Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 272 Racking My Brain To Change Them

Chapter 272 Racking My Brain To Change Them (Please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket)
Fu Yingxue's worry was justified, but this Qi Rui had already made preparations. Before Zhuang Xiaoman was set up as a person who only recognizes money, it was just laying the groundwork.

"Don't worry about this, Zhuang Xiaoman deals in some high-end goods, but they are in short supply, such as salt, sugar, grain, cotton cloth, etc., and she is now a character who only recognizes money but not people, no matter who she is , As long as you have money, you can buy goods from her, so even if the car overturns, she is not at fault, and besides, she really doesn't know who the Communist Party is."

"I didn't expect Zhuang Xiaoman to be quite capable!" Fu Yingxue praised,
"In any case, they are also senior agents trained by Lixing Society, how can they not have some skills."

"Comrade Qi Rui, Zhuang Xiaoman is your woman, what about me?" Fu Yingxue asked suddenly,

"Xue'er, Xiaoman is the downline arranged by Boss Dai of the Lixing Society. Sometimes I need to take her out for some activities. You are different. You are a comrade with the same goals as me, and you are also a daughter-in-law approved by the organization. Don't be jealous in this regard." Qi Rui quickly explained,

"I'm not so stingy. As long as the job requires me, I will support it. Who made me play a Japanese woman now." Fu Yingxue was really prepared for it long ago. With such a complicated identity as Qi Rui, he has to deal with many things. Coping, women are an indispensable part of it, so she still understands.

"My Xue'er is still sensible! It's time to go to bed!"

"What time is it!?"

"Am I sleepy! Let's go, it's time for us to go to bed!"

"You big villain, you want to bully me again!" Fu Yingxue said while protecting her chest.
"It's not called bullying! It's called putting it down."

"Bah! You big villain!" Fu Yingxue cursed, but she had already been carried into the bedroom by Qi Rui.

"No, you have to wash your face and feet! Otherwise, I won't let you hug me!"

"As ordered!"

The next day, Qi Rui came to the special high school class and saw that Yunzi Zhuuchi had left a note for himself, saying that he was on a business trip for a few days and would not be back until some time later.

"Report!" Song Jian and Tang Rui shouted outside,

"Come in!"


"Have you rested yet?"

"Have a good rest, we came here just to ask if we still need to monitor the Secret Service Headquarters?" Song Jian asked,
"You don't think you need to go?"

"Chairman, we'll go here if we need to."

"Now it has been confirmed that they are all sincerely serving the empire, so you don't have to go."

Qi Rui wished that these two people would keep staring at Ding Mocun and the others, but he could no longer do so, because in the long run, these two people would doubt their motives, and Ding Mocun would find out.

"Great, section chief, what tasks do we have next?"

"The two of you study hard from Chief Yansi Jiakang. If you perform well after a while, I will arrange some management work for you."

"Yes! Headmaster."

"Well, you can use the Japanese names I gave you in class." Qi Rui said,
"Hayi!" Both Song Jian and Tang Rui dreamed of becoming Japanese, because only then could they get the respect they deserve, and having a Japanese name is the first step.

The purpose of Qi Rui's doing this is to make them obedient to him first, and how to transform them in the future can only be discussed in the long run, and it is time to do something step by step. This Qi Rui also has some plans, and first conveys some justice to them. The concept, these will be carried out from the force.

What is the concept of justice, that is, the knife in his hand will never kill unarmed people, let alone the old, weak, women and children, which can be seen from the names Qi Rui gave them.

Song Jian's Japanese name is Shifang Tongxing, which was borrowed from the character Fang Tongxing in the Japanese manga, because Qi Rui hopes that Song Jian will be like this character, who thinks he is a hopeless villain, but deep down in his heart he has a deep love for kindness. With a strong desire, he has an extreme distaste for harming civilians, and he is unable to sacrifice the lives of others to achieve his own goals.

Qi Rui hoped that Song Jian could become a person like Yifang Accelerator. Anyway, he had a Japanese name, so he should choose a name that is symbolic and easy to pronounce.

Tang Rui's mind is no worse than Song Jian's. He named him Yuu Uchiha. Qi Rui hoped that he would hate war like the manga character Uchiha Itachi, and that he could recognize himself and endure humiliation even in the dark.

If it weren't for the S-level transformation task given by the system, Qi Rui would not have racked his brains to give them these two Japanese names. The main reason is to let himself always remember that they can become better, and they must Get better.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

"Hello, I'm Shunsuke Kuike!"

"Jiuchi-kun, Mr. Tanaka is still waiting for the result of your interrogation of Hai Zhengchu. Bi Zhongliang is next to the Secret Service Headquarters today. Hurry up." Sakai Mieko said,

"How is that Li Shiqun doing now?"

"He has been saved, and now Ding Mocun is guarding him with people."

"It's good to be alive, remind them to be careful." Qi Rui cursed inwardly, the whole operation this time was a waste of work.

"Ding Mocun has already spread the news that he and Li Shiqun are still alive, and now he wants to eliminate the judges. He said that if they don't, they will have trouble sleeping and eating."

"Then wish them success. I will go to investigate Haizhengchu right now, but I have agreed in advance that I will not be responsible if I die."

"Could it be that Jiuchi-kun wants to torture him today?" Sakai asked.

"That's what I said just now, let's have a good chat with him first."

When Qi Rui came to the room where Hai Zhengchu was detained, two doctors had already arrived, and Bi Zhongliang had been waiting for a long time. Qi Rui didn't speak to him, and went into the room to the bed.

"Brother, do you still have the strength to chat with me?" Qi Rui asked, leaning over with his hands behind his back,

"Little devil, don't you want me to try what life is better than death today? Come on, just say hello to your eighth master, if you say a word, you will not be a Chinese man!"

"Are you trying to provoke me to kill you, haha, I won't be fooled, I just came to chat with you."

"You can say whatever you like, I'll just listen to bastard chanting sutras!" Hai Zhengchu closed his eyes,
Qi Rui chattered for two hours, Haizheng woke up for the first time and found Shunsuke Kuchi was still talking, and said in admiration: "Little devil! I really admire you, you said it Isn't it tiring to have so many? I don't know about killing gods and judge combinations, and even if I know, you think I will tell you?"

"Hai Zhengchu, I'm giving you another chance for Zheng Yaoxian's sake. I will come back tomorrow, but I won't have the attitude I have today."

"Whatever, Master Ba, I can't wait! Hurry up! Use whatever trick you have!"

"Okay, I'll come tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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