Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3569 Successfully entered the Yuncheng Grain Depot

Chapter 3569 Successfully entered the Yuncheng Grain Depot
Three consecutive wins took down the gun tower, very smoothly.

From the sudden flickering lights above the two gun towers, it can be seen that they are going well.

Otherwise, the lights above the gun tower would definitely sweep back and forth, rather than flickering.

Liu Zhiyun, who was waiting on the edge of the pit, was undoubtedly relieved when he saw this.

What he pointed out and worried about was that when the gun tower was taken down, there would be accidents that would alarm the little devils.

Once the gunshots sounded, the little devils in the Yuncheng grain depot, no matter how sleepy they were in sleepiness, how deeply they slept, under the sudden gunshots, they would instantly fall asleep. reacted.

At that time, if they want to take down the Yuncheng grain depot, it will be very difficult.

So, at this time, there was no accident in taking down the gun tower, which means that they could directly approach the devil's Yuncheng grain depot without disturbing anything, and began to climb in.

"very good!"

Liu Zhiyun breathed a sigh of relief, and directly directed at the three company commanders not far away, he ordered: "The signal is sent, you attack immediately. At the moment of the third company, there are already soldiers who are good at climbing waiting for you."

"At that time, these fighters will cooperate with you to take down the wall of the Yuncheng Grain Depot and enter it, go."

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun gave the order without the slightest hesitation.



On the side, the three company commanders, who were impatiently waiting with great anticipation in their hearts, took orders one after another.

Turning around directly, they led the soldiers under their command and rushed towards the Yuncheng grain depot shrouded in night.

Don't look at the speed of the soldiers, but the movement they made was very light.

This is the advantage of mastering the terrain.

In the previous investigations, there was already a plan for the Yuncheng grain depot, where the soldiers marched, where they climbed, etc.

So, under such circumstances, where is suitable for marching and running, it has been planned long ago.

But at this moment, the soldiers were heading towards the Yuncheng grain depot according to the predetermined plan.

3 minutes.

In just 3 minutes, the soldiers quietly came under the earthen wall of the Yuncheng grain depot.

At this moment, the soldiers of the third company who had been waiting here for a long time whispered directly:
"Are you all ready? At the city gate, go to a small team of warriors. Wait for us to start climbing. When the time comes, open the city gate directly. You must use the fastest speed to take down the earthen city wall."

The soldiers of the third company asked.

"Don't worry, you motherfucker, I've already prepared it!"

"That's right, hurry up, hehe!"

"I can't wait, Sanlian brothers, hurry up."


This is, the company commander and soldiers who had just arrived began to whisper.

Looking at them like this, you can tell that they really can't wait at this moment.

I can't wait to start fighting against the little devil directly.

However, if you want to fight, you need to open the city gate.

After all, with so many fighters, it is impossible to start all the climbing directly.

Otherwise, the risk of leakage is great.

One or two climbed the earthen city wall, and there was almost no movement.

However, if the soldiers of these several companies start to climb, the commotion will be very loud.

Even if you are extremely careful, soldiers with guns and ammunition on their backs will always bump into each other.

But at this moment, in the middle of the night, the sound of guns and ammunition colliding will be extremely clear and ear-piercing.

At that time, the little devils in their sleep will definitely be alarmed.

Once these little devils are alarmed at this time, all their previous preparations will be wasted.

So, now is the critical time, and you must not give up all your previous efforts at this time.

Just be careful if you can.

Before the action, Liu Zhiyun told the leading company commander and platoon leader to be prudent and take it step by step without rushing.

Otherwise, accidents may easily occur.

And don't worry about it, it's actually an order from Yang Fei to Liu Zhiyun.

Can't be in a hurry.

Don't be in a hurry.

I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and I'm talking about this time.

The more it is the most critical time in front of you, the less you can worry.

At this moment, the platoon leaders and soldiers below also kept this situation in mind.

Therefore, although they are very anxious in their mouths at this moment, in terms of actions, they are orderly and not at all anxious.



In this way, the soldiers of the third company, with a big smile, started to climb the earthen city wall.

Because the earth city wall has been in disrepair for a long time, and when it was rebuilt, the previous traces were not removed.

Under such circumstances, the protruding and concave marks are the best places to climb.

The soldiers of the third company, relying on this, climbed up the earthen city wall as quickly as possible and quietly.

After arriving on the earthen city wall, the soldiers of the third company saw that there were quite a few little devils leaning against the earthen city wall, and fell asleep soundly.

"Ha ha!"


After seeing this scene, the soldiers of the third company laughed lightly, and jumped up the city wall with extremely light steps.

And, at the fastest speed, after tying a rope to the wall, he slid down the city wall and officially entered the Yuncheng grain depot.

After entering it, the soldiers of the third company took a look and found that the surrounding area was quiet. There were no little devils or situations at all, and they rushed towards the gate next to it.

After arriving at the cave of the city gate, four or five little devil soldiers who were sleeping came into view immediately.


The soldiers of the third company pulled out their sharp bayonets, and after looking at each other, they were like cheetahs. They came to the sleeping little devil very quickly and swiftly.




At this moment, these little devils stared angrily, and began to struggle in great pain.

It's a pity that no matter how they struggle at this time, they can't change their current destiny.

"Open the city gate, speed!"

Get rid of this little devil, the soldiers of the third company opened the gate of the city as quickly as possible.

"Hurry up, come in!

The soldiers waiting outside swarmed in directly.

Don't look like they are swarming in, but they didn't make much noise.

At this moment, the soldiers who entered the Yuncheng grain depot headed towards the city wall at the fastest speed.

The earthen city wall must be taken down.

After all, with control of the city wall, even if they can't take down the grain depot, they still have a way out.

Otherwise, if they attack now, regardless of the city walls, the final result is likely that they will not be able to retreat and be annihilated by the little devils.

Therefore, the earthen city wall must be taken down.

(End of this chapter)

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