Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3549 Old Liu left

Chapter 3549 Old Liu left
"That's it, Commander Yang, you rest in the village. I'll go to the villages first. Don't worry, I will definitely bring you good news tonight!"

"It's definitely not too late, you leave Da Liu Village early tomorrow morning."

The village chief, Old Liu, got up straight away, and after speaking to Yang Fei, he turned and walked out of the room.

"Master, why don't I send a soldier to follow you."

Looking at the slightly stooped old head Liu, Yang Fei said directly.

Although all the little devils in this area have been wiped out by them, there is no danger.

However, the old Liu Tou at this time is really too important.

After all, accidents in this world are just in case.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Although there is no danger now, no devils, but what?I'm afraid that there will be that kind of traitor or little devil who will be caught.

After all, although they killed all the little devils on the bright side, they wiped them all out.

But, who knows if there are any little devils who are on missions outside?

Once old Liutou encounters such a little devil, it is impossible for the angry devil to let him go.

Although the chance of such a thing happening is not very high, but just in case, Yang Fei felt it was necessary to do so.


Hearing Yang Fei's words, old Liu Tou immediately laughed out loud. He shook his head and said:
"Captain Yang, all the little devils in our place have been killed by you, there is no danger if I go by myself."

At this time, Old Liu felt that there was no need to do so.

He felt that he had to trust Yang Fei and the soldiers, the little devils had all been wiped out, so there would be no more accidents.

After all, their Daliu Village was not too far away from other villages, so no accidents would happen.

"No, I feel that I still need to send you a few soldiers. After all, if there is any accident, we can't tell right now. Although we have wiped out all the little devils, we are afraid that there will be those little devils who slipped through the net when they went out to perform missions." Ah, although the chance of such a situation happening is very small, we have to take precautions. After all, what you are doing at this moment is very important. Your own safety is related to many people in our area who have no food to eat. , if you really have an accident, then other people will starve, so just to be on the safe side, I'd better arrange a few soldiers for you."

The more I think about Yang Fei, the more I feel the need.

In fact, there is another very important reason, that is, during the battle during this period of time, they did not encounter a single Imperial Association Army, which is very abnormal. After all, in other regions, traitors like the Imperial Association Army There are a lot of them, and in this area, apart from the devils they met before, there are some Imperial Association troops now, and in the rest of the time, in the subsequent battles, they did not encounter the Imperial Association Army These traitors.

So, Yang Fei felt a little abnormal, even if it was the third wing that came later, they didn't have time to recruit new Imperial Association troops.

Then this is also abnormal, after all, once the little devils say that they want to recruit the Imperial Association Army, then many people are very willing to be traitors and the Imperial Association Army, so they will feel that it is necessary.

Another point, now that they have killed the little devil, it can be said that they have also cut off the jobs of these imperial association troops. Who knows whether these imperial association troops who secretly hate and win will take action against old Liu Tou?

So for insurance, Yang Fei felt it was necessary.

"Then, if that's the case, I'll listen to you."

Old Liu thought for a while, and agreed.

He knew what Yang Fei said was right, he was very important at this moment, and he was not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

Once an accident really happened, his death would be a trivial matter, but once he died, no one could help Yang Fei to contact other villages.

But if you can't contact other villages, if you can't raise food, then it will be the people who have no food to eat, so the old head Liu didn't hesitate in this matter, and he agreed directly.

"That's fine, I'll go and give them orders."

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he walked out of Old Liu Tou's house, and Old Liu Tou also followed behind Yang Fei.

After a while, Yang Fei led old head Liu to the place where Song Qingyu and the soldiers were helping the common people organize their food.

"Xiao Zhao and Zhang, you two should go to other villages with the village chief. Remember to protect the old village chief."

Yang Fei came here without the slightest hesitation, and directly ordered to several soldiers who were working.

"Yes, Captain!"

Xiao Zhao and Xiao Zhang immediately took orders when they heard Yang Fei's order.

Song Qingyu was a little puzzled. He looked at Yang Fei and asked, "Old Yang, do you mean that there are little devils outside the village at this time? Or are there still traitors?"

What Yang Fei did made Song Qingyu have to think about it.

After all, they didn't see any devils or traitors when they came.

"Not necessarily. Although we have wiped out the devils before, who knows if there are any little devils who slipped through the net. I think this arrangement is safer."

"You also know that the importance of the old village head is too great now. If something happens to him, it will be our real loss. We can't afford to lose the old village head at this time."

Yang Fei said to Song Qingyu with a serious face.

"That's right. After all, we didn't find the Imperial Association Army, those traitors, and the little devils who went out to perform missions. If there were any, they were really caught by them."

"You're right in saying that. Be on the safe side. Old village chief, it's really important to us now."

Obviously, Song Qingyu also knew this, and he didn't refuse or stop him.

"Old village chief, take Xiao Zhao and Xiao Zhang with you. It will be safer if you are tired. If you are tired, let Xiao Zhang and Xiao Zhao carry you on your back. After all, they are young and strong now. Yes, there is no problem carrying you on your back, you can't be too tired, what you are going to run now is not a village, but several villages."

Yang Fei smiled and said to Old Liu.

His arrangement is also normal at this time.

Old Liu Tou looks in good shape, but he is old after all.

If he walked so much all of a sudden, he would definitely be very tired. Under such circumstances, it was understandable for the soldiers to carry him on their backs.

"Haha, there's no need for that. Captain Yang, although I'm an old bone, it's not a problem to go to so many villages. Don't forget that I took the people from our village with me before." The villagers have been hiding in the mountains for so long, and my physique is very good, you have to trust me on that."

Old Liu is very confident about his physical fitness.

After all, if he is really in bad shape like other old people.

Then, it is impossible for him to lead the villagers to hide from the little devil in the mountain for such a long time.

Moreover, there have been no problems yet, so he is extremely confident about his physique.

"Master, I made this arrangement as a precaution. Just in case, our soldiers are idle anyway. If we carry you forward, it is also a kind of physical training for them. This is the best of both worlds."

Yang Fei smiled and said, anyway, everything that should be arranged has been arranged, and if Old Liu really doesn't need it, then he can't help it.

"Haha, that's fine, then I'll go."

Old Liu smiled and said nothing, he knew that this was not the time to waste time.

He took Xiao Zhao and Xiao Zhang directly to the outside of the village.

Of course, when he left, he did not forget to give instructions to the villagers to treat Yang Fei well.

After all, it was also their great honor for Yang Fei to come to their Daliu Village in person. He is their benefactor and distinguished guest of Daliu Village. On this point, Yang Fei must not be neglected.

The villagers who received the order from Old Liu promised repeatedly that there would be no problem.

In this way, under the watchful eye of Yang Fei, Old Liu took Xiao Zhao and Xiao Zhang out of the village and headed for other villages.

"I hope it will be a smooth journey and there will be no accidents!"

"The most important thing is that this time, Old Liu's mission must be completed. Other villages must also be like Daliu Village. They know the burden and the righteousness of the country. At this moment, it is most necessary for everyone to unite and unite. It's a difficult time!"

For this, Yang Fei actually has no bottom in his heart.

He thought in his heart, looking forward to it with great anticipation.

Hope, everything goes well!
(End of this chapter)

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