Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 260 Old 8 Was Betrayed

Chapter 260 Old Eight Was Betrayed

Song Jian and Tang Rui usually monitor the Secret Service Headquarters until ten o'clock. Just when they were about to leave, they found someone coming to the door of the Secret Service Headquarters.

This person was brought into the secret service headquarters for more than half an hour and left quickly. After a while, Bi Zhongliang led more than 30 traitor spies to chase in the direction of the person just now.

Song Jian asked Tang Rui to follow, and he continued to monitor the Secret Service Headquarters, because he felt that something important happened tonight, and half an hour later, Li Shiqun and Liang Zhongchun left the Secret Service Headquarters with more than 50 traitor spies, and Song Jian followed.

Fu Yingxue did not fall asleep during the tense first half of the night, but when she woke up, she found that she was in the same bed with Qi Rui, and the boy was looking at her with a smirk.

Fu Yingxue blamed with her face flushed, "Why did you run away and come under my bed!"

"Xue'er, look carefully, this is my bed."

Fu Yingxue saw that it really wasn't her own quilt, and said, "Impossible, I sleep honestly!"

"Do you want me to sleep with your arms in your arms and talk straight?"

"Who wants you to hug me, villain." Fu Yingxue wanted to run away, but Qi Rui stretched out his arms and pressed her on the bed, kissed her face twice, and said, "Bai slept on my arm for hours, I My arm is still numb."

"Ah! I hate it!" Fu Yingxue tried her best to push Qi Rui away, put on her coat and clogs and went downstairs, only to see Yunzi Zhuuchi eating breakfast.

"Miss Yami! Good morning, let's have breakfast."

"I'm really sorry, I got up late today, how can I let you cook, it's really rude."

"It doesn't matter, it must be because Jiuchi-kun was dishonest at night, can he wake up today?" Yunzi Takeuchi asked jokingly,
Fu Yingxue's toes turned red when she asked this question, she hurried into the bathroom, and said to herself: Devil women are really shameless, you can say such things.

Qi Rui put on his clothes and went downstairs, and asked, "Yunzi, are you used to sleeping?"

"I slept very soundly. To tell you the truth, this is the most solid sleep I have ever had in China."

"It's good to sleep soundly!"

Qi Rui shouted after finishing his breakfast, "Yami, I'm off to work."

"Please call when you come back tonight."

Qi Rui drove to the training base first, but the personnel hadn't arrived yet, and those who were there had already changed into military uniforms and were training. These people already had a foundation, and the specific training items and other plans were approved.

At 09:30, Qi Rui came to the special high school, and Song Jian had been waiting for him at the door of the office for a long time.

"Song Jian, what's the matter?"

"The section chief, Li Shiqun and Liang Zhongchun from the Secret Service Headquarters led more than 50 spies to destroy four Central Reunification contact points last night, arrested seven people, and killed the rest on the spot."

"Li Shiqun killed?"

"Liang Zhongchun! He personally brought people in and killed them, and he didn't intend to keep them alive. If Li Shiqun didn't stop him, he might have killed them all!"

"That's why you're waiting for me here?"

"No, yesterday Bi Zhongliang led a group of people out, and Tang Rui followed. They attacked a pedestrian and killed more than a dozen people. Two of them were sent to the Army Hospital. According to Tang Shanhai's identification, among them One person is Hai Zhengchu."

"You said they captured Haizhengchu?" Qi Rui was startled when he heard that.
"Tang Shanhai followed him to identify him. He should be right. I heard that he was seriously injured. It seems that he was shot by Bi Zhongliang."

"You wait for me in the car, we'll go straight to the hospital." Qi Rui entered the office, only to find Mieko Sakai and Yunko Takeuchi sitting on the sofa talking.

"Section Leader Sakai? Why are you here?"

Mieko Sakai had a spare key for the office and said, "I'll wait for you to go to the hospital together."

"I heard that Hai Zhengchu was captured?"

"Haizheng was shot twice in the first body, and he was still in a coma when he made a phone call."

"Who is the other?"

"It's not clear yet, let's learn more about the situation when we go over."

Qi Rui sat in the car driven by Song Jian with a complicated mood. Why was the starling Hai Zhengchu suddenly arrested? Is Bi Zhongliang so awesome?

"Yesterday you followed Li Shiqun and Liang Zhongchun?" Qi Rui asked,

"Yes, I watched them attack four points with my own eyes, and Tang Rui was following Bi Zhongliang."

"Did Tang Rui say anything else?"

"He doesn't know much either."

When he came to the hospital, Qi Rui saw two rows of agents from the secret service headquarters standing in the corridor, Tang Shanhai was with Ding Mocun and Bi Zhongliang.

"Section Chief Sakai! Section Chief Kuike! Section Chief Takeuchi!" The two rows of people bowed together.

"How are you?" Mieko Sakai asked.
"Still unconscious."

"Who is the other person?"

"His name is Liu Haidong. He was the one who tipped us off. He was severely injured by Haizhengchu and is also in a coma."

"Is he still useful?" Sakai asked.

"Report to Section Chief Sakai. He was Hai Zhengchu's confidant before. We planned to play a play with him and let him continue to stand in Shanghai. Unexpectedly, Hai Zhengchu was too smart to see that Liu Haidong betrayed him. Just when Haizhengchu shot and wanted to kill him, Bi Zhongliang fired in time and caused Haizhengchu's shot to miss, allowing Liu Haidong to save his life." Ding Mocun said,

"Take us in to see Hai Zhengchu." Qi Rui said,
When he came to the ward, Hai Zhengchu was still in a coma with his upper body wrapped in a bandage and infused with fluid.

"Why does this Haizhengchu differ from the portrait?" Yunzi Zhuuchi asked,

"There are some discrepancies, but he must be right. Tang Shanhai and several others are sure that it is him."

"No matter how powerful a person is, he is afraid of being stabbed in the back. Since Liu Haidong is Hai Zhengchu's confidant, why did he suddenly betray?" Qi Rui asked,

"Section Chief Jiuchi, in order to cover Zheng Yaoxian and Tan Lin, who were already shot dead, Hai Zhengchu asked eight brothers to risk their lives to cover their evacuation. As a result, none of the eight came back, and two of them were Liu Haidong's sworn brothers. From that day on, he resented Hai Zhengchu for not taking his brother's life seriously, looking for Captain Bi last night..."

"He came to look for Captain Bi?" Qi Rui asked,

"Isn't Captain Bi an officer of the Chinese Army before? I met Liu Haidong."

"It really has everyone." Qi Rui sighed,
"Yes, so this Liu Haidong is still useful, this person's strength is good, we plan to keep him in the secret service headquarters." Bi Zhongliang said,

"As long as he is a talent, we welcome him, especially someone who has made great achievements like him. After Haizhengchu wakes up, he must be optimistic about him. Don't let him commit suicide." Sakai Mieko said,

"Yes, Mr. Sakai, we have so many people here just to make sure everything is safe."

"Are you worried about practicing society to save people?"

"There aren't many people in Shanghai station now, so it's unlikely to save people, but because Haizhengchu knows a lot of secrets, it's possible to send killers, this is the style of Lixingshe." Ding Mocun said,

"No way, this is the eighth of the Eight Great Vajras, the possibility of saving lives should be greater!" Qi Rui said,
"Section Chief Kuchi is right. It doesn't matter whether we send someone to rescue or kill him. It's the same for us."

(End of this chapter)

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