village!"

"Thank you, we don't need to thank you, we should help these people."

"After all, my Daliu Village has the ability to help them now, so this is what we should do!"

"If you think about it the other way around, if my Daliu Village encounters difficulties, I believe that other capable villages will definitely help my Daliu Village, so ah, Captain Yang, this courtesy can't be used, can't be used ah!"

The village chief, Lao Liutou, was very concerned about this.

It can be said that the soldiers in front of them are fighting devils. It can be said that they are defending their homes and the country. It should be their responsibility.

However, they in Daliu Village help other common people. When the country is in ruins, that is what it should be, and that is also their responsibility.

So, they don't need to thank them, and they don't need to thank them. This is what they should do in Daliu Village.

Thank you, let them go.

In fact, this is not only the village head Lao Liu's own thoughts.

All the people in Daliu Village thought like this.

You can tell by the look in their eyes at this moment.

This is what they should do.

They don't need thanks.

As Chinese people, this is also their responsibility.

Otherwise, I would be sorry for the Huaxia blood that flowed from my body.

I'm sorry for being a Chinese.

When there is no war, let's talk about it.

But at this moment, when the little devil comes to invade, it is a family, and all that they have done in Daliu Village should go.

"Uncle Liu, you deserve this thanks."

Yang Fei said directly: "In the next time, the people rescued by you, they can't come, they can't thank you, they can only be replaced by me, thank you in advance, this thank you, you deserve it .”

"Don't talk about responsibility or irresponsibility, I understand all these reasons, but, to be able to make such a choice at this time, our Daliu Village is just like this, it's a good job!"

Yang Fei spoke loudly, and gave his thumbs up to the villagers.

Indeed it is.

Reasonable, understand.

But, how many people can do this when they need to face it?

Very little.

Not without.

However, there are very few people who understand this truth and can do it.

This, Yang Fei had a deep understanding of it in the past.

Otherwise, before he came to Daliu Village, he would not have had that worry in his heart!
"Captain Yang, let's not talk about these words, don't leave today!"

Old Liu Tou took Yang Fei's hand and said with a smile: "I'll let the villagers prepare food later. Let's have a good drink today. You can't refuse me, an old man. No matter how busy you are, you can't do it today." Be here!"

"Let me assure you, not only my Daliu Village is doing this and can achieve this step, there are several nearby villages, like my Daliu Village, which are well preserved and have a large amount of food. You have eaten here After the meal, I will go, and I will personally go to other villages to let them participate in the same way, how about the rescue this time?"

At this moment, the village head, Old Liu Tou, has seriousness and sincerity in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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