Chapter 3551
He thought, if he didn't understand what was going on here, and Yang Fei followed his advice to carry out this order, then it would be a real bad thing.

At that time, maybe these fighters will be crippled by such high-pressure training.

So, Song Qingyu, who thought of this, was filled with fear at the moment.

"Hehe, Lao Song, you don't have to be afraid!"

Seeing Song Qingyu's face, Yang Fei immediately knew that this kid was really scared in his heart.

However, as long as this kind of thing is remembered, there is no need to be afraid at all, it is just a matter of common sense.

Just remember it, and you don't need any experience and so on.


Hearing Yang Fei's words, Song Qingyu breathed out a sigh of relief, and said, "How can I not be afraid, damn it, if I really do this, then I will be a sinner of our regiment!"

"At that time, once such a situation happens, and the little devils take advantage of this opportunity to attack, then we are all finished!"

"Even not only we are going to die, but even the people we called back are going to die with us."

This is why Song Qingyu is afraid of fear.

Because, after the fighters were crippled, the series of consequences caused were really terrible.

At that time, their soldiers will be finished, and the people will be finished, and the entire Liude war zone will be taken away by the little devils again, completely falling.

"Not that serious!"

Yang Fei shook his head with a smile, and said: "You are not the only one in our group, besides, even if you train according to your method, there will be no problem for a while, waste, it also needs a time process Yes, as long as it is discovered and interrupted, the impact will not be great, and the soldiers will recover soon, understand?"

"Old Song, you have to remember my words, don't be bound by fear to your thinking and state of mind!"

"Otherwise, you will face a bottleneck, a barrier, you know?"

"At that time, if you want to make progress again, it will be impossible without breaking through these calm and barriers!"

"So, at this time, don't set up such obstacles for yourself!"

Yang Fei knew Song Qingyu's situation very well.

Because, in the past, among the many experiences he experienced, he encountered many such examples.

Some very good commanders are just because of wrong judgments, wrong deployments and so on.

Under such circumstances, it led to the loss of soldiers and the loss of common people.

Therefore, in my heart, I began to blame myself and regret, and thus an unconscious barrier was born in my heart.

Once it fails to break through, the road to progress will be completely cut off.

That's why Yang Fei said these words to Song Qingyu at this moment.

Let Song Qingyu not subconsciously set up such obstacles and barriers for himself at this time.


After Song Qingyu exhaled the suffocation in his chest again, he said to Yang Fei: "Well, I understand, Lao Yang, don't worry, this matter will not create barriers and bottlenecks in my heart, and become an obstacle on my way forward!"

At this moment, Song Qingyu's expression was extremely determined.

It can be seen that he is serious.

As for the soldiers next to them, although they couldn't understand what Yang Fei and Song Qingyu were talking about.

However, they kept the words of Yang Fei and Song Qingyu in their hearts.

In this case, they don't understand it now, but maybe they will understand it in the future.

So, regardless of whether you understand it or not, when you are with such big shots in the regiment, you must first remember what they said.

In this case, once you have the opportunity to understand it in the future, it will be an opportunity to improve.

"OK OK!"

Yang Fei waved his hand: "Let's not talk about this matter, as long as you know it in your heart!"

"In the coming time, the most important thing is actually how to raise food!"

After not chatting, Yang Fei put the topic on the right track.

Indeed, the most important thing for them now is how to raise food.

Food, for the Liude area at this time, can be said to be greater than the sky.

If there is not enough food, whether the people in the entire Liude area can survive is really a problem.

So, no matter what you say, the issue of food is the top priority for the current Liude area.

Even if old Liu Tou succeeds this time, it can only solve the urgent need in a short period of time.

For a long time, it will not work in the case of Liude theater.

In the end, the people in the Liude area are likely to become refugees and flee to other war zones.

Once this is the case, the fate of these common people is hard to say.

If you encounter a devil, there must be only one result.

These little devils have always had an attitude towards refugees, killing them all, and cleaning them up with machine guns.

And if you meet other anti-Japanese armed forces.

That will certainly be helped.

However, for other anti-Japanese armed forces, there are so many refugees, it is also a big burden.

Therefore, under such circumstances, it is impossible for Yang Fei to allow this kind of thing to happen.

Otherwise, his mission in the Liude theater this time would be a failure.

Complete failure.

"Old Yang, once Old Liu is successful, how long can the food raised last?"

Song Qingyu didn't think too much, looked at Yang Fei and asked.

"More than a month!"

Yang Fei calculated in his mind, and said directly: "It won't exceed two months!"

"And after these two months, not only the people who received the aid will continue to be hungry, but even the villages that helped them before, such as Daliu Village, will probably fall into a situation of no food again."

"At this moment, there are still three months before harvesting grain!"

"So, we must find a way to let the common people spend these three months!"

"Although the little devils ruined a lot of food before, as long as it can be successfully collected, the common people will not starve to death. It will be no problem to survive this period of time and persist until the autumn harvest. "

"Once these people persist until the autumn harvest, then the problem will be solved, and they will be able to take care of themselves in the days to come!"

Yang Fei knew this very well.

After all, he has also calculated this kind of thing when performing missions in other theaters, so he is no stranger.

"So what?"

In Song Qingyu's eyes, there was a cold light and killing intent at this moment: "Then we can only attack the little devils in the nearby war zone, Lao Yang!"

"These beasts have food. As long as we snatch the food from the little devils in the nearby war zone, then we can let the people in the Liude area get through the most difficult time now!"

Song Qingyu's words made the soldiers next to him excited and excited.

Finally, are you going to kill the devil again?

(End of this chapter)

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