Chapter 3567
Zhao Yili is very satisfied with this result.

There were no surprises in the battle, just as expected.

There were no accidents and everything went smoothly.

The Fengchuan Grain Depot was just like that.

It even went so smoothly that Zhao Yili himself couldn't believe it.

After all, they planned so much before, what they were afraid of was that after the operation started, an accident would happen.

But at this moment, nothing unexpected happened.

"Hehe, these beasts really feel that the peace has been going on for a long time, and they are immersed in the enjoyment, and they have put down all their vigilance."

"Otherwise, how could such a thing happen?"

"Hehe, that's funny!"

"These little devils, do you really think that the Chinese soldiers at this time are still the same as when they first came?"

"Ha ha!"

"At this time, Huaxia soldiers have grown up, we have started to fight and rise up, you little devils, you are not good at the beginning!"

Zhao Yili murmured at this time, thinking of the analysis Yang Fei gave them.

Originally, when Yang Fei first spoke, he was a little disbelieving and suspicious in his heart.

However, the result and scene in front of him at this moment made him understand in his heart that this is the truth.

Yang Fei's analysis is completely correct.

These little devils have been wreaking havoc on the land of China for so long, known as the empire on which the sun never sets.

But at this moment, it's obviously not going to work, and the sun is starting to set.

What are the facts?

This is the fact.

In front of him, he even brought the soldiers of his fourth battalion to prove this point.

This is the fact!

At this moment, Zhao Yili was very happy.

"Okay, tell the soldiers to finish as quickly as possible!"

"Afterwards, the grain was cleared and moved out, waiting for the arrival of the people."

Looking at the fish-belly paleness in the east, Zhao Yili raised the corner of his mouth and gave the order.


The soldier next to him immediately took the order, and turned around to deliver the order.

Watching the soldiers leave to deliver orders, Zhao Yili also entered the headquarters.


Fengchuan Grain Depot was successfully taken down.

As for the Niushan Grain Depot, there was no accident, and was taken down by Staff Officer Chen with the Third Battalion.

Staff Officer Chen's mood and emotions at the moment were actually the same as Zhao Yili's.

What Yang Fei told them before, the results of the deduction, at this moment, all of them are not at this moment, have been confirmed.


At this moment, the only thing that has not been taken down is the Yuncheng grain depot.

Also understandable.

In any case, there is a devil brigade and an independent squadron in the Yuncheng grain depot.

It is the largest and most important of these three grain depots, among the three goals.

Under such circumstances, if it can be taken down quickly like the Fengchuan grain depot and the Niushan grain depot.

That means that all the little devils in the Yuncheng grain depot are trash.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Although the little devils in Yuncheng's grain depot hadn't had any accidents for a long time, it caused some slack in vigilance and vigilance.

But, it's not that serious.

Of course, it is also understandable, who made this Yuncheng grain depot the largest and most important grain depot in the vicinity.

Time, retreat to before the battle.


In the big pit outside the Yuncheng grain depot.

Liu Zhiyun climbed up the big pit, looking at the Yuncheng Grain Depot surrounded by four gun towers in front of him, Liu Zhiyun frowned.

Fengchuan Grain Depot and Niushan Grain Depot were rebuilt according to the town.

And this Yuncheng grain depot is the real city.

Although it is not a big city, it is also a city much larger than the town.

Of course, it is a city piled up with earth walls.

Even so, it is still a city.

If you attack directly, climbing is a difficulty.

These four turrets are the first level, the first difficulty point.

And this earthen city wall is the second level, the second difficulty.

Liu Zhiyun thought in his heart that it was almost impossible to take down the earthen city wall without loss, the second difficulty.

There will definitely be losses.

It depends on whether the loss is big or small.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhiyun directly ordered: "The third company commander!"

"Yes, Battalion Commander."

Hearing Liu Zhiyun's shout, the third company commander came directly to Liu Zhiyun's side.

The third company commander at this moment was extremely excited.

Because, his third company is the sharp knife of the fourth battalion.

Under such circumstances, if he attacked first, it would be his third company that attacked first.

Under such circumstances, Liu Zhiyun called him, which meant that it was finally time to attack.

He did it three times in a row, and this time, the sharp blade must be out of its sheath.

See no enemy blood, never return.

The third company commander had thought of a lot at this moment.

"It's almost time, you take your company now, and take down the two gun towers of this little devil first."

"As for the two turrets at the back, their attack range is behind the grain depot in Yuncheng. They pose little threat to us. You should take down the two turrets in front first."

"Of course, after taking down these two turrets, you sneaked again. When we started to attack the Yuncheng grain depot, you took down the other two turrets, understand?"

Liu Zhiyun ordered directly.

If you want to take the food away safely and don't pass on the news, none of the four fortresses of the little devil can be left behind.

Otherwise, leaving one behind is a huge risk.

It can only be a problem before and after the attack.

Take down two turrets first, and then the other two, and that's it.

Anyway, before the battle in Yuncheng's grain depot is over, the two gun towers behind must also be taken down. Only in this way can accidents be minimized.

"Yes, Battalion Commander, we promise to complete the task!"

The third company commander's eyes were excited, and he accepted the order with a serious face. He turned around directly, greeted the soldiers of the third company who had been prepared a long time ago, and then disappeared into the night, and soon disappeared.

"Commander, what about us?"

At this time, the first company commander, the second company commander, and the fourth company commander became a little anxious when they saw the action of the third company.

After all, fighting is also very longing in their hearts.

"Do not worry."

Liu Zhiyun shook his head, and said: "After Sanlian takes down these two blockhouses, you can act again. Go prepare now. I believe that it won't take long for Sanlian to take down these two blockhouses."

Liu Zhiyun's words undoubtedly gave the three company commanders a reassurance at the moment.



Just like that, when the three company commanders heard Liu Zhiyun's words, they immediately turned around and went to prepare.

Although, the soldiers are all ready.

But, now that the battle is about to start, they still have to confirm the number.

In this way, it can also be guaranteed that after the battle begins, there will be no accidents due to their mistakes.

"Yuncheng Grain Depot, I must take you down tonight!"

As for Liu Ziyun, looking at the Yuncheng Grain Depot in the darkness in front of him, he murmured with a serious expression and firm eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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