Smooth handling
Fengchuan Grain Depot.

When the people came here, Zhao Yili and the soldiers had already opened the grain depot and cleaned the battlefield.

The grain in the grain depot must be taken away.

And these little devils can't keep any of their other finances.

These are all resources that can be used to fight against Japan and little devils.

Therefore, it must not be wasted.

And Zhao Yili's order is just like this, even the clothes, military uniforms, etc. worn by these little devils must be packed and taken back.

These things are exactly what the people in the Liude area can use at this time.

If the little devil's military uniform is given to the common people, the common people can cut it off and make clothes again, which is not a problem for the common people at all.

So, these are resources, and they are resources that cannot be wasted.

One stitch and one thread cannot be pulled off.

As long as you can use it, take everything with you.

As for the soldiers, they also strictly carried out this order.

It can be said that at the moment of waiting for the arrival of the people, they dug the three grain depots three feet into the ground, and packed up all the things that could be used.

The same is true for fighters.

At the moment, the Liude area lacks everything.

Whether it is food, drink or use, these things are all very scarce.

So, under such circumstances, none of them can be let go.

The final result is that in addition to the grain, there are also a large amount of various resources piled up outside the grain depot.

"Okay, folks, folks, in the next time, you just follow the arrangement of our soldiers and start transporting the grain back from the grain depot!"

"Don't get tired, and you can transport as much as you can. The most important thing is that we don't have to transport it back directly at one time. We have found a place to store food temporarily. We can put it there first, and then come back and transport it."

"After all, there is a lot of grain in this grain depot. If we transport it back directly, it will take too much time. Maybe, during this time delay, the little devils and the beasts have already got the news. coming."

"At that time, once the little devils come, it will be impossible for us to take the food away!"

"So, I hope you can understand this, obey the orders, obey the soldiers' arrangements, just deliver the food to our designated location, and then come back and continue delivering!"

"Don't worry, these grains, as long as we transport them to our Liude area for the second time, they will all be distributed to you!"

"After all, the purpose of our war this time is to snatch the food for you, otherwise, we will postpone this battle for a while!"

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense, the next time, deliver food!"


Zhao Yili's orders and conversations were the same as those of Staff Officer Chen and Liu Zhiyun.

Although they know that most of the common people are very obedient.

However, there must be some kind of stubborn brains among them, who want to transport the food back first.

But at this time, the purpose of their saying these words is to let the people understand that there is food, and there must be no chaos and no small thoughts.

Otherwise, once the time is delayed and the little devil arrives, all the food will be gone.

At that time, fighting with the little devils, let alone food, and whether they can evacuate safely with these common people will be a problem.

So, some words must be said at the very beginning.

Otherwise, once an accident is caused due to this negligence, the little devil will come.

No one can afford such a serious consequence.

Therefore, sometimes, what should be said should be said in advance.

Of course, Yang Fei has actually been guarding against this for a long time.

The people he called were all led by the village chiefs in each village, who were highly respected and spoke up.

He even instructed the people who led the team to be obedient and follow orders.

Otherwise, the consequences will be serious and no one can afford it.

Even, it will cause the people to die in the grain depot that was just snatched by the devils.

So, under such circumstances, with the instructions of Liu Zhiyun and others at this moment, the people who came here, they all knew it in their hearts.

They, just remember a little.

That is, follow orders, obey arrangements, and hurry to carry food.

Otherwise, once the little devil really came, they would all be finished.

For the people, it is enough to remember this.

Therefore, in the following time, all the people were in an orderly manner, obeyed the arrangement, and used their tools to move to the designated place to hide the grain and carry the grain that was robbed by the little devil.

And looking at this large amount of food, the hearts of the people finally settled down.

It's settled down.

They all thought that with these grains, they would no longer have to worry about being hungry.

I no longer have to worry about my children and aunts being starved to death.

Days, there is hope.

There is hope!


time flies.

Three poles in the sun.

It's noon time.

And in these three grain depots, the phone also rang.

However, he was fooled by the warrior who understood the language of the little devil.

The call was from the headquarters of the Little Devil Reserve.

One per day.

The purpose is to confirm whether the grain depot is normal or not.

So, the soldiers just fooled the past.

Of course, no one knows whether it is really possible to fool the past.

Similarly, this phone call also sounded the alarm for the soldiers.

Since the devil called, it is possible that other little devils will come to inspect next.

Once other little devils came to inspect, they couldn't hide it.

There is a lot of grain in the grain depot.

It will be in a while, but it can't be moved.

Fengchuan Grain Depot and Niushan Grain Depot are the least, and only half of the grain has been transported now.

Not to mention, the Yuncheng grain depot with more reserves.

So, Liu Zhiyun and the three of them, as well as the soldiers, were worried.

Fortunately, until the evening fell, the little devil did not move, and no accident happened.

This undoubtedly made Liu Zhiyun and the others breathe a sigh of relief.

In the middle of the night, the Fengchuan grain depot and Niushan grain depot were finally carried away by the common people.

It can be said that not a grain of food was left for the little devil.

The common people searched very carefully. For them, a grain of grain is life-saving food, and it is impossible for the little devil to leave it.

In this way, the people and soldiers who had finished transporting the grain gathered in the grain depot.

It didn't take long for Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili to issue their orders.

"Let's go, immediately bring people to support the Yuncheng Grain Depot!"

"Well, the Yuncheng grain depot is the most important thing!"

In this way, under the orders of Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen, they headed towards the Yuncheng grain depot again.


Yuncheng Grain Depot.

At the moment, the Yuncheng Grain Depot has only moved a quarter of the grain.

The size of the Yuncheng grain depot is much larger than that of Fengchuan grain depot and Niushan grain depot.

Although Yang flew to the Yuncheng grain depot to dispatch the most people.

However, in the face of this huge volume of food, the transportation of these people is very slow.

It would be easy with a truck.

However, it is a pity that the war zone they came from is separated from the Liude area by a mountain forest, and trucks can't get through it at all!
(End of this chapter)

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