Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3570 Victory

Chapter 3570 Victory
The soldiers were so fast that they rushed directly to the city wall.

Quick movements and light steps are the true portrayal of the soldiers at this moment.

From this point, it can also be seen that these fighters really worked hard during their usual training.

Otherwise, at this time, they would not have such light footsteps when they moved so fast.

This is the result of rigorous training in normal times.




But at this moment, these little devils on the earthen city wall are sleeping soundly.

Hurring, it was a loud noise.

Of course, it is also completely understandable.

There have been no accidents for a long time, so that the consciousness of these little devils will naturally, subconsciously relax.

Not to mention, the current time is ten minutes in the middle of the night.

It is also the most sleepy and difficult time for a person.

Under such circumstances, it is strange that they can persist.

Not to mention, there are still four gun towers guarding around the grain depot in Yuncheng.

If the problem occurs first, it must be the direction of the blockhouse.

In this way, they can wake up when they hear the sound, and immediately go into battle.

There will be no big surprises.

Nothing has happened for such a long time, and the chances of it happening in the future are not high, or even none.

Therefore, it is in this state of mind that these little devils can sleep so soundly.

This is the rear occupied by these little devils.

If it is said that it is on the battlefield, these little devils would not dare to do such a thing no matter what.

Don't say that you dare to do it, if you dare to make such a move, the patrolling devil officer will be able to kill the little devil who has made these moves directly.

So, comparing the two places, this is also understandable.



The footsteps of the soldiers were very light, like a breeze blowing.

It didn't take long for the soldiers of these companies to completely surround the earthen city wall, guarding the little devils who were sleeping in the guard.


After the leading company commander and the soldiers nodded to each other.

They squatted down one after another, grabbed the heads of these little devils, and slammed them to the side.

"Crack it!"




At this moment, above the earthen city wall, there were all the sounds of neck bones breaking.



And these little devils who were sleeping soundly, just died in their sleep.

Those who didn't even feel any pain, even those who were still immersed in their sleep, lost their voices.

Lost, the breath of life.

"Stand guard, arm!"

"The rest, follow me into the Yuncheng grain depot and start killing!"

"Remember, when dealing with these little devils, we still don't want to keep any of them. Don't show any kindness, pity, or hesitation. Kill them when you see them!"

"One more thing, the movement should be smaller, if you can't make a big movement, don't make a big movement!"

"Killing these little devils quietly is the only way for us to minimize the loss!"

"Do you understand?"

At this moment, the leading company commander once again gave orders to the soldiers around him.

To command, is to command.

Otherwise, once the soldiers feel relaxed, it will not be a good thing for their action this time.

It must be ordered again.



The soldiers who heard the order took their orders one after another.

In this way, after leaving three platoons of troops to guard on the earthen city wall, the rest of the company commander and the rest of the soldiers entered the Yuncheng grain depot like this.
But at this moment, none of the little devils in the Yuncheng grain depot had noticed this situation.

And this is also the reason why they all died in the following time.

time flies.

an hour later.

In the Yuncheng grain depot, there were sparse gunshots.

And, the screams of the little devil.

The gunshots started quickly, and ended very quickly.

In the end, the battle of the Yuncheng Granary was over.

No big surprise happened.

Except for some little devils waking up and shouting in the middle, some small-scale battles were triggered.

Other accidents did not happen.

In this way, the battle starts quickly and ends quickly.

Like Fengchuan Grain Depot and Niushan Grain Depot, this Yuncheng Grain Depot was successfully taken down.

"Ha ha!"


"We made it!"

"Ha ha!"


Looking at the white belly rising in the east, all the soldiers raised their guns and cheered.


They won once.

Moreover, with such a small loss, he won the immediate victory.

This is really good.

It really cheered them up.

Liu Zhiyun, who was standing upstairs in the headquarters, also smiled with satisfaction.

The soldiers under his command did not disappoint him.

Similarly, he did not disappoint Yang Fei in this battle.

The grain depot was taken down. Now, the people in the Liude area are saved, saved.

"Commander, the people are here!"

"The people are here!"


At this moment, the soldiers of Liu Zhiyun's battalion, Zhao Yili's battalion in Fengchuan Grain Depot and Niushan Grain Depot, and Staff Officer Chen's battalion all saw a large number of civilians coming.

Some of these common people were carrying big trucks.

Some carried sticks, ropes, etc., all kinds of tools for transporting food.

Moreover, the smiles on the faces of these common people are even more exciting and exciting.


They will soon have food.

With food, they will not be hungry in the next time, and they will not starve to death.


In fact, when these common people were worth money, Yang Fei asked Song Qingyu, Old Liu Tou and him to personally persuade the common people.

Of course, there is no need to persuade, it is enough for him to tell the truth directly.

There is food to eat, but you need to transport it back by yourself.

Shipped back, after integration, unified distribution.

Hearing this news, the people who have been starving for such a long time, who can bear it, can't help it, all of them began to volunteer to come to transport food.

As for Yang Fei, he didn't refuse either, as long as he was healthy, not disabled, old and weak, and strong, he could participate in the food delivery.

But, the only thing is to abide by the probability.

For this, the people all agreed.

Because they knew in their hearts that wherever they went, they were all little devils.

If you don't obey the discipline and don't obey, you will probably be killed by the little devil.

So, under such circumstances, the common people were extremely obedient and disciplined, and followed the leading soldiers to the Fengchuan Grain Depot, Niushan Grain Depot, and Yuncheng Grain Depot.

They came to deliver food.

These grains represent their lives!
(End of this chapter)

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