Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3561 3rd Line Attack Plan

Chapter 3561 Third Line Attack Plan
In fact, the three of Liu Zhiyun also knew in their hearts that the battle plan they formulated was definitely not as perfect as Yang Fei's battle plan.

But, this is their chance to improve.

In the following time, they will listen to Yang Fei's battle plan, combine theirs, take the essence of it, and add it into their own battle plan, that's all.

Not to mention anything else, but this approach is a very good progress for them.

Seeing the three of Liu Zhiyun sitting upright, Yang Fei immediately laughed.

He knew what the three guys were thinking.

So, without the slightest hesitation or reservation, Yang Fei told the three of them about his battle plan.

Time passed like this.

Under such circumstances, the three of Liu Zhiyun and Liu Zhiyun who heard Yang Fei's battle plan suddenly realized that they were weak and rewarded.

Seeing their appearance and performance, it can be seen that Yang Fei's battle plan is better than theirs.

Otherwise, the three of them would not have behaved like this now.

"Okay, that's the battle plan this time."

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he took out a cigarette, lit it and started smoking.

Having said that, Yang Fei stopped.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk about it.

Rather, he has already fully stated his battle plan.

Then in the next time, it's time for the three of Liu Zhiyun to express their opinions.

It was also the time when Yang Fei began to answer their doubts.

This time, it was not like before, Yang Fei wanted to listen to the battle plan of the three of them first.

Because it is completely unnecessary at this time, and the three of Liu Zhiming are not fools, the three of them are very smart.

As long as Yang Fei speaks out his battle plan, the three of them will know where the gap is, and how to get rid of the dross in their battle plan and extract the essence.

Therefore, the next time is the time for the three of them to express their own opinions.

"Old Yang, our battle plan is indeed not as perfect as yours, but I didn't expect the three of us to be in charge of the three grain depots and directly divide the three fronts to fight. Is this okay? Is our force capable?"

Regarding this, Liu Zhiyun had doubts in his heart.

After all, Yang Fei chose the least one of the three grain depots, and there was a devil squadron guarding it.

Under such circumstances, they directly split into three lines to attack and attack at the same time. Although they can catch the little devil by surprise, once the little devil reacts, it is not easy for them to do so.

You may even face the danger of being surrounded and closely pursued by devils.

After all, although they have many troops now, they cannot all be used in combat.

The deployment and defense of the Liude area all require troops.

Even if they bring enough troops, not all of the troops they bring belong to combat, but are in that kind of preparation and prevention.

So, under such circumstances, he was a little worried about directly attacking on three fronts and attacking three targets.

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen actually thought the same way in his heart, but Liu Zhiyun was quicker to bring it up.

At the beginning, he also thought that it was a battle one by one, rather than three battles unfolding at the same time.

If they target one place at a time, they won't have any surprises and can take it as quickly as possible.

And if the three battles unfold at the same time, the risks and dangers are great.

Of course, since Yang Fei has already decided to do this, then they can just obey the order directly, and now they are just raising their own opinions.

"I am aware of the concerns you mentioned. However, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages when we fight on three fronts at the same time. Just rest assured."

Yang Fei exhaled a puff of smoke, and said with a smile: "If we say that we only hit one place, then it is indeed a great advantage for us, and we can get the food back without any accidents. But, even if we do this There are no risks and dangers, but it is to startle the little devils and make other little devils take precautions."

"Then after that, it will be very difficult for us to fight the second time, and the difficulty will increase by more than ten times. This is why I disagree with single-line combat."

"If the three fronts are fighting at the same time, the little devils won't be able to react for a while. By the time they react, we will already be in the retreat route."

"Even if it is possible to be bitten by the little devil, after our previous deployment, we can cut off the little devil's pursuit with a certain loss."

"This point, you must understand in your heart."

"The benefits of doing this are much greater than the benefits of single-line combat."

"Don't forget that we need a lot of food now."

"In a single-line battle, once the little devils are alerted, we will not be able to obtain more food, and the Liude area will fall into crisis again."

"So, things seem to be like this, but there is no choice for us. We have to do this and launch a three-line strategy at the same time to fight these three goals at the same time."

Yang Fei was very clear about the worries in Liu Zhiyun's heart.

Because he himself had thought about this before, and if he took actions step by step, the risk would indeed be very low and the loss would be minimized.

However, this is not the case. If the food they need is a small part, they can do this.

However, they now need a lot of food. To feed the people in the entire Liude area, it is not enough to rely on this food alone.

Before him, according to intelligence calculations, it was necessary to take down the little devil's grain depots in these three places in order to solve the urgent need in the Liude area at this time and solve this dilemma.

Otherwise, just relying on a grain depot will not be able to solve the problem at all.Therefore, this is also a decision made under Yang Fei's careful consideration.

Simultaneously attack on three fronts, hit three targets, and rob the little devil of three grain depots.

"It's true what you said, but I feel that the risk is still great."

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun still insisted on his own opinion, he said; "Although we are facing great difficulties now, I feel that it is better to proceed step by step. This way the risk is low. Although it will arouse the vigilance of the little devils, but we have fought for this. After time, the kid might have relaxed by then, and I feel like I can wait."

On this matter, Liu Zhiyun has his own thinking. He knows that Yang Fei cannot agree with his opinion, but whether he agrees or not is a question, and whether he raises it is another question.

"No, Lao Liu, I won't support you this time."

However, at this moment, Zhao Yili said to Liu Zhiyun: "I feel that we should not hesitate in this matter, we must carry out the third-line battle according to Lao Yang's plan."

"Although what you said is very reasonable and can minimize our losses, but, Lao Liu, you have to consider one thing, that is, the little devil may not have much time for us. We wiped out the people here before. Little devils, they didn't come to retaliate against us at this time, it's because they couldn't react, and after they reacted, then we might welcome the stormy revenge of these little devils, under such circumstances, At this moment, we must cut through the mess quickly and solve the plight of our region. Only in this way can we buy more time, take precautions in the next time, and wait for the attacks and revenge of these little devils. I am so Say you can understand?"

It has to be said that what Zhao Yili thought at this moment made Yang Fei give him a high look.

He didn't expect that Zhao Yili would think of this.

That's good, he didn't mention this before, he just wanted to see if anyone among the three Liu Zhiyun could see this.

Obviously, Zhao Yili did not disappoint him, he thought of this.

(End of this chapter)

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