Chapter 274
Seeing that Kagesuke Kiuchi was suspicious of Shunsuke Kuike, Xiaolin Li quickly stood up and said, "Master Kiuchi, I was the one who invited Section Chief Kuike!"

"Kagesa Kiuchi! Are you doubting me?" Qi Rui asked with a serious face,
"Section Chief Jiuchi misunderstood, I really just want to ask you to clarify this case, because these Lixingshe killers also killed our Chinese friend Zhang Xiaolin, and took away his money for buying opium, because of the long-term Chief Chi is an insider, and you have been to the scene, so you are invited to assist in handling the case."

"Master Kiuchi! You'd better not provoke me in front of these Chinese people!" It was obvious that Kagezuo Kiuchi doubted himself, Qi Rui warned very rudely.

After hearing this, Kagesa Kiuchi let out his disgusting laugh: "Uh uh uh...hahaha... Section Chief Kuike, I know that Mr. Kagesaki appreciates you very much, that's why I invited you You came to help solve this case. You must know that the money from the two companies is enough for us to equip a brigade! The money should have belonged to our Great Japanese Empire, but it was stolen and robbed, Jiuchi Section chief, don't you want to get the money back?"

"Of course I would, but both of these cases took place in the French Concession, and Mr. Li didn't invite us, Tegao, to assist in handling the cases."

"Then invite it now! Please tell Mr. Kuike about it." Kiuchi Kagesa said,
"Haha... Kagesuke Kiuchi, you are so ridiculous, you have the ability to check it yourself, why should I tell you?" Qi Rui asked with a look of disgust,
"Section Chief Kuike, what if I insist on asking you to investigate?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Section Chief Kuike, behind me is the military department, the dispatched army! You should fully cooperate with the special high school."

"Behind me is the entire Great Japanese Empire! Kiuchi Kagesa! Don't tell me this, you want to investigate this case and investigate it yourself, I don't have time to mess around with you!"

"Hisaki Shunsuke, what am I doing nonsense, I am doing this for the empire!"

"Who is not for the empire!" Qi Rui said to Xu Tian after finishing speaking: "Xu Sang, I need you to go to the special high school with me now! Don't worry! I just want to ask you a few questions."

"Hachi, Shunsuke Kuike, I found Xu Tian!" Kiuchi Kagesa also roared angrily,

At this time, the door of the private room opened, and Toshihide Inoue came in with a smile and said, "Kuichi-kun, why are you so angry?"

When Qi Rui saw him, he knew he was already here, and said, "Mr. Inoue, long time no see!"

"I just came back from Nanjing, what's the matter with you, I heard you arguing when I first came here."

"Mr. Inoue, I just want to ask Mr. Kuike to assist in investigating a case, but he is very uncooperative."

"Kuichi-kun, why are you so angry?"

"Inoue-kun, you should know why I'm angry, right?"

"I just arrived too, how would I know."

"I don't want to say anything now. If you have anything to do, come to the special high school to find me!" Qi Rui said to Song Jian and Tang Rui: "Bring Xu Tian and this woman back to the special high school!"

"Section Chief Hisaike!" Kiuchi Kagesa yelled angrily, and Hase blocked the door with his hand.

"What? You want to stop me?" Qi Rui asked Kiuchi Kagesa with a murderous look on his face,
"Xu Tian is my guest, you can't take him away!"

"I have to take him away today! I just said I have a few questions to ask him! What do you like to do after I finish asking."

"Kuichi-kun..." Toshihide Inoue's face turned ugly,

"Mr. Inoue, I'm going to treat you to dinner tomorrow, I'm sorry today!" Qi Rui walked out the door after finishing speaking, Junxiu Inoue didn't dare to stop him,
Song Jian and Tang Rui went over to drag Xu Tian and Tian Dan out of their chairs, but Tielin wanted to stop them but was held down by Xiaolin.

Hase blocked the door, was kicked out of the door by Qi Rui's two slaps, then said in Japanese without looking back: "Kagesa Kiuchi, I'm waiting for you to find me in the extra-high school!"

Tang Manqing had already cleverly hid at this time, but she dared not get involved when the Japanese made a fuss on their own.

Kagesa Kiuchi asked Toshihide Inoue very angrily: "Mr. Inoue! Shunsuke Kuike is too arrogant!"

"Master Kiuchi, Shunsuke Kuike is a very successful person. He should also want to solve this case. There is nothing to blame for not cooperating with you." Toshihide Inoue said,

"Mr. Inoue, I need the assistance of your Inoue residence." Kagesa Kiuchi said, who is not very familiar with Shanghai yet.

"No problem, if you need to investigate something, I will send my people to assist."

"I heard from Xu Tian that the money box was transported away in a rickshaw. I want to check the car dealers in the French Concession."

"I'm afraid this will require the assistance of Mr. Material." Junxiu Inoue said to Mr. Xiaolin,

"As long as you can help me recover the money, you can cooperate in any way."

"Well, from tomorrow onwards, I will send someone to follow the police to check the car dealers carefully." Junxiu Inoue agreed,

Back in the special high class, Qi Rui asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to bring Xu Tian and Tian Dan to the office.

Qi Rui knew that Tian Dan must be very scared now, so he said very politely: "Mr. Xu Tian, ​​Miss Tian Dan, please sit down."

"How do you know her name? You investigated us?" Xu Tian asked in panic, because he still had a batch of Communist Party medicine in his hand that hadn't been shipped out. If he finds out, it's over.

"Yes, I have investigated Xu Sang and Ms. Tian. You are two couples who love each other, but Ms. Tian is the only daughter of the Communist Party member Tian Luning." Qi Rui asked Tian Dan after finishing speaking: "Kagezuo Kiuchi killed your parents. You hate them very much."

Tian Dan is very terrified now, because she heard that few Chinese who entered the gendarmerie headquarters survived. She hates the Japanese, and even went to the hospital to design them. Could it be that this terrible Japanese found something? , so scared that he didn't even dare to speak, tears rolled in his eyes.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Qi Rui said to Xu Tian: "Xu Sang, don't be afraid, answer me a few questions, and you can take Miss Tian away."

"Excuse me, Mr. Kuike." Xu Tian found that Shunsuke Kuike really seemed to have no malice, and he showed an attitude of trying his best to cooperate for Tian Dan.

"Have you been to the site inspection of Ciro's?"

"Yes, I surveyed the scene."

"Then can you tell me your conclusion truthfully?"

"I told you to let us go?"

"If you don't say it, I will let you go. You are not sinners. I have no reason to detain you." Qi Rui said in a very reasonable manner,

After hearing this, Xu Tian patted Tian Dan's hand lightly, signaling her not to be afraid.

"Xu Sang, would you like to tell me?"

"Yes, I have already said in MGM, the ones who stole the money should be very professional thieves, they quietly opened the windows facing the street, and transported away several heavy and large money boxes, and I also concluded that they The boxes were taken away in rickshaws, so it was a planned gang operation."

"You also went to Zhang Xiaolin's house?"

(End of this chapter)

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