Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 268 Ding Mocun Questions Shunsuke Kuike

Chapter 268 Ding Mocun Questions Shunsuke Kuike

Ding Mocun's car was attacked. Originally he wanted to go back to the Army Hospital, but he was suspicious by nature when he saw Shunsuke Kuchi appearing. He was afraid of being attacked again on the way to the hospital, so he chose to go to the Ren'ai Hospital which is far away.

Qi Rui and Takeuchi Yunzi drove back to the extra-high school. Mieko Sakai asked them about the situation. After listening to them, she asked, "Jiuchi-kun, do you think the killers are judges?"

"It must be. Not many sharpshooters in our Great Japanese Empire can do this kind of marksmanship. It's simply unbelievable!"

"Section Chief Sakai, I also saw it at the scene, it's true."

Sakai Mieko lamented: "It seems that our threat has never disappeared, and now it is said that Zheng Yaoxian is not dead, so we have not only achieved nothing during this period of time, but also suffered serious setbacks one after another."

Qi Rui quickly persuaded: "It can't be said that nothing has been achieved, at least the spies of the Fuxingshe can hardly see their activities, the Communist Party has even disappeared, and the Shanghai station of the Lixingshe is almost non-existent."

"Isn't the judge group the killers of the Lixing Society!"

"Section Chief Sakai, according to all the signs in the past, this combination of judges should not belong to the Shanghai station, but should be directed by the Lixingshe headquarters or under the command of Zheng Yaoxian. Now we can only admit that the opponent is stronger, and this is not our fault, because They are in the dark and we are in the light, most of the time they are in a state of passive counterattack."

"Kuichi-kun, you should also focus on the special high school." Mieko Sakai said,

"I have never relaxed, and I also predicted that something will happen today, but I never thought that the killers of Lixingshe did not come for Hai Zhengchu, but this also proves one point, that is Ding Mo Village and the others He has caused a great threat to Lixingshe, and they are very urgent to get rid of him now." Qi Rui said,
"I don't know how Li Shiqun's injuries are. Ding Mocun is also very surprised. Why didn't he go to the nearby Army Hospital instead of Ren'ai Hospital? Isn't he afraid that the killers of Lixingshe will go to the hospital to kill them again?"

"This time the Secret Service Headquarters went with a group of people, so there shouldn't be any problems."

"Section Chief Jiuchi! I need an explanation!" Ding Mocun stood at the door and said angrily.
Sakai Mieko pretended to be concerned and asked, "Director Ding, how is Director Li doing?"

"Still being rescued!" Ding Mocun said, still looking at Shunsuke Kuchi.

Qi Rui's micro-expression recognition saw that Ding Mocun doubted himself, so he asked, "Why are you looking at me like this! What do you want me to explain?"

"I would like to ask Section Chief Kuchi to explain why the judge group of the Lixing Society knows my itinerary!"

Qi Rui asked with an unbelievable expression: "You mean I notified them?"

"Knowing that there are only seven people who transferred Hai Zhengchu today, I can guarantee that my people will not leak the news."

"You mean one of the three of us, and you have already excluded Section Chief Sakai and Section Chief Takeuchi." Qi Rui said with a smile,

"Director Ding! What nonsense are you talking about!" Mr. Takeuchi Yunko was angry, because he had been with Shunsuke Hisaike all the time today, and he told himself some knowledge, and it turned out that he was right, the judge The combination really hit the convoy right there at the clock tower.

Qi Rui smiled and said to Yunzi Zhuuchi: "It's a good thing Director Ding has doubts." After speaking, he asked Ding Mocun: "Director Ding, you should have evidence to prove that I leaked the news, otherwise you wouldn't come here like this Ask me, take it out."

"Section Chief Kuchi, I don't have any real evidence, so I still want you to answer a few questions for me!"

"Okay! Come on! Sit down, today we will speak clearly in front of Section Chief Sakai and Section Chief Takeuchi."

Mieko Sakai is actually very angry with Ding Mocun at this time. I made it clear to him on the phone yesterday that he still doubts Shunsuke Kuike. Why do people always doubt him? Let's see Shunsuke Kuike how to explain.

Yunzi Takeuchi went to close the office door, and the four of them sat on the sofa. After Ding Mocun sat down firmly, he asked, "Section Chief Jiuchi, is it true that only the seven people in the meeting yesterday knew about this operation?"

"If you only refer to the content of the meeting at yesterday's meeting, only the seven of us know it."

"How did the Lixingshe agents know about this operation?"

"I said I don't know, you will definitely say, you dare to use the heads of the four people over there to guarantee that they have not leaked secrets. Section Chief Sakai and Section Chief Takeuchi are both students of General Doi Madoka, and they will not leak information, then just I'm the only suspect left, right!"

"I doubt Section Chief Kuike because of some doubts in the past, please answer the question!"

"Director Ding, let me ask you a few questions first."

"Ask whatever you want."

"Okay, how many people know about Hai Zhengchu in the Army Hospital?" Qi Rui asked,

"Many people know about this." Ding Mocun said,

"Then do you think the judges have the ability to find out that Haizhengchu has transferred to the special high school?"

"There may be this one, but it's very small!"

"Director Ding, you said last time that Lixingshe would only send people to kill Hai Zhengchu, so why didn't they kill him, but chose to kill you?"

"It's not that someone leaked the news that I went to the Army Hospital!"

"Ding Mo village, there are many people who want to kill you, right? There are many people who know you, right? Your convoy has arrived at the Army Hospital. Is there a high chance of being discovered?"

"You're all just hypothesizing. Even if the people from Lixingshe found me, would they have time to notify the judge team to come to the scene?" Ding Mocun asked,
"Haha... Director Ding, it seems that you still don't know much about it. Apart from the team of judges who have worked with Zheng Yaoxian, not many people in the Lixing Club know about them. If you don't believe me, you can ask Tang Shanhai and the others. Those who have stayed in the Lixing Society, even if the spies of the Lixing Society found you in the hospital, they would not be able to contact them, so there is only one possibility, they came in person! Do you think what I said makes sense?"

Ding Mocun really made sense after hearing this. According to the level of the judge group, Lixingshe Shanghai Station really might not know them, but he said: "But they are not two people! They are more than a dozen people!"

"Then what is the strength of these dozen people?"

Ding Mocun gasped. It might have been because Li Shiqun was injured and he was too anxious to think about it. A dozen people with such strong mobility would never be ordinary Lixingshe spies. At this time, Ding Mocun already regretted coming. I questioned Shunsuke Hisaike.

"Director Ding, I'm asking you a question."

"Very strong! They are definitely not ordinary operators. Their purpose is to cover the retreat of the judge group, and they left very easily. If they were not planned in advance, then their ability to adapt to changes is too strong." Ding Mocun Say what you think,

(End of this chapter)

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