Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3599 The devil's shelling stopped

Chapter 3599 The devil's shelling stopped
The shelling of the devils was within their expectation.

Similarly, this is also the way they can kill the devil's artillery positions as quickly as possible.

Without this false information as an introduction, it would be very difficult for them to kill and destroy the artillery positions of the devils.

It's not that there is no way, it can only be said that it is very difficult.

But at this moment, the little devil was fooled and directly exposed his artillery position.

Under such circumstances, for Liu Zhiyun's side, it can be said that the difficulty has been directly lowered by several levels.

Directly from the hell level, it was reduced to the normal level.

This time, Liu Zhiyun and the others can achieve the greatest results at the least cost.

This was also the reason why Liu Zhiyun and the others were so happy at this time.

In fact, their previous feint really deceived the little devils a lot.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for these little devils to directly expose their artillery positions and start a violent shelling of the place where they gave false information before.

Judging from the devil's shelling method and the intensity of the shelling, it took a lot of effort.

This is the real achievement of what Liu Zhiyun wanted.

The little devils can only achieve the desired effect for them if they really put in their best efforts.

Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved, and even if they counterattack, they will not be able to achieve the expected result and effect.

Looking at it now, it's totally fine.

"Old Zhao, how did you give the order to the artillery company?"

Seeing the shelling of the devils in front of him, Liu Zhiyun asked Zhao Yili again.

"Well, that's what I said. When the devil's shelling is over, immediately return the fire. Give the devil's artillery position a cover-type attack and blow it up directly. Blow up all the devils, guns, etc. in it, leaving no one behind." !"

Zhao Yili said with a smile: "One more thing, if we bombard from a long distance, we don't have a lot of confidence. Now that the devils are bombarding and leaking their artillery positions, our people will move the artillery positions forward. Push forward a little, in this case, the confidence will be greater.”

"Just don't worry, Lao Liu. Now you can watch the show. After the devil's shelling is over, it's time for our artillery soldiers to start fighting back."

For this point, Zhao Yili has his own arrangements.

After all, in terms of shelling, although the range can be achieved, the farther the distance, the better.

As for the shelling distance, in the current situation, it is better to be closer.

Only in this way can they completely destroy the devil's artillery position.

Otherwise, if the distance is as planned at the beginning, there is a chance of failure.

It's very small, but the chance exists.

And this is not what Zhao Yili wants.

He is now in charge of the shelling.

The more he was in such a situation, the better he wanted to perform.


Hearing this, Liu Zhiyun nodded in satisfaction, and said, "You've thought well, that's the reason. Since you have this confidence and issued an order, then do it. Under the current situation, it is indeed a distance between better."

For this, Liu Zhiyun is clear in his heart.

But, at the beginning, he didn't tell Zhao Yili everything.

If he told Zhao Yili everything, then Zhao Yili didn't need to use his brain, how could he make progress.

Impossible to improve, this is not the result he wants, nor is it what Zhao Yili wants.

Therefore, when he issued the order, he directly issued the most basic order, and how to deploy and implement it.

Zhao Yili needed to consider and think about all this, otherwise, he would definitely not be able to issue the order directly according to the original order.

Obviously, Zhao Yili did not disappoint him.


Hearing what Liu Zhiyun said, Zhao Yili immediately laughed.

Anyway, he felt his progress.

In terms of arrangement and deployment, he must have improved a bit compared to his previous self.

In his opinion, this is a very good result already.

Progress doesn't happen so quickly.

Only in this way, a little bit of progress time after time, is the most secure.

"Old Zhao, old Zhao, you started to make progress without making a sound, and started to surpass. This time, your progress is greater than mine!"

Staff Officer Chen on the side heard this, his tone was a little sour.

After all, he also wants to improve, and progress is almost becoming his inner demon.

However, he lacks actual combat experience.

Under such a premise, he can only see that Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yili, who are stronger than his actual combat experience, are improving faster than him.

What they saw was that even Zhao Yili, who had always been inferior to him, was beginning to surpass him in terms of progress.

This point, to be honest, made Staff Chen a little discouraged at the moment.

Of course, just a little discouraged.

There are no other emotions, not even loss.

The more this happened, the more Staff Officer Chen warned himself in his heart, don't be discouraged, this is just the beginning, and he can improve.

Otherwise, once he is discouraged, it will be a big obstacle to his progress, and he doesn't want this kind of obstacle.

Originally, his path of progress was already difficult.

If there is another obstacle, if there is an obstacle, it will be even more difficult for him to make progress.

"Hey, so-so."

Zhao Yili was a little embarrassed when he heard Staff Officer Chen's words.

After all, the two of them were at the same level before, but looking at it now, he himself was going to surpass it.

"Old Chen, the result of your sharpshooter's battle this time represents whether you can improve. I believe in you, this time is also possible."

Liu Zhiyun looked at Staff Officer Chen and encouraged him with a smile: "Believe me, you can do it. Although it is difficult to increase actual combat experience, as long as you can experience more battles, the growth will be very fast. I believe you A deployment to a sharpshooter company must have surpassed your previous self!"

In terms of encouragement, Liu Zhiyun has always been generous.

He knew in his heart that a person like Staff Officer Chen had brains and abilities, and what he needed was actual combat and encouragement.

And these two aspects, at this moment, he can give.

He believed that Staff Chen's progress this time must have been made, and it was definitely greater than the last time.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing what Liu Zhiyun said, the smile on Staff Chen's face grew stronger, and he said with a smile: "Well, Lao Liu, I still have this bit of confidence. In the next time, just wait and see, I will deploy And the sharpshooter company arranged by you will never let you down!"

Regarding this, Staff Officer Chen at the moment was confident.

"it is good!"

Looking at the confident Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun smiled and nodded: "Then I'll wait and see!"




At the same time, the shelling on the devil's artillery position stopped at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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