Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3548 Surviving villages

Chapter 3548 Ten Surviving Villages

This meal is very simple.

Plates of peanuts.

Of course, it's not real peanuts, it's actually peanuts.

But the real thing is just soybeans.

Talking about peanuts is just to satisfy one's appetite.

However, at this time, it is also very good to eat fried soybeans.

In the middle is a pot of game pancakes.

To be honest, this meal was indeed not wasted.

There are so many of them, it's okay to eat these things.

Yang Fei didn't have any comments either.

In this way, the meal is over and the guests are happy.

After eating, the tea was served.

In the main room of Old Liu Tou, only Yang Fei and Old Liu Tou were left.

And Song Qingyu and those soldiers were also arranged by Yang Fei to help the villagers to do things.

After all, it takes time and labor to get food and other food.

But Song Qingyu and these fighters had a lot of strength.

Under such circumstances, it happens to come in handy.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of labor for Yang Fei to talk about things here and Song Qingyu and others to watch and wait.

So, Yang Fei directly sent them to help the folks.

It is also digested after a meal.

After all, although the meal I ate today is quite simple, it still has a lot of oil and water.

You know, if you eat cornbread, leaves, etc. for a long time, and suddenly eat a big meal of oil, your stomach may not be able to adapt, and you will have diarrhea directly.

So, Yang Fei's doing this is also good for Song Qingyu and others.

In this way, only Yang Fei and Lao Liutou were left in the room of the village chief, Lao Liutou.

"Captain Yang, to tell you the truth, there are more than a dozen villages like our Daliu Village near Daliu Village, that is, in the area close to this mountain forest."

"Before, I also asked the people in the village to go and have a look. There were more than a dozen villages, and ten of them were intact. The rest, because they got the news relatively late, did not escape into the mountains in time. So, I was looted, burned, and killed by these beast-like little devils, and the remaining ten villages, I also had dealings with the village chiefs and leaders of these ten villages before. Cross-talk."

"In terms of the temperament and folk customs of these ten villages, some of them are good, and some of them are very xenophobic!"

"Although you have wiped out the little devils, some of these villages may not necessarily give you face. After all, at this moment, you know what food represents."

Old Liu's words are very clear.

What he meant was to tell Yang Fei.

Although it is said that there are quite a few villages like their Daliu Village, the folk customs are relatively simple.

However, there are also some villages that are relatively selfish.

This is easy to understand. In this chaotic world, little devils are rampant everywhere, and some villages need food and food in order to protect themselves.

After all, no matter how well you hide and how safe you hide, if there is no food, then everything is zero.

Even if the little devil doesn't kill you, you will starve to death while hiding.

Therefore, food and grain are really, really important at this time.

Old Liu was right.

These villages are not familiar with Yang Fei.

Although they killed the devils, but what?I have never been in contact with them, and they are relatively xenophobic.

If Yang Fei and the others were asked to go directly to these villages and talk about rescue, then he really might not get a good and satisfactory result.

They might not even be able to enter the village.

As for the discipline of Yang Fei's team, Old Liu also knew about it.

Strict discipline!

If the people don't agree, and those villages don't agree, Yang Fei and the soldiers have nothing to do.

After all, if you can't even enter the village, how can you discuss it?
So, at the moment, Old Liu's face is also very serious.

"I understand this, sir. It is because of this that I have come directly to our Daliu Village this time."

"After all, we are also very unfamiliar with other villages. You are right, but what about your Daliu Village? In the past, it was Lao Song who came into contact with your village."

"He went back and told me that your village is simple and honest, and the villagers are very kind. That's why I came to our Daliu Village in the first place."

"And at this moment, you have also mentioned this situation, and I have understood it before, so I have worries in my heart, but with you at this moment, my heart can be regarded as relaxed."

"What about the worry? It has also been reduced a lot. I believe that with you here, there will be absolutely no problem."

Having said that, this is the worry in Yang Fei's heart before.

He said before that Song Qingyu was also for this.

