Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3572 Support arrived in time

Chapter 3572 Support arrived in time
Compared with these three grain depots, the Yuncheng grain depot is really the most important.

At this moment, all the grains in the Fengchuan Grain Depot and Niushan Grain Depot have been removed.

Under such circumstances, they must support the Yuncheng grain depot.

Otherwise, in the final result, once an accident happens, and if it takes too long to attract the attention of the little devils, then they will not say that all previous efforts have been wasted, at least, the grain in the Yuncheng grain depot will not be transported away.

When the little devils arrive, they must evacuate.

So, at this time, they have completed the handling of the grain depot, so they must go to support it.

Only in this way can we help Liu Zhiyun and his battalion clean up the Yuncheng grain depot at the fastest speed and complete this task.

In fact, they were all thinking in their hearts that it was so smooth at the beginning, but at this moment, the most critical moment, there must be no accidents or mistakes at this time.

Otherwise, it would be a pity.

In this way, under the leadership of Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen, they headed towards the Yuncheng Grain Depot as quickly as possible.

Behind, following, is a mighty team of people.


Yuncheng Grain Depot.

At this moment, the Yuncheng Grain Depot is brightly lit.

Not to mention other places, at least, the road is brightly lit.

A large number of people, all full of excitement, put the grain on their backs and headed for the previously designated place to store the grain.

These people all thought in their hearts, this is all right, as long as they transport the food back, then they don't have to be hungry.

You can get through the most difficult days of the year.

With this kind of mentality, the perseverance and persistence of the people are all very stable, and they don't feel tired at all. They carry the food on their backs and carry out the tasks given to them by the soldiers.

Are you tired? You must be.

However, compared to starving to death, compared to having no food to eat, this bit of fatigue is nothing.

As long as there is food to eat in the future, even if they are exhausted now, it is worth it.

At the very least, it has won food for the young and strong in the village and for the next generation in the village.

With that, it's enough.

It is enough to offset their fatigue at the moment.

Future generations, the hope of future generations, is the real hope.

This real hope is nothing compared to the current fatigue, this fatigue is nothing at all.

Hope is the real beauty.

It is the future life, the head of the future life.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have the heart to go down when they couldn't see the hopeful day.

But now it is completely different.

Compared with before, there was no hope of life at all before.

Now, there is hope for the future.

Moreover, there is still hope for a stable life.

Under such circumstances, they are really like this at this moment, even if they are finally exhausted in the process of carrying food at this moment, then they are extremely willing and extremely happy.

"Tap Tap!"


Time passed, and a lot of footsteps came.

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, along with soldiers from the third and fourth battalions, as well as a large number of civilians, finally arrived.

"Ha ha!"

Liu Zhiyun, who was on the city wall, burst out laughing when he saw Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili leading people forward.

The haze rising in my heart dissipated completely in an instant.

You know, just relying on the soldiers of his second battalion and the people he brought, if he wants to take away all the grain in Yuncheng's grain depot, it will take at least two months to carry it away. For days and nights.

And in these two days and two nights, it is impossible for them to go smoothly, stay here for two days and two nights, take away all the grain in the grain depot, and move it all Let's go, it's simply impossible.

Not to mention two days and two nights, at the latest tomorrow afternoon, these little devils will send a team to the grain depot to investigate.

After all, the little devil has a way of contacting them.

Although, now they fooled the past.

And if we wait until tomorrow, if we continue to be fooled like this, the little devil will definitely become alert and send someone to check it out.

At that time, they will be completely exposed.

Even if you can kill the devil squad that came to investigate, you can buy half a day.

However, a leak is a leak, and it will take a day and a half at most.

And during this day and a half, it was impossible for them to move all the grain in the Yuncheng grain depot.

So, at this moment, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili brought people to support, which seemed so important.

There is no need for two days and two nights. One night and one day is not needed, and all the food can be transported away.

Even if the little devils came, they would be able to retreat while fighting, and retreat smoothly in the end.

As long as they entered the forest, retreated into the forest, there was nothing they could do with these little devils.

After all, these little devils are not good at fighting in the mountains and forests.

Besides, if these little devils really dare to enter the mountains and forests, that would be a good thing.

They can use their good mountain forest combat skills to consume these little devils bit by bit, annihilating them in the mountain forest.

Therefore, the support of Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen at this moment is extremely important.

It can directly shorten the time it takes them to carry food, one day and one night.

After Liu Zhiyun walked down the city wall, he came before Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen.

Looking at Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen in front of him, Liu Zhiyun felt that they were extremely kind.

Before that, he didn't feel how close he was to Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen.

But at this time, this cordial feeling is really strong.

"You are finally here."

Liu Zhiyun smiled and said: "Your arrival at this time has solved my big trouble, otherwise, after tomorrow dawn, these little devils may find out what's going on here at any time, and then it will be a real trouble !"

"And at this moment, the two of you brought people here. Now, even if the little devils come, then I don't have to worry at all!"

The big rock in Liu Zhiyun's heart completely fell to the ground at this moment.

"Haha, right, Lao Liu, with us here, even if the little devil comes this time, he can kill these beasts!"

Zhao Yili also laughed and said: "Now, I wish I could be chased by these little devils when we are retreating. Then, I will give him a good fight and beat these arrogant beasts well." arrogance!"


Hearing Zhao Yili's words, Staff Officer Chen also laughed: "You can have this idea, but we have to wait until we have completely removed the food and retreated to the mountains and forests. At this time, we are the ones If you really have the capital, you can deal with these chasing little devils, haha!"

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen also had this idea in his heart.

"You guys!"

When Liu Zhiyun heard what the two said, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

Are these two guys too arrogant? At this moment, they even dare to think like this.

(End of this chapter)

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