Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3559 News of the Three Grain Depots

Chapter 3559 News of the Three Grain Depots

However, even though they thought so, they believed what Yang Fei said.

Food shortages are only temporary.

It will pass soon.

You will soon be able to overcome the immediate predicament.

They believed in Yang Fei.

This is also the beginning of their meal, and they dare not eat more.

After hearing Yang Fei's words, he opened up the reason why he ate.

They believed in Yang Fei.

The predicament and difficulties in the Liude area are only temporary.

Soon, it will pass.

Not to mention, under the current situation of unity, this predicament can pass faster.

It was under such circumstances that they ate a full stomach.

In this way, they got the result they wanted, and these people set off on their way home.

They wanted to go back as quickly as possible, and tell the good news of Yang Fei's agreement to the young and strong in the village.

In this way, the young and strong in the village can also rush to Liude City one day earlier.

In this case, perhaps, these young men in their village can help and contribute in the coming battle in the coming time.

It would be a great result if the young men in their village could contribute their strength and help in this battle.


The people left, and the headquarters of Liude City became quiet again.

The soldiers perform their duties.

As for Yang Fei, he also returned to his office, looking at the information sent back by the three of Liu Zhiyun on the table.

There is a lot of information, and their investigation is also very detailed.

As for the goals, there are also several.

Under such circumstances, he needs to carefully consider the specific battle to start and where to start.

This can't be sloppy.

The attack route is easy to talk about, and the battle is also easy to talk about.

Only the retreat route, the route for transporting food, is the most important thing, and it needs to be well planned.

Otherwise, once they knock down the grain depot and cannot retreat with the fastest speed and a reasonable route, the little devil's counterattack will be very fast.

At that time, once they are entangled by the little devil, it is very likely that their actions this time will fall short.

Therefore, he had to think carefully, select a few targets among them, formulate a complete retreat plan, and transport the food.

time flies.

Three days passed like this.

On the evening of the third day, Liu Zhiyun and the others returned with the soldiers.

After returning, the three of Liu Zhiyun came directly to Yang Fei's office.

"Old Yang!"

Looking at Yang Fei and Liu Zhiyun who were working seriously in front of them, they had smiles on their faces.

Because, this time the three of them went to complete the investigation mission, but they used all the things that Yang Fei gave them before.

Although the progress is not great, the progress is still not small. At the very least, they are proficient in the things, skills, military skills, etc. that Yang Fei handed over to them.

And this kind of thing, as long as it is proficient, then in the next battle, practice makes perfect, and the progress will be greater and faster.

What they are doing now is actually like laying the foundation.

Ten-thousand-foot-high buildings start from the ground, as long as the foundation can be laid well, then the future progress will be very fast.

If the foundation is not well laid, even if they want to improve in the future, it will be very difficult. At the very least, there will be many, many bottlenecks that are difficult to break through.

But at this moment, they have laid the foundation, then in the future, there will be no such things.


Seeing the return of Liu Zhiyun and the others, Yang Fei nodded with a satisfied smile on his face.

"This time you performed the mission very well. At least, you returned smoothly and got so much information."

"From this point, it can be seen that in addition to combat and scouting experience, you have also gained a lot, which is very good!"

Yang Fei stood up while talking, and took the intelligence plan on the desktop in his hand.

"Come, sit here!"

Yang Fei led Liu Zhiyun and the others to the wooden chair and round table on one side, and sat down.

"This is the plan for this time, take a look."

Yang Fei said, and directly handed the plan in his hand to Liu Zhiyun.

Liu Zhiyun didn't hesitate, took it directly, opened it and looked at it.

Soon, Liu Zhiyun saw the three targets for this action.

Fengchuan Grain Depot!

Niushan Grain Depot!

Yuncheng Grain Depot!

The distance between these three grain depots is very far.

Not three adjacent grain depots.

Liu Zhiyun had doubts in his heart.

However, he didn't ask directly, but after reading the plan, he gave it to Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, and asked them to go and see it.

As for him, in his own mind, he began to deduce the food grab plan this time.

Yang Fei didn't say the specific implementation plan, and it wasn't in the plan yet.

So, at this time, he has to simulate and deduce the plan in his mind first, so that he can also take this opportunity to experience it.

After all, formulating an action plan for such a plan is a very good way to practice.

It is also a very good opportunity for experience.

In the past, there was no chance for Heyang.

Liu Zhiyun thought, since Yang Fei was not included in the plan, he directly marked the action plan, which means that Yang Fei wanted them to think about the action plan first.

What Liu Zhiyun thought was actually completely correct, that's what Yang Fei meant.

Yang Fei, who was smoking a cigarette at the side, nodded in satisfaction when he saw Liu Zhiyun who closed his eyes and meditated without making a sound when he saw the proposal.

This kid did not disappoint him.

After reading the plan, I knew my intentions and began to deduce the action plan in my mind.

Well, this is a good point.

"Fengchuan Grain Depot, this is the place I investigated. There are not many little devils guarding it. There is only one squadron of devils guarding it. Judging from the situation, there should not be a lot of food inside!"

Zhao Yili looked at the plan and said with a frown.

You know, among the goals in his mind, Fengchuan Granary is not the first choice.

He didn't expect that Yang Fei chose this Fengchuan grain depot.

However, since Yang Fei chose, he has his reasons, and Zhao Yili will not doubt this.

Because, in terms of judgment, he is obviously inferior to Yang Fei.

"Yuncheng Grain Depot, hehe, there is a lot of grain here. I was outside the Yuncheng Grain Depot, but after waiting for three days, I found out that it was almost the same."

Staff Officer Chen smiled and put the plan on the table.

Indeed, the Yuncheng grain depot was the largest devil's grain depot that they had detected during this operation.

Among them, there is a devil brigade and an independent squadron of devils guarding.

From the strength of the troops, we can see the importance of the Yuncheng grain depot.

More importantly, there are four gun towers around the Yuncheng grain depot in four directions.

It is to defend the Yuncheng grain depot.

If these four gun towers can be used well, they can target the strength of a brigade.

Therefore, when Staff Officer Chen saw that the Yuncheng Grain Depot was ordered by Yang Fei, he was both excited and worried.

After all, if you want to take down the Yuncheng grain depot, you must first take down these four gun towers.

And the devil's gun tower is like a nail that is difficult to pull out. If it is not handled properly, the loss will be great!

(End of this chapter)

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