After all, Song Qingyu had experienced too little, and he had direct contact with Daliu Village.

After all, it was his first contact with Da Liu Village.

And the first impression of this contact is very good, he will be preconceived.

I feel that other villages will be like Daliu Village, with simple folk customs, simple folk customs, and kind villagers.

So, when Yang Fei said he was worried, Song Qingyu advised Yang Fei not to worry.

Although Yang Fei didn't say anything at that time, his worries were always there, and after contacting the villagers of Daliu Village, Yang Fei's worries relaxed a lot.

However, this worry still exists, and at this moment, Old Liu is very smart, Yang Fei can also see this, and Old Liu can completely see these things that Yang Fei is worried about.

So, he directly raised it now.

"Commander Yang, I can't guarantee anything else, but you can rest assured about the matter of borrowing food, leave it to me, and I will do it myself. Among these ten villages, I assure you that there are absolutely nine Village, I can lend you food."

For this point, Old Liu is still very confident.

After all, he had dealt with these villages quite a lot before.

Except for a few villages that are relatively isolated, he is still sure to be able to explain clearly and make sense of the rest of the villages.

In addition, Old Liu believes that the people in these villages must also know what kind of severe situation they are facing after the devils are wiped out.

If they don't help?

Then the little devil is likely to make a comeback.

At that time, the situation they face will be even more severe.

Even, in the end, even their lives could not be guaranteed.

So, under such circumstances, Old Liu himself made a decision for himself in his own heart.

The task of raising food this time must be successful.

Help the region get through this most difficult time.

Otherwise, he believed that even if Yang Fei and the soldiers continued to resist the devil's invasion here, without the support of the people, he couldn't imagine what would happen after the little devil came.

"In that case, thank you so much, sir."

"After all, if you can do this, it will really save a lot of people in our area!"

For Old Liu Tou, what Yang Fei is most satisfied with is his sense of responsibility.

This kind of national righteousness, he knows to take on this responsibility, not selfishness.

In fact, if Daliu Village does not help the plight of the Liude area this time.

Then Yang Fei also understood.

After all, in this situation, food is really more important than anything else, and no one wants to donate food for nothing, so that they can starve themselves and save others.

However, Yang Fei had no choice.

Although they said before that they had won the battle and wiped out the devils in this area, the food they captured was really too little.

These hateful little devils, these hateful beasts, they have already transported a lot of food, leaving only a small part.

Otherwise, he and the soldiers would not eat bran, leaves, roots and bark.

From this, we can fully see how severe the situation is in the Liude area at this time.

"Head Yang, then you can stay in Daliu Village for a few more days. I will go out in person these few days, and I will go now. I will go to the villages closest to Daliu Village to have a look. Find their village head and leader to talk about this matter. I will give you a promise tonight, first prepare the first batch of food, what do you think?"

Old Liu Tou was very resolute in his actions, he made a decision, and said to Yang Fei directly at this moment.

"My lord, it's definitely not okay for me to stay here for a few days."

"But, I can leave tomorrow morning, and I will leave our people here when I go."

"Just ask them to contact me when the time comes. After all, we need me in our team now."

"Otherwise, those soldiers don't know what to do if they don't get reasonable deployment and orders."

"The team can't do without me, so I will keep our people here, and I can't stay here for a few days."

Although he has arranged for the training of the soldiers, it is impossible for him to stay in one village for such a long time.

Otherwise, what should Song Qingyu and others do with their training and progress?
Similarly, what he is responsible for is not only the food of the people.

He is in charge of the entire region, the entire Liude area, the Liude theater!
Therefore, if he stays in this village, many things will be delayed.

"That's fine, then I'll go now, and I'll be back almost in the evening, and I'll give you a promise then."

Old Liu didn't say anything about this, he understood in his heart, after all, Yang Fei was very busy.

If he wasn't busy, he wouldn't be able to lead the soldiers to wipe out the little devils in the Liude war zone!
(End of this chapter)

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