Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3547 Enthusiastic Villagers

Chapter 3547 Enthusiastic Villagers

The sincerity of Old Man Liu, the village head, made it hard for Yang Fei to refuse.

Originally, Yang Fei planned to have lunch in Daliu Village at noon, and discuss how to get Daliu Village to donate food.

After all, at the beginning, he thought it was very difficult to get the people to donate food and help the people who went to him.

There were examples of this when he was in other theaters before, otherwise, he would not have thought about it, let alone worry about it in his heart.

So, under such circumstances, after Yang Fei had this plan in mind, he planned to have lunch in Daliu Village, and discuss it with Old Liutou, the head of Yucun Village.

At this moment, the process is extremely smooth.

Under such circumstances, the village chief, Old Liu, wanted to keep Yang Fei for dinner, and Yang Fei couldn't refuse.

So, this time, Yang Fei was very happy and refreshing, nodded directly, and said: "Okay, Uncle Liu, I won't leave at noon today, stay here, and have a good drink with you."

It is sincere to stay for dinner, and to drink two cups with the village chief Lao Liutou.

What's more, what the village head, Old Liu, said just now really made Yang Fei pay attention to it, and made Yang Fei want to stay even more, instead of leaving here.

Yang Fei felt very emotional in his heart, this village head, Old Liu Tou, is really too righteous and patriotic in his heart.

Even the villagers of Daliu Village are the same.

Otherwise, they would not be able to make this decision at this time.

But at this moment, all the people in Daliu Village have made this decision.

This even more represents that the sense of responsibility of Daliu Village and the sense of responsibility to the country's righteousness is very heavy!
This Daliu Village, in the Liude area, is a role model!
It is a role model for all villages to learn from!

Yang Fei thought in his heart, if many villages do this, then the disaster in Liude area will be over soon.

When all are united, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

But at this moment, the old village head brought up this matter, and promised to talk about it himself.

That way, you can save a lot of time.

Not everyone knows him, Yang Fei.

However, in the vicinity of Daliu Village, the name of the village head, Lao Liutou, should be very useful according to Lao Liutou, otherwise, Lao Liutou would not take the initiative to bring this matter up at this time Yes.

So, this meal has to stay.

For the sake of other people in the Liude area, he must stay at this time.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing that Yang Fei agreed to stay for dinner, the village head, Lao Liutou, suddenly laughed excitedly.

Not only the village chief Lao Liutou, but also the villagers around him.

All laughed.

For these benefactors of the Eighth Route Army, they are sincerely grateful.

From their point of view, now that Yang Fei can stay for dinner, it gives them enough face, and also gives them a chance to thank.

"Head Yang, wait a moment, I'll go and make arrangements for them. Don't worry, today we in Daliu Village will definitely reward you meritorious people and reward you benefactors."

The village chief, Old Liu, made the decision immediately.

Since Yang Fei and the others are staying, Daliu Village must treat them well and treat them well.

Their Daliu Village is not an ungrateful village, so if they don't treat them well, it's their fault.

"Yes, yes, village, I will leave this matter to me. I brought back some wild game from the mountains this time, which is just right for use!"

"Haha, I also have some mushrooms in the mountains. I'm getting a chicken, stewing it in a pot, and putting a pot of pancakes on it. It's delicious, tsk tsk!"

"Ha ha!"



At this moment, after hearing Yang Fei agree and hearing what Old Liu said, the villagers beside him also became excited.

They also thought the same way before, they must keep Yang Fei, Song Qingyu, and a few soldiers to have a good meal.

This is also for Da Liu Village to express their gratitude to Yang Fei and the soldiers.

Although, such a meal of gratitude is a bit trivial, but this is also their heart.

It's not that they don't care.

Before, they prepared a lot of things, thanks to Yang Fei and the soldiers.

There is a lot of food, game in the mountains, and so on.

However, if Yang Fei didn't accept it, and didn't accept it for the soldiers, there was nothing they could do.

So, under such circumstances, they can only use this meal first to thank Yang Fei and the soldiers.

As for other thanks, as Yang Fei said, helping other people who have no food and drink is also a thank you to them.

This method is indeed very good.

This has also led to the fact that the people of Daliu Village, the villagers, want to do a better job during the meal in front of them.

In this way, their sincerity can also be shown.

"No, no, no, no!"

However, Yang Fei, who heard this and saw this, stood up again, facing the village chief, Lao Liutou, and the villagers next to him, and stopped him loudly:

"No, no, no!"

"It can't be such a waste!"

"Whether it tastes good or not, or tastes good or not, don't want any of these!"

"Just get something simple. Peanuts are fine. Wotou pancakes are also very good. Don't make anything else. If you make something else, I'll turn around and leave!"

"Uncle Liu, folks, this is not a time to waste, I can't let you do this!"

For this, Yang Fei refused.

After all, they eat a little more here, and if they save it, they can save a common people who have no food.

So, Yang Fei does not support this.

"Captain Yang, don't worry about this matter!"

"Don't worry, there will be absolutely no fanfare, and there will be no waste, just don't worry."

"You have to trust me, old man, trust me, beyond today's meal, I will definitely satisfy you, I will!"

"Believe me!"

As for the head of the department, Old Liu, at this moment, he repeatedly reassured Yang Fei.

In cooking, there is absolutely no extravagance and waste, and food can be saved.

"Yes, Commander, just listen to Uncle Liu!"

Song Qingyu next to him, seeing this, immediately said to Yang Fei.

After all, it would be a waste of time if it went on like this.

He felt that since Old Man Liu, the village head, had made the decision and guaranteed it, there would be no problem.

"All right!"

Yang Fei nodded helplessly, and instructed again:
"Uncle Liu, folks, let me say the last sentence, don't waste it, don't waste it!"

This is what Yang Fei is most worried about at the moment.

Eat and drink, he would rather eat corn bread and drink cold water.

"Okay, Captain Yang, don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you!"

Old man Liu, the village head, also nodded with a smile at the moment.

"Ha ha!"


The villagers also laughed when they heard Yang Fei's words.

I am very happy in my heart.

In this way, accompanied by several people from the village, Yang Fei entered the main room of old man Liu.

Old man Liu's main room is not very big, but there is a big table in the middle.

Just enough to get them to sit down.

After sitting down, the tea is rushed.

Yang Fei said directly to the soldier next to him, "Go and pour tea."

"Yes, Captain!"

The soldier got up immediately.

"Sit down, sit down!"

"Captain Yang, aren't you slapping us in the face?"

"That's right. You are a guest here, and you are a benefactor of our Daliu Village. How can you let your people pour tea? Sit down quickly, sit down quickly!"

However, just as the soldier was ordered to stand up, he was pulled to sit down by the fellow.

For this, this soldier is also very helpless!
(End of this chapter)

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