Chapter 3575
Hearing what Staff Officer Chen said, Zhao Yili became thoughtful.

As for Liu Zhiyun, after pondering for a while, he said directly: "It's not what you think."

For this aspect, Liu Zhiyun has his own unique opinion.

He did not agree with what Staff Officer Chen said.

Of course, it's not that I don't agree with all of them, but I don't agree with some of the opinions and ideas.

"I don't agree with all of your opinions," he said.

"Your previous analysis was correct, but in terms of combat, it's not what you thought!"

Liu Zhiyun began to express his opinion.

"Battles are diverse, and I believe that you are clear in your heart."

"However, what you analyzed before is that you can only engage in frontal combat, which is not practical."

"First of all, since the battle has begun, and since we are at a disadvantage in the frontal battle, then there is no need for us to persist in fighting the little devil in a disadvantaged situation!"

"And what you said, keeping the enemy out, is not entirely correct."

"First of all, if we can defend ourselves from the enemy, then we must defend ourselves from the enemy."

"Once we can't keep the enemy out, we will lure the enemy in."

"Defending the enemy from the outside doesn't allow us to control the initiative, but luring the enemy into the depths, although it doesn't allow us to control the initiative in the battle, but it can definitely seize some opportunities, you know?"

"As for your concerns, the safety of the people, etc., these can be planned. The people can evacuate, and they can evacuate to a safe place in time for our battle, so as to make room for us to fight. Let Let's fight the little devils and deal with them!"

"In this case, your previous worries will be completely gone, understand?"

In terms of actual combat experience, Liu Zhiyun is completely richer than Staff Officer Chen, the regiment staff officer.

As for Staff Officer Chen, the analysis he said before cannot be said to be wrong.

That's right.

But, it's not all right.

He still prefers to directly think of positional warfare!

Straightforward positional warfare.

This cannot be blamed on Staff Officer Chen.

After all, this is what he learned when he was studying before.

Coupled with his lack of actual combat experience, under such circumstances, he made such a decision and had such a deduction idea, which is completely correct.

His lack of actual combat experience cannot be changed in a short period of one or two days.


Hearing Liu Zhiyun's words, Staff Officer Chen was stunned again.

He felt that there was no problem with his previous thinking and deduction.

At this moment, hearing what Liu Zhiyun said, he immediately felt how wrong his previous thoughts were.

Yes, battles are diverse, not static.

But before, what he thought of was still his own old way, and he deduced it by rooting out the old way he had learned, but looking at it now, it was wrong again.

He had already warned himself before, to learn, improve, and improve the old-fashioned methods before.

However, when analyzing things and analyzing battles, it is still difficult to change this idea directly in a short period of time.

Thinking of Staff Chen here, he could only sigh helplessly.

Yes, protecting the common people is not the only way to defend against the enemy.

Knowing that the strong enemy is strong, it is entirely possible to let the people evacuate first, so as to lure the enemy to go deep, and then fight after splitting up.

In this way, there is hope for fighting.

With the possibility of winning the battle.

And this point, how could he not have thought of it before.


It's still a matter of thinking.

Thinking is fixed immediately.

This kind of fixed thinking is difficult to break at this moment.

Although, he already has the determination to break this thinking.

But, it's still subconscious, don't think about it.

So, ah, it's hard.

Fixed mindset.

fixed thinking.

It has become fixed in your mind.

Every time you think about something, this fixed thinking will subconsciously affect your judgment.

This is why Staff Officer Chen feels that it is difficult for him to make progress, and there are huge obstacles on the way to progress.

If he wanted to make great progress, the first thing he had to change was this.

Otherwise, his progress will still be hindered, and it won't be so fast.

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen became more and more determined to change his fixed thinking.


Thinking of this, Staff Officer Chen let out a foul breath at this moment.

He said: "Old Liu, you are right. The battle is diverse. It is not the same as what I thought before. My thoughts, under my fixed thinking, have already changed. There was a big error, so ah, this time it was me, Meng Lang. I was wrong!"

Regarding the cognitive error, Staff Officer Chen faced it directly and bravely.

He didn't flinch, nor did he shirk.

Instead, he directly admitted it openly.

Your own mistakes are your own mistakes.

Since it was your own mistake, it would be good to be brave enough to bear this mistake.

Only in this way, there will be fewer obstacles on his way to progress.

If he didn't dare to face it, and avoided it again and again, it would cause more and more obstacles on his way forward.

Therefore, Staff Officer Chen, who knew this in his heart and was eager to make progress, chose to face it bravely.

make mistakes.

Misjudgment, misjudgment.

It doesn't matter who hasn't made a mistake yet.

As long as you learn the lesson and correct it.

"Well, Lao Chen, you are good at this point. It is worth all of us to learn. It is used to take responsibility. After discovering mistakes, you never shirk, don't go around, and face them directly. This quality of yours is very good. Yes, it is worth all of us to learn this, very good."

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun also admired the quality of Staff Officer Chen.

"Ha ha!"

As for Zhao Yili, he also laughed and said at this moment: "Old Chen, you have seen, your shortcomings are still more than my old Zhao, but what Lao Liu said is also right, as long as it is corrected, as long as it is brave If we face it, our progress will be very fast!"

"No, I also want to improve, and I have to learn from you, and face everything bravely in the future. Only in this way can I improve faster and surpass Lao Liu as soon as possible!"

"You see, Lao Liu has improved faster than us. From now on, the way he speaks to us is different."

"So, we have to study hard, make good progress, and strive to surpass Lao Liu, this bastard, so that he will not look like he has more knowledge and skills than us in front of us!"

Zhao Yili's words at this moment are entirely to enlighten Staff Officer Chen.

After all, if you bravely face your own mistakes, you must have some emotions in your heart.

And Zhao Yili's words at this moment perfectly dispelled the little emotion deep in Staff Officer Chen's heart.

So, from this point, it can be seen that Zhao Yili has a good brain.

(End of this chapter)

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