Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3552 Old Liu head succeeded

Chapter 3552 Old Liu head succeeded
time flies.

Most of the night passed like this.

Yang Fei, Song Qingyu, and these soldiers just fell asleep sitting in the main room of Old Liu.

It's not that they don't go to rest, fellow villagers also came to them and arranged a place for them to rest.

However, they were all rejected by Yang Fei.

The reason is very simple, after all, Yang Fei will leave early tomorrow morning, and he will wait here for Old Liu.

After old Liu Tou returns, he will leave Da Liu Village as soon as possible and return to Liude City's resident.

After all, there are still many things that he needs to do in Liude City's resident headquarters, and he needs to be busy.

For Yang Fei at this time, the people in the Liude area are the most important thing.

However, the Liude area is so big, if he wants to fully develop the Liude area, defend it, and prevent the little devils from invading again, he still has to take advantage of the time when the little devils have not reacted. Finished the final arrangement.

So, at this moment, Yang Fei absolutely cannot continue to waste time here.

This is also the reason why he didn't follow the fellow to rest in the arranged yard.

As for Song Qingyu and these soldiers, there is no need to leave with Yang Fei tomorrow.

However, they were also unwilling to let Yang Fei wait alone in the old Liu's room.

So, they are all here to accompany Yang Fei.

No, just accompany and accompany like this, and slowly fell asleep.

time flies.

The second half of the night is about to pass.


The gate of Old Liu's courtyard was pushed open.

Old Liu Tou, with a tired face, led two soldiers into the courtyard.

From the exhausted state of old Liu Tou, it can be seen how exhausted he is from this action.

Otherwise, old Liu, who has always been very energetic, would not be so tired when he came back in the middle of the night.

Just like that, Old Liu brought the two soldiers to the main room.

Looking at Yang Fei, Song Qingyu, and the soldiers who were asleep in the main room.

Old Liu was a little angry. The people in this village didn't listen to his arrangement. They didn't even let Yang Fei and the soldiers go to sleep in another yard.

Just like that, he sat and fell asleep in his main room.

This is not how they treat guests in Daliu Village.

However, Old Liu was instantly relieved.

He also knew in his heart that the people in the village did not dare to disobey his words.

Under such circumstances, if Yang Fei and the others did not go to sleep in the arranged yard, there would be only one result.

That is, Yang Fei and others are unwilling to go, only in this way can the current situation happen.

"Captain Yang!"

However, thinking that his trip was going well, Old Liu smiled and called out to Yang Fei who was taking a nap.

"Uncle Liu, you are back!"

Originally, Yang Fei had already woken up, but now, when he heard Old Liu's voice, he completely woke up.

"Uncle Liu, you're back!"



Song Qingyu and these soldiers also got up one after another at this moment, their eyes were sleepy, and they were yawning profusely.

After all, sleeping on the stomach is not good at all.

"I'm back, I'm back!"

Old Liu Tou smiled and asked Yang Fei and the others: "Why don't you go to sleep in the yard arranged for you in the village? Sitting and sleeping in my main room is very tiring!"

How uncomfortable it is to sit and sleep, this point, old Liu Tou has lived his whole life, and he is very clear.

Because, when he was young, he was tied up the mountain by bandits, but he was tied up like this and slept for several days.

After that, if he hadn't been redeemed, he wouldn't be what he is now.

So, after experiencing such an old Liu head, I deeply know how uncomfortable it is to sit and sleep.

"I thought, just wait for you to come back, and then I can leave."

"In this way, if I go to rest in another courtyard, even if you come back, you won't be able to wake me up. You must be planning to tell me tomorrow!"

"That's right, old Liu!"

Yang Fei was very clear. At this time, he said it directly.

This is indeed the case.

Yang Fei thought, if he really went to sleep in the arranged yard, it would be considered that Old Liu came back early.

Then he will never disturb himself.

This point is very clear in Yang Fei's heart.

And in this way, it will delay the time for him to go back.

Originally, he planned to go back in the evening.

But at this moment, it was already a night of delay.

So, under such circumstances, he can't continue to waste time here.

Although he didn't know old Liu Tou for a long time.

However, temperament is something that can be seen after getting to know it and understanding it.

That's why he didn't go to rest in the arranged yard.

"Ha ha!"

Sure enough, when Old Liu heard this, he immediately burst out laughing.

indeed so.

If Yang Fei really went to rest in the yard, then he really would have woken him up.

After all, fighting is very hard and tiring.

Anyway, as long as Yang Fei and the others fell asleep in the yard, he wouldn't wake up Yang Fei and the others. He wanted to let Yang Fei and the others take a good rest.

But at this moment, Yang Fei and others are directly waiting for him here, so his previous plan will come to nothing.

So, without further ado, let’s go directly to the topic.

"Teacher Yang, let's not talk nonsense. You are also in a hurry to go back. After I went this time, everything went smoothly and met your requirements!"

When Old Liu said this, he immediately laughed.

This time, it went well.

It was smoother than he thought.

Earlier, he was worried that the few villages he expected would not agree.

However, to Old Liu's surprise, those stubborn villages, after he explained the truth and things clearly, these villages agreed directly.

Not only did he agree, but he also agreed to go to other places to raise food.

"Really, haha!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei also laughed out loud, and he was even more relieved.

It's good if it succeeds.

It's good if it succeeds.

As long as they succeed this time, with the first batch of food, they can buy them more than a month.

With this more than a month, they can do many things.

At that time, it is completely okay for them to go outside the war zone, enter other war zones, and snatch other little devils.

So, this month is very important.

"Ha ha!"

Song Qingyu and the other soldiers also laughed loudly at this moment.

"Uncle Liu, thank you this time!"

"I am on behalf of the people in the Liude area, thank you."

Yang Fei expressed his gratitude to Old Liu Tou.

After all, this time the old head Liu succeeded in this matter, and his contribution to the Liude area is really too great.

(End of this chapter)

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