Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3577 Liu Zhiyun's method

Chapter 3577 Liu Zhiyun's method
In fact, Staff Officer Chen was not the only one who had this idea in his mind.

Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun also had this idea in their hearts.

Before, at the moment when the battle in the Liude area ended, they had thought about this question.

The little devils in the Liude area are finished.

The best result is that they also go to other places to continue beating the devils and kill the little devils.

Otherwise, wouldn't their so many troops be wasted.

They really thought so in their hearts before.

After all, they have a lot of troops.

Although, combat experience is not very sufficient.

Combat experience is accumulated on the battlefield and using actual combat.

instead.It is said that it can be achieved overnight through training.

Under such circumstances, they thought that after the battle was over, they could go to other theaters and continue to fight and kill devils.

It's just that Yang Fei's words made them wake up and stop thinking about it.

Yes, their number of troops is indeed quite a lot.

Even if you go out of the Liude area and go to other war zones to fight devils, it is still possible.

There is also a question of responsibility here.

That is, what should the people in the Liu Liude area do?
They can indeed go.

Because there are no devils here anymore.

After they are gone, what should the people who escaped from hiding do?
At that time, once the common people return, the little devil's revenge will also come.

At that time, it will be the people who will suffer.

All the people who came back will most likely be killed by the little devil again.

So, under such circumstances, there is such a question of responsibility.

Yang Fei told them at the time that after the battle, they must take on the responsibility of the Liude area.

Find all the people who fled and hid in the mountains and forests.

And, help these people rebuild their homes.

In order to protect these people, so that they will not continue to be bullied and killed by the little ghosts.

Don't forget, their purpose of beating devils is not for themselves, but for the common people.

Therefore, as long as they can protect the people in the Liude area, allow them to rebuild their homes, and live in a stable manner, then the purpose of their anti-Japanese team will be achieved.

Although it is said that going to other areas to fight devils is also a contribution, and it is okay.

However, there are also anti-Japanese armed forces in other areas.

Even if they don't go, those anti-Japanese armed forces will continue to fight devils.

So, for them.

The most important thing right now is to take on this responsibility.

Protect and help these people rebuild their homes.

Under such circumstances, all their previous thoughts were suppressed by them, and they dare not continue to think about it.

The people in the Liude area are the most important!

And what about this moment?

Staff Officer Chen thought of this again, and brought it up directly.

This made Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun feel turbulent again.

After all, they have guns in their hands, and they just want to hit devils.

No matter what they say, they just want to beat the devils and continue to annihilate the devils.

What they love most is the battlefield.

It was really difficult before.

Now that there is food, the people in the Liude area can already live well.

And what about them?

It's not necessary, just keep guarding these people in the Liu De area.

Of course, if you continue to guard, you can also leave some troops behind.

After that, it is also possible to keep in touch frequently and provide support at any time.

At this moment, the hearts of Zhao Yili, Liu Zhiyun, and Staff Officer Chen began to come alive.

"I have thought about the one you mentioned before. I will tell you about my thoughts. I think my idea is probably okay."

Liu Zhiyun nodded and said directly:
"After Lao Yang said it before, I went back and thought about it a lot, and I thought about a lot of ways to deal with it and how to deal with it. In the end, I made a conclusion."

"First of all, we still need to create a new home for the people in the Liude area, so that they can live in peace without any worries."

"After that? We can go to other areas to fight devils."

"Of course, even if you go to fight devils in other areas, they are still near our area, and you can come back to support at any time. Under such circumstances, we can continue to fight devils."

"What about the second point?"

"We have helped the common people in the Liude area to survive."

"And, live a stable life."

"Under such circumstances, we can use the Liude area as our base camp and logistics base!"

"We can go out to fight, or we can come back to rest at any time. Under such circumstances, we can also replenish our troops. It is also possible to use the Liude area as a starting point, let the people support us, support us, and continue to fight in other areas. Devils, keep killing devils, keep fighting without wasting our soldiers."

"With the support of the people in the Liude area, we will always have vitality!"

"I've thought a lot about this before."

"In the end, I decided on this idea."

"We want to use the Liude area as the starting point, as the foundation, as our base camp, and we can come back at any time and go out to fight at any time. Under such circumstances, we can achieve our goal."

"I believe that even if we tell Lao Yang this idea, then he will definitely support it."

"I think there should be no problem with this, what do you think?"

I have to say that Liu Zhiyun still has some ideas.

Before Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen could do anything, he just touched so quietly, and he had already thought of so much.

And, came up with a way.

A way to talk and impress Yang Fei.

I have to say that Liu Zhiming has made great progress.

Much improved than Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen.

Hearing Liu Zhiyun's words, Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen looked at each other.

It is not difficult to see the movement of the two of them, the excitement in their eyes, and the excitement in their hearts.

After all, the two of them want to improve.

The fastest way to improve is through fighting, constantly fighting to learn lessons and accumulate experience. Under such circumstances, they can improve faster, but if they train every day, such progress will be slow.

At this time, Liu Zhiyun's words undoubtedly gave them a huge opportunity.

Originally, in the past, they thought that the Liude theater they would guard in the future would not be able to go out to fight.

However, what Liu Zhiyun said at this moment made their hearts suddenly excited.

They still have a chance, they still have a chance to go out and fight, which is great.


Zhao Yili laughed out loud.

He said excitedly to Liu Zhiyun: "Old Liu, old Liu, I really never thought that you would think of such a way at this moment."

"I think your method is fine. After we go back, we will first find Lao Yang and tell him. Our method is definitely possible."

At this time, Zhao Yili could no longer contain the excitement in his heart.

I can't wait to go back to Liude City and tell Yang Fei the news.

"Yes, Lao Liu, I think it's okay. Your idea is very good. It directly avoids what we were worried about and what Lao Yang said."

Staff Officer Chen was also very excited. He said: "We have almost completed the task in front of us. By tomorrow, we will almost be able to complete this task and start to retreat."

"After we go back, let's not hesitate to find Lao Yang directly, tell him the news, and let's see what he thinks."

"However, I believe that with Lao Yang's intelligence, he will not reject us."

"One more thing, I feel that since Lao Yang didn't end the battle in the Liude theater, he left us directly."

"Then, he probably won't leave during this time, and his transfer order probably won't come so soon."

"So, we took advantage of this opportunity to finalize this one."

"This can be said to be our development policy in the Liude area, as well as our future strategic development policy."

It is not difficult to see that at this time, Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen can tell from their words that they can't wait in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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