Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3576 New Forces Are Important

Chapter 3576 New Forces Are Important

Zhao Yili is indeed very smart.

Otherwise, at this moment in front of him, he wouldn't have said that.

But at this moment, he said that, to drive away the little emotions deep in his heart for Staff Officer Chen, which directly reflected his cleverness.

As for Staff Officer Chen, after hearing Zhao Yili's words at this moment, he felt a lot better.

After all, it is perfectly normal to have emotions in the face of mistakes.

If there is no emotion, then it is not normal.

"Old Zhao, I know what you said!"

Staff Officer Chen nodded his thanks to Zhao Yili, and then looked at Liu Zhiyun: "Old Liu, among the three of us, you have made the fastest progress, so, in the next time, if I do anything Wrong place, wrong place, you must correct me and urge me to correct it.”

"Don't worry, I won't be angry about your correction, no matter how harsh you are or how rude your words are, you must rest assured!"

Staff Officer Chen was very clear in his heart, if he wanted others to point out his mistakes all the time, then he had to say this first to dispel other people's doubts.

Otherwise, if someone corrects you, it’s okay if you don’t accept it, and complain angrily, hold your breath in your heart, it’s not good if you don’t feel happy doing it like this.

At least, under such circumstances, once such a thing happens, no one will correct you.

So, at this moment, Staff Officer Chen first gave Liu Zhiyun such a guarantee.

Let Liu Zhiyun rest assured, as long as he made a mistake, or made a mistake subconsciously, let him correct it.

It's that simple.

Nothing twists and turns.

"It's not just Lao Liu, Lao Zhao, if you see my mistakes, you can also correct me directly like this, do you understand?"

Three people must have my teacher, and he, who has received the overall education of academic qualifications, understands this.

Before, he still had a slight resistance to this.

But at this moment, he completely agrees with this sentence.

Although, he has received a military academy education.

However, compared to Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun, who have not received this kind of military education, his skills are just too rigid and within the frame.

What has been learned cannot be applied flexibly at all.

Under such circumstances, he can only bow his head and accept it with an open mind.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to make progress.

"Don't worry, Old Chen, even if you get angry and lose your temper, there's nothing wrong with it. When the time comes, I'll use my fists to let you know where your mistakes are, haha!"

At this moment, Zhao Yili started joking.


Staff Officer Chen had no opinion on this.

"As long as you can make me realize my mistakes, let alone teach me with fists, even if you teach me with sticks, I will be happy."

This was Staff Officer Chen's best attitude at this moment in order to make progress.

"Okay, haha!"

Liu Zhiyun also laughed at this moment.

"If this is the case, Old Zhao, we must seize this opportunity in the next time. Only now can we seize the opportunity and beat him up."

"At that time, if he corrects and improves, we won't have such an opportunity!"

"So, don't come when the opportunity is too late, we must seize this opportunity!"

Liu Zhiyun said to Zhao Yili with a smile.

"Haha, that's the reason, yes, yes!"

Zhao Yili also laughed, and he had no opinion on this.

As Liu Zhiyun said, this is really a good opportunity.

A good opportunity that never comes again.

"You guys, hehe!"

Regarding this, Staff Officer Chen just shook his head with a wry smile.

He was more helpless.

Because, once Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yili made a decision, these two guys could really do such a thing.

Want a face?

At this time, if there is such an opportunity, what would anyone want that thing for?

However, Staff Officer Chen also knew in his heart that Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun were talking at most, and if they really did this, it would be one time at most, and it is impossible to do it many times.

Besides, as long as it can make him improve, even if there are many times, there is no problem.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this topic."

Seeing that it was almost done, Liu Zhiyun waved his hand and said:
"In the next period of time, the food problem in the Liude area will basically be solved!"

"Under such circumstances, more young adults in the Liude area also want to join our anti-Japanese team!"

"This is a good thing. With more fighters, we can better ensure the safety of the Liude area and better protect the people."

"I believe that after this grain grabbing operation is over, in the next period of time, as long as we can resist the devil's revenge, then our anti-Japanese armed forces in the Liude area will be able to grow completely! "

"As for the little devils, whether they will really come to retaliate, just like what Lao Yang said, the possibility is not very high. Of course, in a short period of time, the possibility is not very high!"

"Once it takes a long time, these little devils will definitely come to the Liude area to take revenge!"

"So, we have to take advantage of this opportunity in front of us, while there is still time, let's hurry up to improve, train the soldiers, let the soldiers improve as well, and reach the critical point of their progress as much as possible!"

"At that time, even if the little devils come, then we won't be afraid of them at all."

"Fighting in the Liude area is our home field. The first mover is on our side. Victory must belong to us!"

Liu Zhiyun's analysis is very profound.

It is also in place.

"Well, it's like this. What we actually lack now is time. As long as we have enough time, then we don't have to be afraid of these little devils at all!"

Zhao Yili also agrees with this point: "As for the issue of young men from various villages joining the army, I agree very much. After all, after the previous battles, although our losses were not great, they were not small either!"

"It just so happens that if there are new recruits, they can make up for our previous losses and make our strength the strongest again."

"At that time, even if the little devil comes, just as you said, we won't be afraid anymore!"

For the team, freshmen are very important.

Although the importance of veterans is great, if there are no new recruits to supplement, then it is a team without new forces. Such a team is not the strongest.

Only with the continuous birth of new forces and veterans leading them, is the strongest anti-Japanese armed force!

"According to what you said, in the next time, we have a great chance, even, I feel, as long as Lao Yang doesn't leave or leave our place, then let's go out of the Liude area and go to the Liude area In addition to fighting devils, there is great hope!"

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen thought of this!
(End of this chapter)

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