Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3557 1 request

Chapter 3557 A Request

Duty is there, no thanks.

Yang Fei and the soldiers absolutely could not bear this big gift from the common people.

"It should be, Commander Yang, it should be!"

"Otherwise, if it weren't for you and the soldiers, we'd be hiding in XZ at this time, and we would be found by the little devil at some point and killed!"

"Yes, Commander Yang, it was you who came to kill and drive away these little devils. Under such circumstances, if it weren't for you, what kind of situation would our future be in? I It feels like there is no way for us to escape from the hands of the little devils!"

"Yes, Captain Yang, you can afford it, you can afford it!"

"There are more than 300 people in our village. If it weren't for you, all the people in our village, the old and the weak, women and children, would be killed by the devils. Commander Yang, you can bear it!"


But the people, at this moment, are determined to express their gratitude.

Seeing this, Yang Fei turned around directly, came to the high platform outside the headquarters, and said loudly: "Folks, listen to me!"

Seeing Yang Fei standing so high and his voice so loud, the people calmed down again.

They also want to hear what Yang Fei will say in the next time.

After all, Yang Fei is the leader here, they should listen to Yang Fei.

"We should fight devils!"

"Because we are soldiers, and the duty of a soldier is to defend the country and protect the people."

"So, this is our responsibility, don't thank us, this is what we should do!"

"Today, we accept your thank you. I believe that if our sacrificed soldiers see this scene, they will be very pleased and think that their sacrifice is totally worth it!"

"So, folks, thank you, that's all for now. In the next time, you can tell your intentions and what you need me to solve for you. Thank you, we accept it!"

Yang Fei's sonorous voice resounded outside the headquarters.

As for the people, they were also quiet at the moment.

No matter what, Yang Fei accepted their thanks, and they felt at ease.

"Captain Yang, we know."

After the middle-aged man nodded, he said again: "And our second and final goal is to find a way for the young and middle-aged people in our various villages."

When the middle-aged man said this, the soldiers who heard his words were a little puzzled?

As for Yang Fei, he instantly understood what the purpose of the middle-aged man and these ordinary people was.

"You don't have to say it, I know what you want to say."

Yang Fei said: "Your second purpose, request, I can agree, but you must first promise me one thing."

He understood very well that the meaning of the middle-aged man was to let the young and middle-aged men in the village come to him to serve as soldiers, become fighters, and kill devils.

Because, this is not an exception.

This happened to Yang Fei when he was in other theaters.

Just ask, how many young and middle-aged people want to resist, want to kill the devil, and want to take revenge under the situation of being persecuted by the little devil.

However, there are no weapons in hand, no strength, no guns, ammunition and conditions.

Under such circumstances, they can only endure.

Otherwise, if they resisted, the final result would be to be killed by the little devil.

Such a hopeless sacrifice is unnecessary.

They are also very clear in their hearts, so they are all waiting for the opportunity.

At this moment, Yang Fei and his soldiers killed and annihilated the little devils here.

Under such circumstances, the opportunity has come.

The opportunity to kill devils and serve the country has come.

So, there is today's scene.

The village chiefs, speakers, etc. of each village came to Yang Fei.

He wanted Yang Fei to agree to let the young and strong people in their village come here to serve as soldiers and follow Yang Fei to kill devils.

There is an opportunity in front of them, how can they let it go.


In any case, they have to fight for the young and strong in their village.

"Commander Yang, I hope you don't refuse!"

The middle-aged man directly looked heavy, and said with hatred in his eyes:
"In the past, we always thought that after the little devil came, we couldn't fight it, so we just hid and escaped, and we would be able to escape sooner or later!"

"However, the example in front of me is not like this. Under such circumstances, the villages were burned, killed, looted and wiped out by the little devils, and all the people were gone!"

"We can't hide, we can't hide!"

"After experiencing these things, we deeply understand that it is impossible to avoid, and it is impossible to wait!"

"We want to resist, we want to kill devils, we want to fight these little devils to the end!"

"Only in this way can we have hope!"

"Although, in the Liude area in front of us, which is the area where we are now, the little devils in it have been killed by you and the soldiers, but there are still many, many little devils in the rest of the area. !"

"We also know that sooner or later, Commander Yang, you will take the soldiers to fight the devils outside the Liude area!"

"And this time, I hope you can agree to bring the young and strong from our village and let them contribute to fighting the devils!"

"To beat devils, to die is an honor and a worthy death!"

"And it's a pity to die while avoiding and escaping, and it's useless!"

"So, Captain Yang, please agree to our request!"

When the middle-aged man said this, he stopped.

He said what he had to say.

He believed that Captain Yang would definitely satisfy them.

"Yes, Commander Yang, this is what we want to say, and it is also the purpose of our coming here today!"

"Captain Yang, you must agree!"


At this time, the rest of the people also started talking one after another.

Indeed, this is the purpose of their coming here this time.

For the young and strong people in the village, come to Yang Fei and ask for a chance to kill devils.


The young and strong in the village are the next generation and the hope of the village.

If these young men were all dead, there would be no hope in the village.

But, that was before, when the little devils and the beasts didn't come.

But at this moment, it is simply not the case.

They can't hide, there are little devils and other beasts, they can't hide.

So, even if all the young men in their village died on the battlefield, they still want these young men in the village to fight devils and fight!
Because, only in this way, there is hope.

And wait, there is no hope!

At this moment, Yang Fei, as well as the soldiers, were very moved.

However, Yang Fei is still persistent, he can agree, but there are requirements.

"Fellows, what are you thinking? I know everything!"

"But, I have a request!"

"That is, for the young and strong who come to me to serve as soldiers, the first point is that the family has no worries, the second point is that the parents at home are taken care of, and the third point is that I don't want to have children!"

Yang Fei directly stated his request.

If this was before, he would not have said that. After all, what was needed at that time was soldiers, to fight against devils.

But the Liude area at this moment is not the case.

Too many people need to build new homes. He can't be so selfish and take away all the young and strong.

Once it is taken away, it is no different from taking away the hope in the village.

So, at this time, Yang Fei made this request!
(End of this chapter)

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