Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3550 Waiting During Work

Chapter 3550 Waiting During Work
In Yang Fei's mind, there is really no bottom line for this kind of thing.

He is different from combat, and different from deploying combat missions. This one pays attention to the problem of people's hearts.

If the rest of the villages really don't help, no matter how good old Liu Tou said, it will be useless. So, this time, the focus is on people's hearts.

Of course, no matter what the result is, Yang Fei can accept it, because this time he came here and wanted to discuss it with the people in Daliu Village, but actually he didn't have much hope.

Whether things can be accomplished depends on his efforts.

If it doesn't work, then he will think of other ways, and asking Da Liu Village for help is just one of them.

However, he still trusts Old Liu Tou very much, because there is no need for Old Liu Tou to deceive him in this matter.

After all, it wouldn't do any good to lie to him about this kind of thing.

When talking about this matter, Old Liu was very confident.

For confident people, Yang Fei has always trusted them.

Because, only when he feels that he can accomplish something, will he have this confidence.

And if you can't do anything?
It is impossible for this confidence to emanate from the depths of my heart.

Therefore, Yang Fei thought in his heart that everything went well for Old Liu this time, and he was able to successfully complete the task this time.

As long as he can successfully complete this mission, it will save him and the soldiers a lot of time.

After all, at this time, it will take a lot of time to get food from other regions and transport it back.

and twists and turns.

If it is said that the accident is serious, then it is very likely that they will not be able to get food back if they get food outside.

At that time, the consequences may be very serious.

After all, food is not only needed in the area where he is now.

In other areas, as long as the little devils are beaten away, all food is needed. After all, these little devils spoil a lot of food.

Under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult to buy food.

Unless he can find Lei Zhan and let Lei Zhan dispatch from him, there may be hope.

And if he sends people to buy in other war zones, the risks and accidents will be great.

Therefore, when Yang Fei thought of a solution, the first thing he thought of was to find these villages that had a lot of food and discuss with them, asking them to donate food. This is the way with the least accident and the greatest hope.

Don't think about it anymore, Yang Fei is not idle, nor has he returned to the old Liu's room to rest. He is also taking advantage of this opportunity to help the people start collecting food. After all, he is also a young man. Strong, what's the point of going back to rest?
"Teacher Yang, you can go and rest. Just leave these tasks to us. After all, we are doing our best. We don't have any other skills, so we still have a lot of strength."

"Yes, Commander Yang, you have worked hard enough beating devils, now you should go to rest, after all, you don't know if the little devils will come back in the future, so you must take a good rest and get enough energy , so that once the little devil comes, you can fight the devil again, just leave these jobs to us, we can complete the task."

"Teacher Yang, you should go to rest quickly. If you let Old Liu know about this, he will definitely reprimand us when he comes back."

"Yes, Captain Yang, Old Liu has a very temper. He didn't explode in front of you, but when you're not around, his temper is bigger than that of a cow, and he's very difficult to provoke."


Seeing Yang Fei started to help with work, the villagers immediately became reluctant.

After all, for these villagers, Yang Fei and the soldiers are their benefactors. They are the ones who met the little devils. Under such circumstances, how can they let person a work?So, these villagers are unwilling.

Originally Song Qingyu and the other soldiers helped them with their work, but they were unwilling. These tasks are not difficult to do, and the labor force in their village is enough to complete this task, but Song Xingyu and others are really too enthusiastic Well, it's hard for these villagers to say anything, so I have to let them do it.

At this time, Yang Fei, the head of the regiment, also came in to work. How could this make the villagers willing?

So at this time, these villagers were absolutely unwilling, and began to drag Yang Fei, wanting to let Yang Fei go to the old Liu's room to rest.

What they said was also right. If Old Liu Tou really found out, he would definitely be reprimanded by Old Liu Tou.

Of course, reprimanding this is secondary. The most important thing is that they can't let Yang Fei, a benefactor, do the same job as them.

"OK OK."

But Yang Fei waved his hand and said loudly:

"You didn't listen to me, it's not what you imagined, even if I go back to Old Liu's room, I can't rest, I'm simply a person who can't sit still, so, at this time, I still Good to help you."

That's true, don't look at Yang Fei, he is sitting in the office all the time.

However, he was all about deploying battle plans, fighting, deducing battles, and so on.

But at this time, he also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to exercise properly, after all, sitting like this every day, he felt that he was almost useless.

You know, what he likes most is the battlefield, but under the current situation, it is impossible for him to directly lead the team to perform combat missions, so after leaving the office and coming to Daliu Village, he thought It's good to be able to move around and help these villagers with their work, so as not to get rusty on their bodies, but these villagers are unwilling, so Yang Fei wants to explain this.

"You guys don't know, when I was in the office, I sat all day long, and I didn't have a chance to come out for activities. In your words, I was too busy. So, at this time, I can To help you with your work, I also want to move around and exercise my body. Otherwise, if I sit every day, my body will collapse? Once my body collapses, the consequences will be too serious, so ah , now I want to help you with some work, so don't stop me, it's a good feeling to be sweaty, I believe you all know this, let's work together, don't talk so much .”

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei picked up the sack again and walked outside. He was sure of this job.

Otherwise, if the body is rusted, it will be difficult to recover the combat power.

"You don't even know, our regiment leader is such a person, so let him do it, let's do it together."

Song Qingyu was also a filial son at this time, and helped Yang Fei with a word. After all, they were all from poor backgrounds, and they didn't pay attention to this kind of hard work at all. , It can be regarded as physical training.

"Okay, okay, since Commander Yang and Company Commander Song have said so, then don't stop everyone."

I can't seem to stop it.One of the older villagers directly waved his hand and said to the villagers around him, since you can't stop it, let's stop it: "It's okay, everyone, go to work, I will talk to him when Old Liu comes back." Said."

(End of this chapter)

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