Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3574 Analyzing the Battle Situation

Chapter 3574 Analyzing the Battle Situation
The torment during this period of time made Liu Zhiyun and others feel that their bodies were too much to bear.

Although the corn bread can be full every day.

But, what is mixed in this cornbread is only leaves, bark, and smashed roots.

Under such circumstances, they can only eat enough without any nutrition at all. After a long time, they all feel that their bodies can't bear it.

And at this moment, if he can eat a good meal on the little devil's side after he wiped out the little devil, it can be regarded as replenishing the nutrition he lacked during this period of time.

At this moment, the three of Liu Zhiyun felt full, and felt very good and satisfied in their hearts.

Especially Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen, taking advantage of this feeling, wished they could just go and have a big fight with the little devil.

"Okay, your current thinking is just unrealistic. Now we have no chance at all to fight against the little devil."

Liu Ziyun shook his head and said: "Our current situation is at best a fight with the little devils chasing us when we leave. A big fight is simply impossible."

"Besides, you are full now, and if you feel this way, it's just your sense of fullness that gives you an illusion, you know."

"If you are really asked to lead the soldiers now to the frontal battlefield to compete with the main force of the little devils and the big troops, you will know the risks, and you will know the dangers. At that time, you will definitely fight in an instant. Just woke up!"

"Ha ha!"

Speaking of this, Liu Zhiyun immediately burst out laughing.

Because, the situation he said at this time is completely true.

This is what happens to people after they are full.

There is strength all over the body, and the energy is soaring, and you will think of killing the enemy and so on.

"Hey, we know!"

Zhao Yili smiled and said: "I'm just feeling emotional, hehe, but, Lao Liu, if there is a chance, I will never hesitate now, and I will rush up and fight the little devil, believe it or not! "

When Zhao Yili said this, he was extremely serious.

"I believe!"

Liu Zhiyun nodded: "If this kind of situation really happened, not only you, but me, Lao Chen, would do this, because we are soldiers, and this is our duty."

Once the situation that Zhao Yili said happened, it would really be like this.

They will rush forward without hesitation and fight against the little devil.

At that time, once such a thing happens, even if they can't fight, they will still fight.

Because they cannot return.

Because standing behind them are the common people.

If they refuse, they will suffer, and even be brutally killed by the little devils.

So, Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen can do what Zhao Yili said at the moment.

Not only them, as long as they are qualified anti-Japanese soldiers, they can do this.

Even if it is to achieve this, if you sacrifice your life, you will not hesitate!

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter, let's talk about the food transportation in front of us."

Liu Zhiyun directly skipped this topic, and said: "Do you feel that if we have successfully transported these grains away now, then, can the people in the Liude area really persevere and get through this most difficult time? ?”

In fact, Liu Zhiyun has always had a doubt in his heart.

That is, food can relieve the urgent needs of the people.

But what about devils?

If the devils come to retaliate, can they resist it?
This is a very serious question.

Although they have a lot of troops now, if these little devils come to take revenge, they will definitely be overwhelming.

And, coming with heavy weapons and so on.

Under such circumstances, is it okay to just rely on the current fighters?

Can you resist it?

Liu Zhiyun feels that this is an unknown.

With their current strength, it is absolutely possible to fight against the little devils, sneak attack the devils, and fight the little devils when they have the upper hand.

However, as long as the little devil came to revenge, it would not be such a fight.

Instead, fight head-on.


Of course, most battles will be head-to-head.

Under such circumstances, can they?

Can their fighters hold on?
This is a very profound question.

At this time, they need to think carefully and deduce it.

There are soldiers and common people to carry food, but they are not needed.

And at this moment, they just took advantage of this opportunity to discuss this issue.

"I have thought about the issue you mentioned before, but I feel that this issue is not important. What is important is Lao Yang. He is above this issue and the development of the Liude area. How do you set the position?"

After pondering for a while, Staff Officer Chen said directly: "Think about it, if Lao Yang still adopted our previous combat methods when he was in the past, we are very confident."

"But at this moment, it's different. The reason is that this time, he gathered all the people who went out to escape and escaped at once to develop the Liude area. Under such circumstances, according to this question, How is Lao Yang going to develop in the next time? What kind of problem is this?"

Staff Officer Chen's words are very profound at this moment.

Indeed, if they want to discuss what Liu Zhiyun said before, they must first understand this point.

"Lao Yang's purpose is now very clear, Lao Chen."

After hearing Staff Officer Chen's words, Zhao Yili said directly: "Since he decided to call the people back, it means that he wants to vigorously develop the Liude area, otherwise, he would not have brought the people back At this time, call everyone back to help them build their homes, right?"

Zhao Yili understood this very well, and he said it directly at this moment.

"Well. That's right!"

Liu Zhiyun also nodded, indicating that what Zhao Yili said was correct.

Yang Fei's approach has already reflected this very well.

"So, Lao Yang has already made this decision, then what we will face later is the frontal revenge of the little devils, and the combat action we have made is also a frontal battle."

"It is impossible to fight head-on with the little devils after they are placed in the Liude area and then wipe them out one by one. This is impossible!"

Staff Officer Chen continued to analyze: "Under such circumstances, in order to protect the common people, we must keep the little devils away from the enemy and curb their momentum of entering the Liude area. Otherwise, once these little devils If the devils enter the Liude area, the common people will suffer even more."

"And all the work we have done before will be in vain. I feel like this. What do you think?"

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen did not hold back the slightest bit, and directly expressed all his thoughts!
Of course, this was his family's opinion. As for the details, Staff Officer Chen still wanted to listen to the opinions of Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun.

(End of this chapter)

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