Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3563 Arrive at Fengchuan Grain Depot

Chapter 3563 Arrive at Fengchuan Grain Depot
Under Yang Fei's order, all the soldiers in the entire Liude City garrison began to act.

Of course, not all the soldiers were dispatched for this operation.

Instead, only three battalions were dispatched, and the rest of the soldiers, their mission was to guard the Liude area.

Otherwise, during this operation, if other little devils come to retaliate, there will be no guards, and the trouble will be really big.

In this case, no one can say for sure.

Don't look at these little devils, there is nothing moving now.

However, no one can tell whether these little devils will take advantage of the lack of troops in the Liude area to take revenge.

On this point, who can say for sure?
No one can tell for sure.

It is impossible to prevent such a situation from happening. The most important thing is that no one knows whether these little devils survived in the Liude area.

Once there are surviving little devils in the Liude area, it will be a huge hidden danger for them.

Let alone little devils, even if they are traitors, after knowing the current situation in the Liude area, they may report to the devils, thereby attracting more little devils to come to revenge.

So, for this mission, three battalions were dispatched and three fronts were dispatched.

In the Liude area, there is also a battalion and two companies of troops guarding and preparing.

And this battalion, the strength of the two companies, has been hiding at this moment.

No one knew that there was another battalion and two companies hiding in the Liude area.

Yang Fei's purpose is to guard against this move.

Once there is an emergency, the strength of this battalion and two companies can completely turn the tide of the battle.

Give these little devils who attacked suddenly, a sudden blow.

Of course, these are all preliminary plans. As for whether it will happen, no one knows.


"Second Battalion, follow me!"

"Sanying, follow me!"

"Siying, follow me!"

Under the orders of Liu Zhiyun, Zhao Yili, and Staff Officer Chen, the troops of these three battalions left Liude City at the fastest speed, and moved forward in three directions.

For this combat mission, Liu Zhiyun's second battalion is in charge of the Yuncheng grain depot.

Zhao Yili's Fourth Battalion is in charge of the Fengchuan Grain Depot.

Staff Chen's third battalion is in charge of the Niushan Grain Depot.

Among them, the Yuncheng Grain Depot is the most difficult to win.

Fengchuan Grain Depot and Niushan Grain Depot have the same difficulty level.

The strength of the troops is similar, and the Niushan Granary has one more independent team than the Fengchuan Granary. It can be said that it is dispensable.

The Yuncheng Grain Depot is different.

There is a brigade here, the strength of an independent squadron.

The overall strength is greater than the combined strength of the Fengchuan Grain Depot and the Niushan Grain Depot.

Under such circumstances, it can be seen how difficult it is to take down the Yuncheng grain depot in terms of military strength.

Of course, the comparison of troops is a face-to-face battle, and this kind of battle is the most difficult.

However, this time the battle is not a face-to-face battle.

The enemy is clear and we are dark, and Liu Zhiyun and others are not fools, so they will not engage in frontal combat.

Lurk, assassinate, secretly attack.

Fighting under such circumstances, they can basically ignore the comparison of forces, and take the Yuncheng grain depot with the smallest loss.

This is not only the case with Yuncheng Grain Depot, Fengchuan Grain Depot and Niushan Grain Depot.

The enemy is bright and we are dark.

Since they have this advantage, they must fully utilize this advantage!
Therefore, the battle this time was carried out in secret, in the dark night.

The battle time has been set.

That is, in the middle of the night, or even in the middle of the night.

When the little devils are asleep, when they are sleeping deeply, when they are sleeping the most.

Under such circumstances, the soldiers began to attack.

Try to take these three grain depots with the minimum loss.

The plan is perfect and so on. In this way, if there are almost no major accidents, their three battalions can win the greatest results with the smallest loss and cost.


time flies.

It took two days for Zhao Yili to bring his fourth battalion to the outside of the Fengchuan Grain Depot.

At this moment, it is afternoon.

Zhao Yili and the soldiers of the Fourth Battalion hid in a small forest two miles away from the Fengchuan Grain Depot.

Two miles away is the Fengchuan Grain Depot.

In fact, Fengchuan Grain Depot was a town in the past.

Surrounded by earth walls.

After being rebuilt by the little devil, it became the Fengchuan Grain Depot.

But at this moment, the people in the Fengchuan grain depot are gone, not a single one.

These innocent people have been slaughtered by these cruel little devils.

In other places, these little devils would need slaves.

These slaves are innocent people, serving their food, clothing, shelter, and everything.

But at this moment, because the Fengchuan Grain Depot is an important area of ​​the grain depot, it is an extremely important place.

So, these beasts are not allowed to have any Chinese people here.

The purpose is because there are Chinese people, there is a risk, even if it is the Imperial Association Army, these little devils don't trust these people at all.

I'm afraid there will be an accident, so there is no Chinese person or common people in it.

In fact, this is not only true for this Fengchuan grain depot, but also for other grain depots.

Inside, the guards are all little devils.

Fengchuan Grain Depot, two miles away, in a small forest.

Zhao Yili climbed up the big tree himself, and observed the Fengchuan grain depot again with a telescope.

The situation, as they had previously scouted, remained unchanged.

It is still guarding, patrolling, etc. like the previous investigation.

After observing these situations, Zhao Yili slid down the tree.

"Now take a good rest. After eating, except for the guarded soldiers, the rest of the people should rest."

After getting down from the big tree, Zhao Yili immediately issued an order:
"You guys know the time for the battle. It will be in the middle of the night tonight. Now that I have enough energy, I will beat these little devils hard and kill these beasts. I will try to make meritorious deeds in one fell swoop and kill this Fengchuan food." Ku, take it down completely, do you understand!"

Zhao Yili's voice was not very loud, but it was clearly heard by every soldier.



The soldiers who heard the order, at this moment, took the order one after another.

"Battalion Commander, will the people who will continue to transport food arrive on time?"

This is, the company commander came to Zhao Yili's side and asked with some concern.

It's not that he doesn't trust the people in the Liude area.

Rather, the marching speed of the common people is not as fast as theirs.

They are here ahead of schedule. If the common people fail to arrive on time after the battle, there will be big problems.

After all, there are devils stationed ten miles away from the Fengchuan grain depot.

Once there is a risk and if the wind leaks, the ten-mile journey will not waste much time for the little devils who own trucks.

Therefore, the first company commander, not only the first company commander, but also the second and third company commanders, etc., are also worried about this in their hearts.

"Do not worry!"

For this, Zhao Yili is very confident.

He said: "The people in the Liude area have endured hunger for so long. They know the importance. As long as they arrive on time and transport the food back, they will survive. I don't need to say how important it is. Alright, so, take it easy!"

For this, Zhao Yili is very confident.

Of course, it was also because Yang Fei gave him confidence before.

People, there will be no delay!
Will definitely come on time!

(End of this chapter)

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