Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3560 Undaunted Staff Officer Chen

Chapter 3560 Undaunted Staff Officer Chen

In any case, Staff Chen was worried about the Yuncheng grain depot.

The Yuncheng grain depot is not that easy, it can be taken down.

Anyway, in his opinion, that's it.

"Well, you're right. The Yuncheng Grain Depot is indeed the most difficult target to take down."

"However, compared to other grain depots, after we take down this Yuncheng grain depot, whether it is retreat or transportation, it is beneficial to us, and it is more beneficial and advantageous than taking down other grain depots. "

Hearing Staff Officer Chen's words, Yang Fei looked at him and said directly:
"Yuncheng Grain Depot, five miles away, is the mountain forest near our Liude area. This mountain forest is not small, and what the little devils are least good at is forest warfare, jungle warfare, and night warfare."

"Although it is difficult to take down the Yuncheng Grain Depot, as long as we can take it down at night, then we can safely and quickly take the Yuncheng Grain Depot by relying on this forest. All the grains are transported away, do you know?"

The worries and considerations in Staff Chen's heart, Yang Fei had already considered them all before.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to choose Yuncheng Grain Depot directly.

There are risks, as well as difficulties.

However, this is not an insurmountable difficulty and risk.

As long as they can overcome this point, the rest, for them, are all advantages.

So, at this moment, after seeing the worries in Staff Officer Chen's heart, Yang Fei directly pointed out the key points to him and said them out.

Let his worries, at this moment, all be eliminated.

Only in this way can this guy go to fight with peace of mind.

"I understand, Lao Yang!"

Hearing Yang Fei's words, Staff Officer Chen understood everything in an instant.

Just now, he really didn't think of this.

With this thought in mind, Staff Officer Chen felt extremely ashamed in his heart.

After all, no matter what, his ability is still not good.

Progress is not enough.

You know, he has been getting information about the Yuncheng grain depot all along.

He was the one who was investigating, and found out the information about the grain depot in Yuncheng, the surrounding information, etc., and found out the bottom of the sky.

Originally, Yang Fei didn't need to tell him about these situations, he should be able to analyze these advantages.

Unfortunately, he didn't.

Did not think of these points.

From this aspect, it can be clearly seen that his actual combat ability is still not good, and his progress is still too slow, based on the actual situation, predictions, deduction, etc., otherwise, there is no need for Yang Fei to remind him at this time.

But at this moment, it was Yang Fei who reminded him, which directly pointed out his shortcomings.

This point made Staff Chen very ashamed at this time.

His progress is really too slow.

Yang Fei took Staff Chen's expression into his eyes, and said directly: "Don't be discouraged, progress cannot be achieved in a day or two, I have seen your progress within ten days, so, Don’t be discouraged by this matter, progress is a slow process, you can start to improve now, it is already very good, this is a good starting point.”

Indeed it is.

It is not so easy for a person to make progress.

Although it is not very difficult, it is also relatively difficult.

As for Staff Officer Chen at this time, he can clearly see progress, which is already very good.

Compared with those who want to improve, but can't see the progress, it is much better.

"Well, I understand that, Old Yang."

Staff Officer Chen nodded: "However, in my heart, I just feel that my progress is too slow. After all, I have not thought of the answer that can be easily obtained by combining these information. Alas!"

This is indeed the case.

As long as it is combined with the terrain and other circumstances, you can get the answer Yang Fei said.

But, he just didn't think of it.

His eyes are high and his hands are low, which is his current state.

"You think too much."

Yang Fei shook his head with a smile, took out a cigarette, and threw it to Staff Officer Chen:
"Your shortcoming lies in the fact that you worked as a staff officer in the regiment headquarters for too long, which led to your prediction of the actual situation on the battlefield, which became your shortcoming, flaw."

"So, this has led to your current series of situations."

"So, in some very simple cases, because you couldn't combine the actual situation, it led to the current result."

"However, this is not a flaw and shortcoming that is difficult to correct. As long as you can participate in more actual combat, you can completely change this point, understand?"

"I still say the same thing, don't be discouraged, just slowly follow what I instructed you before, don't worry."

For Staff Officer Chen, Yang Fei was actually quite optimistic.

After all, this guy's basic theoretical knowledge and so on are very solid.

What is lacking is practical experience.

As long as his actual combat experience can be improved, then his progress will be very fast, and it will be no problem at all to reach the current stage of Song Qingyu's ability.

After that, if he wants to improve, it depends on his own perseverance.

"Well, I see, Lao Yang, don't worry, I won't be discouraged."

If you are discouraged, there will be no staff officer Chen.

At this moment, he was just a little bit lost.

The rest, that is fighting spirit.

He still doesn't believe it, he still can't make himself progress as soon as possible under the extremely solid foundation of theoretical knowledge.

This is impossible.

Discouragement does not exist.

Now, he will definitely follow Yang Fei's footsteps with high morale in the future, so that he can make rapid progress.

Staff Officer Chen was very clear in his mind that only by doing this, his future would be bigger and he would be able to kill more devils.

Otherwise, he can only be eliminated.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he was eliminated, but that if his progress is not up to par, then he may not be able to follow in Yang Fei's footsteps and go to a bigger battlefield.

This was unacceptable to Staff Officer Chen.

Therefore, at this moment, the thoughts in his heart were further strengthened.




Only in this way, in the next time, he can keep up with Yang Fei's footsteps.

Although it's just a possibility.

But, this possibility is worth his hard work.

"Well, both of them want a specific battle plan now. Think about it, this is also an experience and an improvement for you."

Looking at Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun who were in deep thought, Yang Fei said to Staff Officer Chen with firm eyes.


After Staff Officer Chen nodded, he began to conceive and plan directly based on what Yang Fei said about the battle against the Yuncheng Grain Depot!

time flies.

In the headquarters office, except for the sound of Yang Fei smoking, it was very quiet.

An hour later, the three of Liu Zhiyun came to their senses in their own thoughts.


The three people who woke up took a long breath and looked at Yang Fei one after another.

They already have a battle plan in their hearts, so now is the time to listen to Yang Fei's battle plan!
(End of this chapter)

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