Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3556 Thanks to the surnames

Chapter 3556 Thanks to the people
Otherwise, it would not be a good thing for Liu Zhiyun and the others if he participated too much.

After all, a soldier without experience will never be able to improve.

In this way, Yang Fei handed over the task of investigating intelligence to Liu Zhiyun and the others.

In ten days, the surrounding theaters and the theaters close to the Liude area were found out.

Only after they have figured out all these situations can they act, one hit will kill, one success.

Otherwise, once the little devils react, take precautions, or even start targeting them, it will be very difficult to achieve results.

Although the little devils are already at a disadvantage.

However, these beasts are still very powerful, so the only way to achieve the desired result is to fight unexpectedly and catch them off guard.

Yang Fei is clear about this kind of truth, and Liu Zhiyun and the others are also very clear about it.

So, under such circumstances, Yang Fei let go directly and gave them the mission goals. As for the specific action plan, it is better for them to formulate it themselves.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed like this.

During these five days, a large amount of food was transported to the headquarters under the strategizing of Lao Liutou and Song Qingyu.

Without the slightest hesitation or pause, Yang Fei directly issued an order to the other soldiers, asking them to send the food in batches to the people in the Liude area who needed food relief.

This time, the urgent needs of the people who are short of food and lack of food are solved.

At the very least, with these grains, people will no longer be starved to death.

Although, even with these grains, the three meals of the common people cannot be satisfied.

However, for three meals a day, there is no thick soup, and the soup and rice that are thin and thick can be eaten by the common people.

Under such circumstances, there is absolutely no problem for these people to survive in a short period of time.


At this moment, Xiao Zhang walked in quickly from outside the office.

"what happened?"

Seeing Xiao Zhang who looked a little hurried, Yang Fei raised his head and asked suspiciously.

After all, he had ordered before that if there was nothing urgent, he had to enter the office without reporting.

But at this moment, Xiao Zhang didn't report, and went directly into the office, and he looked a little hurried, so, something should have happened.

"Head, a lot of people came outside. I heard from them that their identities are the village heads of many villages and the people in charge. They are outside the headquarters. They all want to come in to find you. I don't know if it is What happened, because of what? They didn't say anything, they had to say that they came after they saw you."

Xiao Zhang didn't talk nonsense, he just picked up the key points and explained the situation to Yang Fei.


Hearing this situation, Yang Fei was also very puzzled.

After all, he has already arranged for the food. Under such circumstances, the people who have food to eat cannot come here at this moment.

So, Yang Fei stood up directly and walked out of the office.

After all, the people came, and he had to go.

"Let's go!"

After greeting Xiao Zhang, Yang Fei left the office.

Soon, they arrived outside the headquarters.

As soon as he came here, Yang Fei saw that there were more than 100 people outside the headquarters at the moment.

Yang Fei saw that among the more than 100 common people, most of them were elderly, and the rest were also middle-aged.

There are several young and middle-aged people following him.

"Fellows, please be quiet, our regiment leader is here, our regiment leader is here!"

When Xiao Zhang came here, he directly spoke loudly to the more than 100 common people in front of him.

After hearing Xiao Zhang's words, the people who were talking stopped instantly.

Their eyes also fell on Yang Fei.

Although they had never seen Yang Fei before, they could tell from the eyes and expressions of the soldiers in front of them that Yang Fei was the regiment leader and the commander here.

"My fellow villagers, I am Yang Fei."

Yang Fei also came forward with a smile, and asked, "You guys came to see me today, what's the matter?"

At this moment, Yang Fei was very puzzled.

After all, he has already distributed the food, and the common people have food for the time being, so they won't go hungry. He couldn't figure out what the purpose of these common people coming to him at this moment was.

"Commander Yang, you are Commander Yang!"

"Captain Yang, we came here to find you for something!"

"Yes, Commander Yang, we came here to find you for something."


Hearing Yang Fei's words, these common people spoke loudly one after another.

For a while, the scene became chaotic and noisy again.

It's normal, people are like this.

This is not their intention, but that there are too many people.

"I'm Yang Fei, folks, if you have something to do, just talk about it one by one, as long as I, Yang Fei, can do it, I will definitely do it for you, don't worry, talk about it one by one, today Since I have met you, and if you have something to do with me, then I will not go anywhere today, and I will solve the problem and solve the problem for you, you can talk about it!"

Yang Fei laughed loudly, talking to the people in front of him.

And hearing what Yang Fei said, these people who were anxious in their hearts instantly felt relieved.

"Commander Yang, we won't take you too long, we know you are very busy."

"Yes, Commander Yang, we will leave as soon as we finish talking, and we won't waste your time!"


For a busy person like Yang Fei, these common people knew very well that they couldn't waste Yang Fei's time here.

After all, Yang Fei is their benefactor, and even the head of the group, and he has to defend their Liude area and surround their homeland.

They can't spend too long here.

Otherwise, it means that they are not sensible, that is, they are not polite!

Moreover, after they all met before, they also unified their views. The purpose is the same, there is only one.

Just like that, a middle-aged fellow stood up and came to the front of the team.

The rest of the people also fell silent in an instant.

"Captain Yang, we have two purposes for coming here today!"

"The first one is to express our gratitude to you and the soldiers below you. You are our benefactors. We thank you for annihilating the little devils, allowing us to return to our homeland, and giving us food. We will not go hungry, on behalf of the people of our village, thank you!"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he directly bowed to Yang Fei and the soldiers.

"Thank you, Commander Yang, thank you, soldiers!"

"Thank you, Commander Yang, thank you, soldiers!"

"Thank you, Commander Yang, thank you, soldiers!"


As for the rest of the people, it was the same at this moment, and they all expressed their gratitude to Yang Fei and the soldiers.

"It can't be done!"

"I can't make it!"

Seeing this, Yang Fei's face became serious instantly, and he led the soldiers to help the bowed people up.

It is their duty as soldiers to fight devils and protect the people.

They dare not accept this thank you.

Because, this is what they should do!
(End of this chapter)

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