Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 269 Interrogating Old 8 Hai Zhengchu

Chapter 269 Interrogation of Old Hakkai Zhengchu

Ding Mocun dared to question that he must have someone behind him. Seeing that he was already confused by his question, he continued to ask: "Director Ding didn't know that Lixingshe has a strong action team in Shanghai?"

"You're talking about the Hurricane Anti-rape Squad!?" Ding Mocun had heard of it. This anti-rape team was carefully selected by the Lixing Society. After the Battle of Songhu, there was no news about them. It seems that they stayed in Shanghai. .

"It seems Director Ding knows."

"This anti-rape team should not be dispatched by the Shanghai station!" Ding Mocun felt that he was here to make a fool of himself.

"That's right, and I also know that the Judgment Team isn't just Jellyfish and Muyu. Their general manager should be Killing God according to my guess! How many core members do they have, and what is their relationship with the Hurricane Anti-rape Team? It needs to be investigated."

"If today is the Hurricane Suppression Squad, then they should obey the orders of the judges or God of Death."

"I don't know about this, but it should look like this now. Let me ask you again, did you take action last night?"


"You sent Li Shiqun to lead the team to live in the Xinya Hotel, and Bi Zhongliang to the Joey Hotel, the Army Hospital where you led the team to after eight o'clock in the morning, right?" Qi Rui asked,

"Did Wang Manchun tell Section Chief Jiuchi?"

"You guessed wrong, she didn't do it, and I don't allow her to do it, so, Director Ding, don't think that you are the only one who is smart. In many cases, a real master of action can deduce and analyze the enemy's target through limited clues. Planning, this is the highest level of intelligence personnel, isn't it? Obviously, our opponents have such a level, otherwise we would not be attacked by them continuously."

Yunzi Takeuchi said: "That's right, Director Ding, because they have such abilities, so early in the morning, Section Chief Jiuchi and I took people to secretly deploy defenses, and Section Chief Jiuchi predicted that there would be a killer at the clock tower. When he attacked the convoy and drove to pick you up after seeing Haizheng Chu pass safely, Section Chief Kuike already knew that you were not in the convoy."

"So according to my judgment, the judge team should have found that Director Ding didn't get in the car, but stayed in the hospital, so they changed their actions temporarily. Instead of killing Haizhengchu, they chose to kill you."

"Why do you say that?"

"Director Ding should be one of the people Lixingshe most wants to get rid of, right?"

"That's right, only after I served for the imperial army, they have been trying to put me to death."

"You have captured the eighth of the Eight Great King Kong, and the Judge Group has a good relationship with Zheng Yaoxian, the sixth. They would rather kill Haizhengchu than kill you, which shows that they hate you to the bone. Director Ding, you are our big Japan." A true friend of the imperial army, I understand that Li Shiqun is hurting you and you feel sad, so I forgive your rudeness this time, but please don't have a next time, because I am a special class of the Imperial Japanese Gendarmerie Command Section Chief, my loyalty to the empire is not allowed to be questioned or desecrated by anyone!"

Ding Mocun was already dizzy by what Shunsuke Kuike said at this time, seeing the contemptuous eyes of Mieko Sakai and Yunko Takeuchi, he quickly apologized: "Yes! Yes! It's all due to the dullness of my subordinates, and I invite Haihan, the section chief of Kuchi, to It’s all my fault for taking my opponent too simply.”

"Director Ding, you are very good. You dare to suspect any suspicious person. Please keep it up. But before you suspect, you should first see the suspect. I am a majestic Major of the Japanese Imperial Army and a student of Prime Minister Konoe. How could I do that?" If you betray the interests of the empire, you are not wasting your energy in vain."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Please forgive my stupidity, Mr. Kuchi." Ding Mocun apologized, but the suspicion in his heart was not completely eliminated.

"Okay, Kuichi-kun, it's up to you to interrogate Hai Zhengchu." Mieko Sakai said,

Qi Rui quickly waved his hands and said: "I don't want to interrogate a person who is already half-lived. What if I interrogate him to death? Section Chief Sakai should find an interrogation expert."

"Sensei Tanaka means to let you interrogate." Mieko Sakai smiled gloatingly,
Qi Rui let out a long sigh as if he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Kuichi-kun, you can definitely do it."

"What can you do? You can't use torture on this Hai Zhengchu, because torture is exactly what he wants." Qi Rui cried,
Qi Rui's trial of Haizheng Chu, this is what Ding Mocun likes to see, don't they all say that Shunsuke Jiuchi is good, I want to see how good he is.

Qi Rui came to the room where Haizhengchu was held. This was not an interrogation room, but more like an operating room, because there were some medical instruments and medicines on the table, and two doctors stood by.

Qi Rui leaned over to look at Hai Zhengchu as if seeing an old friend and asked, "Myna, how do you feel now?"

Hai Zhengchu didn't look directly at the person and closed his eyes.

"Eight Great Vajra, Old Bahai Zhengchu, you haven't seen me, but I have seen you, because I was with your sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian at that time, and he invited me to be an instructor. You said it was ridiculous, hahaha... It's a pity that your Boss Dai didn't agree, what a pity!"

Hearing what someone said, Hai Zhengchu opened his eyes and took a closer look at the major officer in front of him, and found that he looked familiar, and then he looked carefully and remembered that he was the man named Qi Rui, who had lost a bet with Sixth Brother before, No wonder the two boys, Song Xiaoan and Zhao Jianzhi, snickered, the sixth brother of affection knew this devil spy.

So it's not easy to say that this spy is not easy, even the sixth brother didn't see his flaws, but after thinking about it, he can't blame the sixth brother. At that time, this kid was a national hero who beat Japanese ronin.

"Haha, isn't it strange, how could such a shrewd Guizi Liu invite me to be an instructor, because at that time I was Qi Rui, a Chinese, and I was a patriotic young man who could defeat the eight-dan sword masters of the Black Dragon Association."

Although Haizhengchu was on a hunger strike and deprived of water, the devil had been infusing him with nutrient solution, and would also force him to drink some glucose water, so his physical fitness recovered a little.

"Little devil, please thank the boss. If you really went, you should be buried by now. Sixth brother can't see it once or twice. After a long time, you want to avoid his sharp eyes! Dreaming!"

"It's good to be able to talk. I think we should have a good chat, just because I know you well." Qi Rui said patiently and not in a hurry.

Ever since Hai Zhengchu was arrested, he hasn't hummed. This Shunsuke Kuchi actually made him speak. Ding Mocun, who was listening, couldn't help but look at him twice. A disciple of Jin Rong in the society, he also dealt with Zheng Yaoxian, and he was the one who found out the combination of judges.

Seeing that Hai Zhengchu stopped talking again, Qi Rui continued to prod him and said: "Hai Zhengchu, it's not that I look down on you, you really can't compare to Zheng Yao first, look at what he did, everything is earth-shattering , look at you again, tsk... tsk... tsk, you were arrested less than a month after you came to Shanghai Station, you really embarrass the Eight King Kong."

(End of this chapter)

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