Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 273 Kagezuo Kiuchi's Evil Laughter

Chapter 273 Kagezuo Kiuchi's Evil Laughter

Qi Rui left, and Bi Zhongliang finally came out, because he almost fell asleep several times, and he didn't expect Shunfu Kuike to be so patient, he said in a daze that he didn't even take a sip of water for two hours.

Qi Rui really didn't want to punish Hai Zhengchu, but how did he live this morning, so he said twice what he said yesterday and dealt with today first.

As soon as I got back to the office, Haruko Matsubara reported outside the door: "Report!"

"Come in, Haruko, what's the matter?"

"Section Chief Hisaike, Major Kagesa Kiuchi from the Intelligence Division would like to invite you to MGM at noon, saying that we have important business to discuss, and this is an invitation."

"Kagezuo Kiuchi from the intelligence section of the Central China Dispatch Army!" Qi Rui opened the invitation and looked at it very strangely. This Kagezuo Kiuchi is the devil officer who killed Tian Dan's parents in the TV series Red. He has nothing to do with this person. He wants to what to do.

"Yes, it's Major Kiuchi!"

"okay, I get it."

"Ten Directions!" Qi Rui shouted,
"Chairman." Song Jian ran in,

"You call Yuu Uchiha and I will go out with me and put on the decent clothes I bought for you."


The invitation was to meet at the MGM dance hall at [-]:[-] pm. Qi Rui took Song Jian and Tang Rui to hide in the training base in order not to judge Hai Zhengchu today. He didn't have to worry about the gang of spies with Rintaro Matsukawa watching the training.

In the kendo training hall, he took the bamboo sword and competed with Song Jian and Tang Rui. After each victory, Qi Rui would teach them some bushido spirit.

The spirit of Bushido is the eight characters of fame, loyalty, courage, righteousness, propriety, sincerity, restraint, and benevolence. These eight characters have very different meanings from what we Chinese understand. This is because China is a home country. The world, and Japan is the real home world, because the samurai are really loyal to their own land and family.

Qi Rui used part of Chinese culture to explain these eight characters to the two of them. Of course, it cannot completely violate the sacrifice spirit of seeing through death in the Japanese bushido spirit, because this is what they have learned since elementary school. They make sense.

Coming to MGM again, Tang Manqing greeted her gracefully at the entrance of the hall: "Section Chief Jiuchi! Welcome!"

"Boss Tang! It's an honor to see a beauty like you again!"

"Section Chief Kuike was joking, please come with me, someone is waiting for you."

Qi Rui took Song Jian and Tang Rui and followed Tang Manqing to the private room on the second floor. There were three people sitting in the room that Qi Rui knew, Kiuchi Kagezuo, Xu Tian, ​​and Liu Xiaolin. These three were all from the TV series Red figure.

"Section Chief Jiuchi!" Liao Xiaolin stood up first and shouted flatteringly,

"Mr. Material! Hello!" Qi Rui asked nonchalantly, because Material Xiaolin didn't get that much money when he tried to collect money later, and he even engaged in debt collection from the person who gave him the money before.

Kagesa Kiuchi stood up and introduced himself: "Section Chief Hisaike! Hello, I am Kagesa Kiuchi from the Information Division! Please take care of me in the future!"

"Master Kiuchi, you have admired your name for a long time, so I don't know why you invited me here today?" Qi Rui asked,
"Who are these two?"

"They are my subordinates in the special class, Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu."

"Please sit down!"

"This one looks familiar to me too!" Qi Rui looked at Xu Tian and asked,
"This is my old classmate Xu Tian." Kiuchi Kagesa said,
"What's the matter, Major Kiuchi?"

"Section Chief Jiuchi, Mr. Boss, you should know that there was a theft in Cirrus a few days ago, right?"

"Yes, I was there."

"Mr. Material told me that the agents of the Lixing Society did it. Later, I heard that Xu Tian had been to the scene, and I also heard that Section Chief Jiuchi was the first to inspect the scene, so I invite you to hear your opinions on the scene. Views on this case." Kiuchi Kagesuke said,
"After so many days, I have forgotten!" Qi Rui said with a look of unwillingness to help,

"Uh ha ha ha... How is that possible! I know Section Chief Kuike is an expert on traces, so I still need your help with this case."

"Is Major Kiuchi trying to catch the agency's secret agents through this case?" Qi Rui asked,

"Yes, this is also the responsibility of our Intelligence Division."

Qi Rui laughed and said, "Okay then, I want to hear what Xu Tian and Xu Sang have to say."

"I think it's not the people from the Lixing Society, but people from the Jianghu." Xu Tian said,
"Can you explain?" Qi Rui asked,

"I'm also speculating on my own. Please don't blame me if I'm wrong."

"Let's talk about it later, there are two more guests coming soon, Xu Jun must really want to see them." Kiuchi Kagesuke said,
Looking at Kagezuo Kiuchi's expression, Qi Rui guessed that Tian Dan must be among the people who came.

"Section Chief Kuike, please drink tea, he will be there soon."

After a while, the door opened, Zhang Gu brought two people in, Qi Rui raised his eyes and saw that it was Tielin and Tian Dan.

Seeing Tian Danki Uchi Kagesuke let out his evil laugh and said: "Uh ha ha ha ha... now everyone is here!"

"Kagesa Kiuchi!" Xu Tian became angry immediately when he saw Tian Dan. Isn't this obvious? Kagesa Kiuchi wanted to use Tian Dan to blackmail him to tell the truth.

"Xu Jun! Do you mind if I invite Ms. Tian?" Kagesuke Kiuchi asked,

Xu Tian gritted his teeth angrily and said, "I mind very much!"

"Uh heh heh heh..." After Kagezuo Kiuchi gave an extremely piercing and evil smile, he said, "Xu Jun, you helped me solve this case, and I promise that I will never appear in front of Miss Tian again."

"Master Kiuchi, what on earth are you going to do? I'm very busy! I don't have time to mess around with you." Qi Rui said unhappily,
"Baga! Who allowed you to talk to Chief Kiuchi like this!" Hase shouted at Shunsuke Kuchi angrily after hearing this. He and Kagesa Kiuchi had just arrived in Shanghai not long ago, and they didn't know the famous Shunsuke Kuchi.

Qi Rui raised his eyes and glanced at Song Jian and Tang Rui. The two were about to make a move. Kagesa Kiuchi quickly stood up and said to Hase: "Bastard, this is the head of the special advanced course Toshisuke Kuike, why don't you hurry up?" Apologize!"

"So it's Section Chief Kuchi, sorry for being rude!" Hase quickly bowed and apologized,

Qi Rui rolled his eyes at Tielin, and asked with a smile: "Tie Xun, should you treat me to a wedding wine?"

"..." Tielin ignored Shunfu Jiuchi and sat next to Tian Dan, thus putting her between Xu Tian and himself.

"Looks like there's a show to watch today! Major Kiuchi, since everyone's here, let's start the show."

"Xu Tian! Then you can talk about it first!"

"I still have the previous opinion that the perpetrators of the crime were not the people from Lixingshe, but a few thieves. They must have heard that Mr. Li was collecting money to buy local medicine, and they knew that the money must be indispensable, so they took the risk. "Xu Tian said,
"What does Mr. Kuike think?" Kagesa Kiuchi asked.

"What Xu Sang said makes sense."

"Why is Jiuchi class in Cirrus?"

(End of this chapter)

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