Chapter 275

Qi Rui brought the two of them here for protection. Kagezuo Kiuchi has a dark heart, and Hase is a butcher. Although they won't kill Xu Tian and Tian Dan for the time being, they will definitely do the threat of persecution. .

Qi Rui will not help Xu Tian and the others kill Kiuchi Kagezuo and Hase, because they were all designed to die by Xu Tian, ​​and there is no need to change the ending they deserved. Although this process is a bit hard for Xu Tian and Tian Dan, But the result is very satisfying.

Xu Tian suddenly realized that facing Shunsuke Kuchi and Kagesa Kage was much less stressful, so he continued to answer: "Go, Zhang Xiaolin's family really looks like a killer. These people are ruthless, as long as they see All the people who were killed were killed directly, more like going to exterminate the family, and each of the dead was killed with one blow, so we can be sure that the killers were all professional killers, and the style was indeed like that of a trained soldier."

"Since they are all professional, why do you think that Cairus was not done by the secret agents of Lixingshe?"

"Because they act in completely different styles. One main purpose is for money, and the other main purpose is to kill Zhang Xiaolin and repel adultery. Money is just by the way."

"Xu Sang's analysis is very good, thank you very much, I'm done asking my questions, Xu Sang, hurry up and take Miss Tian back, I hope you can notify me in time if you find any clues, is that okay?"

"Okay, I'll do my best."

Qi Rui was about to send them away when the door of his office was pushed open and Tanaka Masanori walked in.

"Master Tanaka!" Qi Rui hurriedly stood at attention,
Tanaka saw two people in the office and asked, "What do they do?"

"Report to Colonel Tanaka that his subordinates are investigating the murder of Zhang Xiaolin and the theft of Xylos, and want to recover the huge sum of money. They are my informants."

"Did they give us a clue?"


"Very good, let's continue!"

"I've finished asking questions." Qi Rui shouted after finishing speaking: "Come on!"

Song Jian and Tang Rui ran in, Qi Rui said to them: "Hurry up and send Miss Xu Sang and Tian back."

After the people left, Masanori Tanaka said: "Section Chief Kuchi, I came here to tell you, stop joking about Hai Zhengchu! We don't have so much time to waste on him."

"Master Tanaka, the current Haizhengchu is determined to die, and he wishes for us to torture him. I think spending two more days with him may have a good effect." Qi Rui said,
"Section Chief Jiuchi, if you don't interrogate me, I'll ask someone to help you!"

"Okay, I'm going to interrogate now."

Qi Rui made a phone call before the interrogation this time, and asked the doctor to examine Hai Zhengchu's body first, and ordered him to be tied to the torture chair after the examination.

This time there was no one listening, but there was still a recording. After Qi Rui went in, he looked at Hai Zhengchu who was slumped on the torture chair and said, "I'm here again, don't you mind?"

"Bie Nima talks so much nonsense, hurry up and torture me!"

"Haizhengchu, you really don't know how to flatter you! Since you make such a strong request, I still don't want to do what you want."

After Qi Rui finished speaking, he looked at the medicines on the table and asked the two doctors: "Are you ready?"

"Get ready, this medicine bottle contains thiopental sodium, and this medicine contains scopolamine." A doctor introduced,

Qi Rui is proficient in Western medicine now, and he knows the properties of these two medicines very well, so he pretended not to understand and asked, "What are these things?"

"True medicine, these two medicines can make people tell the truth."

"Should the two be used together?"

"No, you can use just one, and this sodium thiopental works better."

"Use the one that works best! You are doctors, calculate the dosage and give them a shot!" Qi Rui said, memorizing all the medicines on the table.

"Section Chief Kuike, we can only try bit by bit."

"Tried to death?"

"This type of drug is dangerous. Americans use thiopental as a drug for injection. This drug can make the person who is injected lose consciousness. With an appropriate amount of injection, he will say what you ask."

"Then calculate the injection for him! I'll give you time to calculate! We can't try, because this prisoner is very important!" Qi Rui definitely didn't want to torture Hai Zhengchu,
Qi Rui looked at his watch and it was already off-duty time, and said: "Then wait for the people from the Secret Service Headquarters to come tomorrow morning before injecting, you two should study the dosage of this medicine carefully today."

Qi Rui went back to the office and took Song Jian and Tang Rui to drive to Xian Le Si in the French Concession. When he got there, Xiao Lin was not there yet, so he asked the dance hall to send someone to look for it immediately.

Liu Rusi bit the bullet and came to Shunsuke Kuchi with the best wine, and asked, "Why is Section Chief Kuchi here free today?"

"I'm looking for Xiaolin!"

"You should go to the police station to find him."

"I thought this Cirrus belonged to his office!"

"He does come here often."

"I saw Tielin today."

"Section Chief Jiuchi, Tielin is just a jerk, you must not be as knowledgeable as him."

"Miss Liu, if you hadn't stopped him last time, he would have been dead."

"Thank you, Section Chief Kuchi, for your face."

"You said at the time that as long as I don't kill Tielin, you can do anything, right?"

Liu Rusi was a little dizzy when she heard this, and she was afraid of this. It seems that this devil is still going on, but now she is ready to live with Tielin, and she must never do anything wrong to Tielin, but how to deal with this devil, Liu Rusi There is no way.

Seeing Liu Rusi's appearance, Qi Rui frightened and said: "Miss Liu, you don't mean what you say. I, Shunsuke Kuike, don't like such people. Let me tell you a secret. Anyone I don't like will turn into a corpse." of."

Liu Rusi said desperately, "As long as you don't make things difficult for Tielin, I will do whatever you want!"

"Is that right, let me ask you a few questions first."

"Excuse me, Mr. Kuike."

"Are Kiuchi Kagesa and Hase always here these two days?"

"Yes, they seem to be very interested in the theft case. They have been here several times. Kagesa Kiuchi seems to have found something. The general manager is not here, but went to a meeting at the police station. He said that someone will bring a police car to investigate the French Concession tomorrow. Okay." Liu Rusi said very cooperatively.
"Investigate the car dealership?"

"Yes, I heard that Mr. Wang called the patrol room and said that he must cooperate with the people coming."

"Didn't you see the iron patrol today?"

"I haven't seen it yet."

"Okay, then you can do something for me. Not only will I not embarrass you and Tielin, but I will also reward you!"

"What are you doing?"

"Help me keep an eye on Xiao Lin and Kagesa Kiuchi, don't deliberately eavesdrop, I just want to know what they do every day."

"Is Section Chief Kuike only asking me to do this?" Liu Rusi thought that Shunsuke Kuike was thinking about her, but now it seems that he doesn't have that idea at all.

"Only this, as long as you help me do this, I promise that I won't trouble you with the Tie Patrol in the future. Not only that, but I will also protect you so that you will no longer be bullied, including Xiao Lin!"

"Okay! I'll help you!" Liu Rusi said,

(End of this chapter)

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