Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 261 Brother 8 doesn't know about Brother 9's existence! ?

Chapter 261 Mynah doesn't know about Ninth Brother's existence! ?
Back in the extra-high school, Haruko Kinoya, a staff member, said to Shunsuke Hisaike: "Chairman, President Matsumoto of the Tongmeng News Agency, please call him."

"Okay, thank you."

Qi Rui returned to the office and called Shigeharu Matsumoto's office: "President Matsumoto, hello, I'm Shunsuke Kuike!"

On the other end of the phone, Shigeharu Matsumoto praised: "Major Hisaike, Prime Minister Konoe is full of praise for your plan. I didn't expect that you even wrote the code words. Prime Minister Konoe has been saying that we have found the right person."

"These are my strengths, and the teacher and President Matsumoto have been praised."

"Major Kuike, the Polaris latent plan has been officially approved. Prime Minister Konoe has approved Major Toshisuke Kuike as the main person in charge. After the training is completed, quickly arrange their places in groups and let them start their work as soon as possible."

"Hayi, I plan to finish training them in half a month. If the president has time, please come and guide me."

"It's not convenient for me to come forward, but I will secretly support and help you. I will send the weapons and equipment you need in your plan to several cities through my relationship. Mr. Jiuchi, I will do everything for you. Then it's up to you."

"Yes! I will never disappoint the expectations of the teacher and the president."

The plan has been approved. According to Qi Rui's plan, this time, 48 people will be sent to Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi'an, and Lanzhou in four groups, 16 people in the Chongqing group, 12 people in the Lanzhou group, and [-] people in each of the Xi'an and Chengdu groups.

It was Qi Rui who made Lanzhou the key point, which also explained the reason. In fact, the devils had long realized that Lanzhou was no less important than Chongqing, because at that time Lanzhou was the largest distribution center for Soviet aid to China, and the Soviet Union was still building in Lanzhou. The pilot training base was established, but these were all aided by the Soviet Union to the Chongqing government, and basically nothing happened in Yan'an.

Therefore, Lanzhou is also the place that the little devil wants to capture the most. Qi Rui included Lanzhou in the plan because the devil also sent bombers to bomb it later, but bombing Lanzhou is much more difficult than bombing Chongqing.

If Qi Rui doesn't do these things, other devils will do it. Now he wrote the plan and sent the people. Qi Rui's life and death are directly in Qi Rui's hands.

Haizhengchu woke up the next day, Mieko Sakai, Shunsuke Hisaike, and Yunko Takeuchi rushed to the hospital, and Haizhengchu was already desperate for death.

But no matter what he was asked, he closed his eyes and did not say a word. Now that he is seriously injured, he cannot be tortured. After discussing it, he decided to let him recover for a retrial.

Qi Rui went to look at Liu Haidong, and found that he was the Liu Erbao in the sparrow. It seems that he changed his name to follow Bi Zhongliang at this time.

Qi Rui returned to the special high class and let Takeuchi Yunzi and Yansi Jiakang handle the affairs of the special class. He drove to the training base. Now there are people from the black gold project team returning to the team. Qi Rui was still worried about how to deal with the black gold before. The ghost spies of the planning team are now under the Polaris Project, and things have become simpler.

Qi Rui still asked Matsukawa Rintaro to take charge of the training, and he stayed for a while to find Zhuang Xiaoman.

"Ninth brother, the boss already knows that my eighth brother has an accident!" Zhuang Xiaoman didn't know that Qi Rui and Lao Ba had met each other before, and thought that they had the same feelings as Zheng Yaoxian, and worried that Qi Rui would be impulsive.

"I just went to the hospital to see mynah. He has been rescued by devils now, and he didn't say anything."

"Alive!?" Zhuang Xiaoman asked disappointedly,
"Why, it seems that the boss wants him to die?"

"The boss already knows that Starling is seriously injured, and he is in the Japanese Army Hospital. Even if all the latent personnel in Shanghai are sent to rescue him, the boss means that if there is a chance, he will be given a ride." Zhuang Xiaoman cautiously He said, afraid that Qi Rui would be furious if he said this.

"How did the boss know this information?" Could it be that Tang Shanhai has activated it now, so quickly?

"When Bi Zhongliang acted, there happened to be a brother who went out to do errands. When he came back, he saw what happened."

"Can you see what's going on in the room?"

"I didn't see it! But he saw clearly when Haizhengchu and another brother were carried out to the hospital."

"Then you tell the boss that the person who betrayed the starling is called Liu Haidong, that is, the person who carried it away with him. The starling wanted to kill him, and now he has been rescued."

"It's really been betrayed. Let's just say how could he be discovered according to mynah's ability. Ninth brother, what should mynah do if he betrays?"

"It's not dangerous to betray us, because the starling doesn't even know my existence."

"I'm relieved." Mynah doesn't know about Ninth Brother's existence?it's wired!
"Xiaoman, I already know what the boss means, but I don't think I have any chance when I'm in the Secret Service Headquarters. It would be great if Brother Six was here. Is Brother Six safe now?"

"Brother Six is ​​recuperating in Changsha now."

"Can you make contact?"

"Brother Nine, I can only contact the boss, others cannot."

"Well, is the boss still sending someone?"

"Someone will definitely be sent, but I don't know who it is yet."

"Xiaoman, let me know if you have any news from here, and I have another thing to tell you. Your business is very stable now, right?"

"Wan Molin is exquisite in all aspects, and my assistance business is not bad."

"Xiaoman, from today onwards, you will be a woman who only cares about money, that is, you will do business with anyone as long as they give you money, do you understand what I mean?"

Uncle Li hasn't been back to Shanghai for many years, and it's impossible to rebuild the economic front by relying solely on Sister Mingjing when he comes back this time, so the organization hopes that the Miaodao team can secretly help.

Now the one who is sure to cooperate as soon as possible is Wan Molin, Du Yuesheng's right-hand man of the Green Gang, because several of the properties he manages are under Zhuang Xiaoman's name, and he is just helping to take care of them, but he wants to get Zhuang Xiaoman And for the goods in Wan Molin's hands, Uncle Li can't just be a simple buyer, so that anyone can check him, so he had better have legitimate related business as a cover.

Fu Yingxue has already asked the organization, and the organization agreed that the Miaodao team will give Uncle Li some funds to start some business, and there will be branches in Suzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing and other places, so that you can have an excuse to send the goods and raw materials out of Shanghai.

Qi Rui believes that Uncle Li has the ability to rebuild an underground working group. It takes skill to start a business in so many cities, but this can be done with the help of Sister Mingjing's resources.

Qi Rui will tell Tang Ling what he thinks, and let him explain to Uncle Li how to operate it. Only in this way can the economic front be established and operated as quickly as possible.

"Brother Nine, the boss doesn't know many things in Shanghai, so you can just let me know what you need to do, and I will definitely do it, and I won't tell anyone." Zhuang Xiaoman has already noticed that Mingjing is not A simple businessman, but Qi Rui seems to have always been interested in her,
(End of this chapter)

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