Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 271 Hope Miss Mingjing Changes Her Temperament

Chapter 271 Hope Miss Mingjing Changes Her Temperament
It was the first time for Ninth Brother to fail the mission. Zhuang Xiaoman took Qi Rui's hand to comfort him: "Ninth Brother, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. As long as we are here, we will succeed."

Qi Rui patted her hand and said: "Xiaoman, I'm fine, the assassination failed to achieve its purpose, you should report the truth to the boss, and tell the boss that Starling is a hero, and I will try to kill this Ding Mo village, This person is too much of a threat to us."

The result of this operation did not have much impact on Qi Rui's emotions, but he had a better understanding of Ding Mo Village. This person can see and feel it, but the system calculated the S-level difficulty assassination mission. Qi Rui It was clear that killing him would require a more sophisticated design.

"Brother Nine, are we all okay?" Zhuang Xiaoman pulled Qi Rui to sit on the sofa, poured a glass of warm water, and put his hands to his mouth.

Qi Rui reached out to take the water glass and drank it down. He smiled at Zhuang Xiaoman and said, "It's okay. The judge team and the Hurricane Action Team cooperated very well. They all acted according to the plan and didn't make any mistakes."

"It's fine, Brother Nine, I've been worried all the time, so I went out and bought all the newspapers." Zhuang Xiaoman leaned her head on Qi Rui's shoulder as she spoke,
A faint scent of sweet-scented osmanthus made Qi Rui's mind extra sober, and he couldn't stay here!Something will happen if you stay here!So Qi Rui said softly: "Xiaoman, Ding Mocun questioned me in the special high class today, because he knew that there were only seven people who transferred Haizhengchu, so he thought someone leaked the secret when he was ambushed, and the most important thing in his eyes The suspicious person is me."

Zhuang Xiaoman sat up straight in shock and asked, "Ninth Brother, did his actions have any impact on you?"

"I temporarily resolved it, but I know this person will not believe me so easily."

Zhuang Xiaoman pursed her lips and said, "Ninth Brother, let me find a way to get rid of him!"

Qi Rui tilted his head to look at her and asked, "You? What can you think of?"

"I heard that this guy from Ding Mo Village is very horny..."

"Stop it!" Qi Rui growled angrily and stood up.
Zhuang Xiaoman's face paled in fright, because this was the first time seeing Brother Nine angry: "Brother Nine..."

Qi Rui grabbed her shoulders with both hands and warned: "Zhuang Xiaoman! I will never allow you to do such a thing! Even if the boss tells you to do it! Did you remember it for me!?"

Zhuang Xiaoman immediately nodded vigorously and agreed: "Remember, Brother Ninth, don't be angry."

"With me, Qi Rui, I will never allow a girl to do such a thing! I am leaving. I am not with you today because I am angry. Ding Mocun will not dispel my suspicion so easily. For safety, Xiaoman, Be careful on your side too." Qi Rui turned around and left quickly after speaking.

"I remember, Mr. Jiuchi, don't be angry with me, I won't dare next time." Zhuang Xiaoman shouted at Qi Rui's back,
Qi Rui left without looking back, but Zhuang Xiaoman was very happy because she found that Brother Nine still cared about her very much.

Qi Rui drove to the car dealership. Su Wenqian came back safely a long time ago. Seeing Qi Rui asked in a low voice, "Brother Huan, is the target dead?"

"This bastard is fatal. Li Shiqun risked his life to save him. The main reason is that the first bullet did not penetrate the bulletproof glass and gave them time to react." Qi Rui said,
"Then leave the task of killing him to us, Brother Ninth, leave it alone." Su Wenqian said,

"No, this Ding Mo village is not ordinary cunning. After this assassination, they have already learned how powerful you are, and they will be extra careful in the future. Besides, there should be Ying Zuo Zhenzhao behind them. The rights are much greater than I imagined, so please remember, you are never allowed to act without my order!"

"Yes, Brother Huan, I will tell Tiecheng and the others what you mean."

"Where's your big brother Tang?"

"I went out to do errands and haven't come back yet."

"Wen Qian, learn from Big Brother Tang well."

"Brother Huan, I still like you to teach me, but I know you don't have time now, don't worry, I can't learn if I don't want to, because Brother Tang will tell me whenever he has time."

"You have to understand what he said with your heart. If you don't understand, you have to ask. Wen Qian, I am very optimistic about you!" Tang Ling, who had studied in the Soviet Union, must know how to let Su Wenqian understand the Chinese Communist Party.

"Yes! Brother Huan, I know!"

Qi Rui left the car dealership and went straight home. Fu Yingxue had already prepared meals and was waiting, but she still didn't see Yunzi Zhuuchi today.

"Yunko Takeuchi hasn't come for the past two days."

"Then can I go back to my room and sleep?" Fu Yingxue asked with her lips pursed, she knew that Qi Rui would definitely disagree,

"Isn't your room for Takeuchi Yunko?"

"I can clean up another room to save you from bullying me at night."

"That won't work, Takeuchi Yunko may be back in a while."

Fu Yingxue took a piece of meat for Qi Rui and said: "Qi Rui, because our work of assisting Uncle Li has been carried out very smoothly, the organization has sent suitable people to be responsible for the economic aspect. In the future, Uncle Li's work will focus on The underground organization work is the main thing, the meaning of the organization, our Miaodao team, let Big Brother Tang contact Uncle Li."

"Just follow the wishes of the organization, but, Xiaoxue, I told you about Zhuang Xiaoman, she is a very important person, because according to what I said, she is not only very familiar with traitor businessmen, but also has some dark economic clues in Chongqing. , she will still listen to what I say, but this requires a middleman, do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand what you mean. Brother Tang will definitely not be able to meet Zhuang Xiaoman directly. Do you have a suitable candidate?"

"Yes, it's just that she needs Uncle Li to do a good job, and it will definitely not work according to her current personality."


"Ming Jing, the chairman of Ming Enterprises, according to my observations, she should be a red businessman, but she is too straightforward. Seeing the traitor's temper of wanting to go up and kick her feet, she is even more dismissive of the Japanese."

"I see, Zhuang Xiaoman is a traitor in her eyes."

"Yes, many people in Shanghai think that Zhuang Xiaoman is Shunsuke Kuchi's woman, so both black and white are very good for her. Sister Mingjing used to do business with Zhuang Xiaoman, but since she knew that Zhuang Xiaoman followed I, the Japanese, just ignore her." Qi Rui smiled wryly,

"I see. Let Brother Tang tell Uncle Li later, and ask him to persuade Sister Mingjing to continue doing business with Zhuang Xiaoman." Only then did Fu Yingxue know that Qi Rui had already made arrangements.

"Yes, it's just to tell Miss Mingjing not to care about who Zhuang Xiaoman is. Isn't it the most important thing for her to get the supplies? With the cover of Zhuang Xiaoman, the woman who is the head of the super-high school, she and the goods are also guaranteed. " Qi Rui said seriously,
"But if something happens to Zhuang Xiaoman, wouldn't it be possible to find you?" Fu Yingxue asked,
(End of this chapter)

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