Chapter 3573

However, it is understandable for the two of them to think this way at this time.

Because, they now have the capital to do so.

It's different from before.

As long as things are as they expected, at this time, they can really deal with the little devil in the mountains and forests, and even kill the little devil, it is not impossible.

Fighting in the mountains and forests is their home field and their advantage.

During this period of training and learning, what they are best at is fighting in the mountains and forests.

And the purpose of their mastery of learning mountain forest warfare is to guard against these little devils and chase them into the mountain forest.

Under such circumstances, as long as the little devils dare to chase them into the forest, then they have the ability to circle around and annihilate these beasts in the forest.

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, go, let's go in first and then talk."

Liu Zhiyun called Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen, and walked into the Yuncheng grain depot without hesitation.

It's been a long time, and I haven't had a good meal yet.

Now, the battle is over and the food is being transported. The three of them just go to have a good meal.

It's not that the three of them don't help carry food.

Rather, the three of them still have to sit in town and plan strategies to prevent the arrival of the little devil.

So, the three of them must maintain their energy, and after dinner, go to the city wall.

If the three of them all go to help transport the food, once the little devil arrives, who will command the battle?
The food, in fact, was prepared by the soldiers before.

It's not a good meal.

It's what the little devil's kitchen has, and there are a few cans.

That's all.

However, these things are delicious food for their previous life of eating tree roots and leaves.

"Hehe, Lao Chen, we can have a good tooth-beating ceremony today. Look, Lao Liu has prepared everything for us here, haha!"

When Zhao Yili saw the food on the table, he immediately burst out laughing.

In the two days since he came to carry out the mission, he hasn't eaten a single meal.

At most, eat a mouthful of steamed bread and drink a mouthful of cold water.

Under such circumstances, it is strange to be able to eat well.

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun has prepared this for them, which is really preferential treatment for them.

Not bad not bad, very good already.

Staff Officer Chen also laughed when he heard Zhao Yili's words, and said, "Haha, the two of us came here this time, but we helped Lao Liu solve a big problem. He must get something good like this to reward him. Reward the two of us, you say yes, Lao Liu!"

After Chen Staff finished speaking, he looked at Liu Zhiyun.

"Okay, okay, the food can't stop your mouths, so hurry up and eat!"

But Liu Zhiyun sat down with a smile: "Let me tell you, from now until the end of the mission, this is the only food we can supplement. For the rest of the time, we still have to eat steamed buns, canned food and cold water, so ah , Hurry up and eat while there is still time!"

As Liu Zhiyun spoke, he opened a can and began to eat with big mouthfuls.

"Damn it, don't tell me, look at the oil and water in the cans of these little devils, it's really big!"

"We couldn't eat such a large amount of oil and water in our meals for several days before. Look, the oil and water in this can has caught up with us for several days. It is really incomparable. The life of these beasts, Had a great time, damn it!"

Eating the canned food in his hand, Liu Zhiyun felt very emotional at the moment.

That's true for comparison.

What kind of life did they lead before?
Eat Wowotou!

What's more, the cornbread is mixed with leaves, roots and bark.

Under such circumstances, only by doing so can we resist hunger.

And these little devils in front of them, what are they eating?

Wowotou does not exist.

All they ate was canned food, meat.

Of course, these things were all snatched by them.

As for the canned food, they got it locally.

However, the rest of the meat was all snatched by them through killing.

Not to mention this, but in terms of food, it is completely better than them by more than a hundred times.

Under such circumstances, it is completely normal for Liu Zhiyun to feel so emotional.


Hearing Zhao Yili here, he immediately sighed helplessly. He also took a can of food and pried it open with a bayonet and said:

"We really can't compare to the lives of the little devils, but their current lives depend entirely on robbing our resources, so they can pay so much, if they don't rob us of so many resources If they don’t, they won’t be able to hold on until now, as Lao Yang said before, these little devils don’t have much local resources, and they can only survive by robbing us.”

"So we must persevere in the next time, as long as we can get through this most difficult period, then victory must belong to us."

"Take the canned food in front of us as an example. As long as we get through this most difficult period, even if we can't eat this kind of canned food every day, we can fill our stomachs every day. There is no problem at all."

It has to be said that Zhao Yili also has his own thoughts and emotions after listening to Yang Fei's explanation.

At this time, he expressed this feeling.

"You're right, but, let's have a good meal now. If we have anything to say, we can talk after this meal. I can't help it."

Although Staff Officer Chen knew that what Zhao Yili said was very reasonable, but he really couldn't bear it anymore, and he immediately started eating. After all, he was starved to death during this period of time.

Now, it doesn't matter what he has to wait for him to fill his stomach first, as long as he can fill his stomach, he will also speak out his thoughts.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this Liu Ziyun burst into laughter immediately, he knew that these two guys couldn't bear it, he must eat first, and then talk about it after eating, originally in his mind Zhao Yili should eat first, but what? He didn't expect that Staff Officer Chen couldn't help it, and he rushed in front of Zhao Yili and started eating.

"Let's eat, let's eat. Let's talk about something after we are full. After all, the most important thing for us is to have a full stomach."

After Liu Zhiyun finished speaking, he stopped wasting words and started eating directly.

Time passed, and after 10 minutes, Liu Zhiyun and the other three swept away the food on the table like a storm.


After eating, the three of them sat like this, patted their round stomachs, and burped.

"Finally full!"

"It feels so good!"

"Yeah, I feel full of energy, now let me take someone to the battlefield to fight the devils, that's good!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen laughed heartily.

(End of this chapter)

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