Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3564 Jinfeng Shaozuo

Chapter 3564 Jinfeng Shaozuo
Earlier, Zhao Yili actually reported this situation to Yang Fei.

After all, if the people can't arrive on time, it will indeed be a big trouble.

However, Yang Fei told him at the time, there is no need to worry about such things, let alone them.

All they have to do is to fight the battle well.

After the battle is over, the common people will immediately enter the grain depot to carry the grain.

It was because of Yang Fei's guarantee that Zhao Yili at the moment didn't have the slightest worry about it.

And his words, at this moment, undoubtedly reassured the company commanders and gave them a reassurance.

Since this is no problem, the battle will be left to them.

"Okay, let's go and rest."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yili waved his hand directly.



Hearing Zhao Yili's words, the company commanders immediately took orders, turned around and went to rest.

As for Zhao Yili, his gaze was always on the Fengchuan Grain Depot two miles away.

This time, the battle took place in the middle of the night.

This is the time when the little devil's defense is the loosest.

However, there are too many accidents in the battle.

He also didn't know whether this battle would go smoothly in such a situation of having the upper hand.

What would happen if an accident happened?

Zhao Yili didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

He murmured: "No accident will happen!"

"Under such a well-prepared situation, if accidents still happen, then we are too useless!"

"Hehe, this time, we must win!"

"However, Lao Chen's side should be a little more difficult than mine, and there are quite a lot of devils in an independent team!"

"The thing that worries me the most is Lao Liu's side. There are a lot of devils in a brigade and an independent squadron!"

"I hope there will be no accidents."

After Zhao Yili finished muttering, he smoked a cigarette and went to a big tree, leaning against the big tree, and took a nap.

The same is true for the surrounding soldiers, leaning together in twos and threes, closing their eyes, and taking a nap.

The two platoons of soldiers are responsible for the guards and the realm.

In fact, the little devil would not have come to this place to investigate if he had not obtained the information in advance.

However, to be on the safe side, they still arranged two platoons of troops, just in case.

time flies.

The little devils in the Fengchuan grain depot, everything is business as usual.

At this moment, in the headquarters of the Fengchuan Grain Depot.

Major Jin Feng was drinking wine accompanied by several lieutenant officers.

So uncomfortable.

"Haha, Mr. Jinfeng, today is your birthday, we are here, so we wish you a happy birthday!"

"Yes, Jin Feng-jun, from the beginning of the battle to now, we have finally reached a place where we can be safe! You know, in the past, we fought on the battlefield, although we could gain credit and military merit, but, It's really too dangerous!"

"Yes, this is the situation. On the battlefield, jade may not be broken at any time on the battlefield. Even us officers can't do it. I heard before that in other theaters, Even your Excellency the general has a lot of jade broken, the chief officer and so on, all of them have broken a lot of jade, let alone us young commanders and lieutenant officers!"

"That's right, Mr. Jinfeng, at this moment, we followed you and came here to guard the Fengchuan grain depot. Although we have gained a lot less military merit, it is better to be safe. Here, I will toast you first! "

"I also offer you a toast, Jin Feng-jun."

"Jinfeng-jun, I believe that if we stay here until the end of the war, the military achievements we have gained are enough for us to mention it. Haha, Jinfeng-jun, I also offer you a toast!"


At this moment, the lieutenant-level officers next to Shao Zuo Jin Feng, as well as several officers and officers, stood up immediately and began to toast Shao Zuo Jin Feng.

For them, they are not the kind who like to do meritorious service on the battlefield.

In fact, there are quite a few little devils, just like them, who like to enjoy themselves.

Instead of going to fight on the battlefield.

Because fighting means death.

Although the harvest is great, it may not be able to survive.

So, they basically like the life they have now.

There is no risk in guarding the grain depot, and you can enjoy it like this all day long.

As long as the grain depot is guarded well, the rest of the time, as long as there are no accidents in the grain depot, then they can just enjoy it like this.

They like this kind of life very much.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing that the people below were so respectful to him, Shao Zuo Jin Feng was very happy, and immediately burst into laughter.

In fact, being able to bring these subordinates here is indeed the result of his hard work.

Before, he was on the battlefield and was terrified.

Yes, fear.

Scared of the battlefield.

When he first came to the Huaxia battlefield, he was not afraid of anything at that time, and he just wanted to make meritorious service, climbed up hard, and became a Zhongzuo officer, or even a Dazuo officer.

It's a pity that after going through a few big battles, he didn't think so at all.

He witnessed with his own eyes that the officer who came to the Huaxia battlefield with him was shot through the head by a bullet.

He saw with his own eyes that the officers who came to the Huaxia battlefield with him were crushed to pieces by shells.

In such a situation, he was afraid.


He doesn't want to die.

Under such circumstances, he always thought about how to leave the battlefield and perform some tasks without great risks.

Even if the credit and military merit are a little smaller, there is no problem.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before the opportunity came.

His instructor at the military academy, his Excellency the captain, had a task to build a grain depot there.

Under such circumstances, he won the task of building the grain depot.

This also led to the present scene.

So, for this, Jin Feng Shao Zuo was very satisfied.

Set up a grain depot here and guard the grain depot.

Although at the end of the day, the credit is not enough for him to be promoted to the lieutenant officer.

But, at least, he will survive.

Otherwise, even if he was given the rank of general and let him die on the battlefield, he would not want such a result.

If he is dead, even if he is given the rank of a senior general of the empire, what can he do?
So, for the current life, enjoy every day, look at the people below, respect yourself very much, in the Fengchuan grain depot, like the emperor of the earth, life and death.

He likes this kind of life very much.

"Gentlemen, let's have a drink together!"

Shao Zuo Jinfeng said: "In the days to come, everyone will unite as one, so that, I believe, everyone can get the results and results they want!"



After Jin Feng finished speaking, he directly drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Seeing this, the other lieutenant-level officers, sergeant Cao and Cao Chang, the little devils, did not dare to hesitate at all, and drank it directly.

"My lords, we are here, we can enjoy life well, and enjoy all the life we ​​couldn't enjoy when we were in the body!"

Shao Zuo Jin Feng put down his wine glass and said with a smile: "In this way, even if we return to the main body at the end of the war, it will not be a loss."

"Also, I believe, as you said, as long as you are under our guard and there are no accidents, there will be no problem for each of you to advance to a level after the end."

Shao Zuo Jin Feng's words seem to be a reassurance to these little devils at this moment.

"Haha, that's a must, Your Excellency Major!"

"Yes, we are here, I believe that no one dares to provoke us!"

"That's right, relying on those weak Chinese soldiers, they dare not come!"

"Ha ha!"


Regarding this situation, these little devils are confident and arrogant.


These little devils,

They haven't been to the battlefield for a long time, and they don't understand the situation on the frontal battlefield at the moment.

If they understood the current situation on the frontal battlefield, they would not have such arrogant thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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