Chapter 3568
To be honest, the Yuncheng grain depot is the top priority of this mission plan.

It can be said that even if the Fengchuan Grain Depot and Niushan Grain Depot cannot be taken down, as long as the Yuncheng Grain Depot is taken down, the urgent needs of the Liude area can be solved.

From this point of view, we can see the importance of the Yuncheng Grain Depot.

As for Liu Zhiyun, at this time, no matter how difficult the Yuncheng grain depot in front of him was, he had to take it down.

Otherwise, he would not be able to explain to Yang Fei, nor to the people in the Liude area.

time flies.

The night is dark.

Above the first two gun towers of the Yuncheng Grain Depot, there are brightly lit lights.

A large searchlight, under the movement of the two Imperial Association troops, swept the surrounding area continuously.

Although the searchlight can't see very clearly, but the biggest function of this thing is deterrence, not the real ability to see clearly the sneaky target in the dark night.

You must know that in many cases, this extremely bright searchlight is of no use to the kind of special, evasive stealth. It can be said that it is immune.

The difference is that big.

It also happens to reflect the role of this searchlight, deterrent!

And the two imperial association troops on the top of the gun tower didn't even bother to investigate again.

As if it was perfunctory, they kept pushing the searchlights to look for them.

If you look carefully, these two guys, squinting their eyes at the moment, are almost falling asleep.

In such a situation, let alone investigating the situation, even if someone walked over openly, the two Imperial Association troops might not be able to find out.

One of two gun towers.


"Third brother, I'm almost falling asleep!"

"Me too, old six, his grandma's, nothing happened in such a long time, these bastards, why do you let them use searchlights here to look for them, is there anything wrong, what a waste! "

"That's right, we're not allowed to sleep. In my opinion, no one dares to come here to make trouble. It's just that these little devils are thinking too much!"

"That's it, what the hell, they're soundly asleep at this moment, let's dangle this thing here, it's so dazzling, grandma, the more you look at it, the more you want to sleep!"

"Third brother, how about we sleep for a while, you sleep first, I will watch for you, after a while, you are replacing me, I will sleep again, how about it?"


"Okay, so, I'll sleep first, you count the time, I sleep for an hour, you sleep for an hour, how about it?"

"it is good!"

"Hey, that's it!"


The two imperial association troops discussed and settled in this way.

One person watches, one person sleeps, and two people, just take turns like this.

They did this, at least the searchlights kept dangling, even if these little devils woke up in the middle of the night, they wouldn't find out what was wrong.

These little devils would never come to the top of the gun tower in the middle of the night.

All they need to do is to see if the searchlight is active at the lookout hole.

As long as the searchlight is active, there is no problem.

For the little devil, sleep is the most important thing in the middle of the night.

It has to be said that it is completely wrong for the little devil to choose the Imperial Association Army to do things for the sake of enjoyment.

Of course, it is also understandable that if there are no accidents or battles for a long time, and there is no crisis, they will definitely relax and relax their vigilance.

This is the normal situation.

Otherwise, it is not normal to be on high alert all the time.

Although the defense force of Yuncheng grain depot is more and stronger than that of Fengchuan grain depot and Niushan grain depot.

However, there is also a lax aspect of vigilance.

And this moment.




The soldiers of the third company were divided into two teams. Under the leadership of the third company commander and the deputy company commander, they sneaked secretly and came to the devil's gun tower.

Leaning against the wall.

The position they leaned on, unless the Imperial Association Army on the top of the gun tower looked down seriously, otherwise, they would not be able to see it.

As long as they kept looking at the searchlights, their eyes were almost blinded. Under such circumstances, they basically couldn't see the soldiers below when they looked down.

"After entering, kill the little devil inside as quickly as possible!"

"During this period of time, the little devils inside must have fallen asleep and slept very deeply. I hope you all be careful, and strive to prevent the little devils from shooting back if they can not shoot. guns, don’t let them shoot back.”

"Only in this way can our mission this time be truly successful."

"Otherwise, once we make too much noise in the gun tower, the difficulty of fighting for the battalion commander and other soldiers will increase countless times. Do you know?"

"You are not fools. Once you startle the little devils in the grain depot, you will know what the result will be!"

"I want you to pay attention!"

"Act now!"


Before the action, the commander of the third company and the deputy commander gave instructions to the soldiers under him again.

After all, this mission is really too important.

Once it is their main force, if they are discovered before entering the Yuncheng grain depot, then if they want to attack and take down the Yuncheng grain depot, if they enter the Yuncheng grain depot, they will suffer greater losses first.

Even, once the devil's reaction in the Yuncheng grain depot is huge, they must integrate their forces to counterattack as quickly as possible.

Then on their battalion commander's side, it is very likely that this battle will end in failure!
Under such circumstances, their three companies are sinners.

After all, Liu Zhiyun, the battalion commander, put in too much effort to train them for the third company.

Once this is the case, if they can't produce a qualified report card, then they will also disappoint Liu Zhiyun.

This was also a huge blow to Liu Zhiyun.

But at this moment, the soldiers who heard the instructions all strengthened their confidence in their hearts, and warned themselves that they must be careful and strive to take down these two blockhouses without making any noise.



In this way, under the leadership of the third company commander and the deputy company commander, the assassination operation began in an instant.

The devil's gun tower was not closed.

Just leave the door open.

The first floor of the blockhouse was very empty, with a table in the middle, and seven or eight Imperial Army soldiers were lying on the table, all asleep.

At the door, there was a guard in charge.

Maybe it was because it was too cold at night and it was midnight, so I entered the first floor of the blockhouse and fell asleep.





At this moment, the speed of the soldiers was very fast. Seven or eight soldiers stepped forward, one by one, and directly killed the seven or eight Imperial Association troops.

Wipe the neck, twist the neck.

This is no stranger to these fighters, and they are very skilled.

In just the blink of an eye, without the slightest movement, the Imperial Association Army on the first floor of the gun tower was killed.


The next time is the second layer.

And in the upper floors from the second floor, the ones resting are the little devils.

At this moment, these little devils are also sleeping very deeply.


The soldiers who came up to the top looked at each other and immediately acted.

Moreover, the rest of the soldiers also began to move forward to the top of the gun tower.

Soon, it didn't take long, the gun tower was completely taken down by the third company commander and the deputy company commander.

During this period, no accidents occurred.

And the two imperial association troops who were staring at the gun tower, made an agreement and discussed it, sleeping alone and on duty, both fell asleep in the end, which was not what they discussed at all.

In the end, the two imperial association troops were killed in their sleep.

The moment the two gun towers were taken down, the third company commander and the deputy company commander arranged for soldiers to flash their searchlights several times in the direction of Liu Zhiyun and the main force.

This can be regarded as a signal of a successful victory!
(End of this chapter)

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