Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3600 Dumbfounded and frustrated devil

Chapter 3600 Dumbfounded and frustrated devil
At this moment, the shelling of the devil's artillery position finally stopped.



And the mountain forest that was shelled by the little devil has been completely destroyed.

All that remains are burning trees, charred trees.

Above the ground, it was devastated and full of potholes.

In the potholes blasted by the shells, there are burning flames and black smoke.

Outside the devil's temporary headquarters.

Lieutenant Zuo Liu Fengyuye and Zhenxiong Gangyi, who witnessed this scene, had smiles on their faces.

The two of them knew in their hearts that when the shelling was over and the battalion hidden by the opponent was destroyed, then they could launch a general offensive.

At that time, it will be the time for their imperial army to reap the fruits of victory.

Thinking of this, the excited Zhenxiong Gangyi directly picked up the binoculars and looked towards the forest that was shelled.

He wanted to see, appreciate, the hidden position destroyed by shelling, and see the charred bodies of Huaxia soldiers who had been bombarded.

He believed that seeing this, he must be extremely happy in his heart.

Not only him, but also Lieutenant Assistant Liu Fengyu Ye next to him.

He also picked up the binoculars and looked at the hidden position that was shelled.

He also wanted to take a look and enjoy the scene he imagined in his heart.


It's just that, after observing through the telescope, the first lieutenant, Kuma Gangichi, who saw the scene in front of him, immediately realized something was wrong.

Because, on the hidden station that was destroyed by shelling, he didn't see any, any corpse.

Yes, corpses.

Equipment, etc., all are gone.

According to the normal development, this is simply impossible.

No matter how violent their shelling was, equipment and corpses would be left behind.

But now, he looked through the telescope, but he didn't find any corpses or equipment.

At this moment, Zhenxiong Gang found out something was wrong.

Moreover, a bad premonition faintly rose in his heart at this moment.

This is so abnormal.

He was very clear about how powerful the empire's bombardment would be, what consequences it would cause on the ground, and so on.

But at this moment, the scene he saw on the bombardment battlefield was too abnormal.


"It is indeed abnormal!"

At this moment, it wasn't just Zhenxiong Gangyi who noticed something was wrong.

Lieutenant Assistant Liu Fengyuye next to him also discovered this situation.

At this moment, Zhongzuo Liu Fengyuye's expression became extremely serious.

At this moment, he also realized a problem.

What happened before my eyes was so normal.

From the start of the shelling to the present, they have not seen anyone on the shelled position.

Now that the shelling was over, he didn't see any corpses and so on.

"not good!"

At this moment, Zhongzuo Liu Fengyuye realized something.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


However, just when he realized this situation and wanted to tell the real Kuma Goichi next to him, the dense cannon fire resounded instantly on the left side of them, three miles away.

"Bagaya Road!"

"We were deceived!"

"True Xiong Jun, evade immediately!"

At this moment, Lieutenant Assistant Liu Fengyuye had an expression of anger on his face.

However, when he was not angry, the shells hadn't landed yet, so he didn't know if the shells would fall by his side, so he directly greeted the real Xiong Gangyi, and then turned around and lay down on the ground superior.


As for Zhongzuo Zhenxiong Gangyi, his reaction was not slower than Zhongzuo Liu Fengyuye, and he also made such an action.

And the same is true for many little devils next to him.

"Mr. Liufeng, no accident, our artillery position is finished!"

Lieutenant Zuo Zhenxiong Gangyi, who was lying on the ground with an extremely ugly face, felt a sense of regret in his heart.

Artillery positions, artillery, are the most important.

And at this moment, no accident, their artillery position was about to be shelled.


"Boom, boom!"





At this moment, on the artillery position of the little devils, the little devils who were in a state of joy never imagined that they had just finished the artillery mission and were about to win the fruits of victory.

Why did the shelling start on the opposite side?

And the direction where the shells fell seemed to be exactly where they were.





In this instant, the artillery squadron position of the little devil was directly covered by artillery fire.

At this moment, the extremely violent explosion sound began to resound completely above the artillery squadron position of the little devil.




At this moment, little devil soldiers flew up amidst the violent explosion.

Some bodies were even split into two parts.

At this moment, the artillery squadron position of this little devil seemed to have turned into hell.

Such is the power of shelling.

Such is the power of artillery.

This is the power of the God of Battlefield.

If the bombardment of the little devil was successful before, then this scene is what happened to the anti-Japanese fighters.

You know, on the frontal battlefield, such scenes often happen.

And at this time, these little devils finally suffered the price they deserved.

Let them, too, try and taste, the taste of being shelled.

"Bagaya Road!"


"The shelling is on the left side. Assault squadron, set off immediately to capture this Huaxia artillery position, hurry up!"



At this moment, the real Xiong Gangyi, Liu Fengyuye and others who reacted began to roar and give orders.

You know, their two imperial brigades have only one artillery squadron.

At this moment, the artillery squadron has been shrouded in artillery fire, and there is no possibility of survival.

Under such circumstances, what they have to do is to capture the opponent's artillery positions at the fastest speed.

Only in this way can they continue to fight.

Otherwise, the opponent has artillery, and if they don't have artillery, their advantage will be completely lost.

At that time, they might lose the battle in front of them because of this situation.

Therefore, at this moment, the most important thing is to take down the opponent's artillery position.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to say the result of their combat mission and combat operation this time.




At this moment, the devil's assault squadron, which received the order, rushed towards the mountain forest on the left at the fastest speed.

Leading the team was a devil major.

"Tap Tap!"



At this moment, the little devils of the assault squadron rushed towards the mountain forest on the left as if they were crazy, like mad dogs coming out of their nests.

Their goal is the artillery company under Zhao Yili's command!
(End of this chapter)

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