Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 276 I will take Liu Rusi away tonight and send chapters tomorrow

Chapter 276 I will take Liu Rusi away tonight and send it back tomorrow

In fact, Qi Rui doesn't need Liu Rusi to do anything at all, just find a reason to help her redeem her body, because even though she lives in and wears the best clothes, she actually has a prostitution contract with Cairus .

Now Xiaolin still wants her to do whatever she wants, even if she is asked to accompany the guests, she can't resist, just like before when Xiaolin asked her to accompany Shunsuke Kuchi, even the room was prepared.

Now the biggest obstacle preventing Liu Rusi and Tielin from being together is the same contract as the prostitution contract. Qi Rui is just looking for an excuse to help Tielin and her. Who made her and Tielin really love each other? Qi Rui will not be affected at all.

Knowing that Shunfu Kuichi was waiting at Ciro's, Xiaolin trotted over to apologize and said, "Section Chief Kuchi, I'm really sorry, I had a meeting with the patrol room just now, and I kept you waiting."

"I just came here to ask, what's going on with Kagesa Kiuchi?"

"Section Chief Jiuchi, he found it himself, and said that he can help me recover the money for the goods. Of course, I can't wait for it."

"Did he look for Xu Tian again?"

"It must have been found. He said that Xu Tian is a very good investigator, and if he assists, the case will definitely be solved!"

"Where's Xu Tian?"

"I'm in the patrol room with Tielin,"

Qi Rui came to Cairus because he wanted to know what Kagesa Kiuchi wanted to do. Now that he knew, he wanted to start from the car dealership. This was fine, because Tang Ling and Su Wenqian had already arranged everything. Can't find it.

"Mr. Material, I'm not pouring cold water on you. You won't be able to get the money back." Qi Rui said to Xiao Lin,
Hearing what Shunfu Kuichi said, Xiaolin Xiaolin's face turned green, and he quickly asked, "Section Chief Kuchi, why did you say that?"

"Boss, I'll tell you right away that someone entered the office through the window and took the box. That time was the busiest time for Cirrus. It's not an exaggeration to say that they are thieves, because they seized the opportunity The ability is too strong, I guess they didn't think about that time to do it, it's just that the fight between me and Tielin attracted attention and gave them an opportunity."

"But why did Mr. Kuike say he couldn't get it back?"

"Originally I had the same idea as Xu Tian, ​​but after Zhang Xiaolin's case happened, I found that these people are very professional in investigation, design, crime, response, and quick evacuation, and these people are ruthless in their actions. , so now I am very sure that the two cases were carried out by the agents of Lixingshe, "

"A secret agent of the Lixing Society?"


"But the modus operandi of the two cases is completely different."

"That's because Lixingshe didn't want to offend the French. You must know that the French Concession is their safe haven in many cases. You are the chief arrester, and killing you will not do them any good, so they used the method of stealing, but Zhang Xiaolin is different. Yes, although he lives in the French Concession, he has close contacts with our imperial army. He is what the Chinese call a traitor. Lixingshe also made a fortune while eliminating traitors, so do you think the money can be recovered? "

"It's really disgusting, how could they know about this."

"Boss, you raised money everywhere and told many people about this matter. It's hard for the people in Lixingshe not to know about it. I guess Zhang Xiaolin just happened by chance, because after your incident happened, I immediately took people to covertly protect you." I bought Huang Jinrong and wanted to catch all these people, but nothing happened to Huang Jinrong. You must know that Boss Huang's payment is more than twice that of yours, and he can't explain it clearly to the Japanese, especially me, Jiuchi. Shunfu is still Huang Jinrong's apprentice."

"But the people from Lixingshe don't even have a car, and they still use rickshaws to transport away the boxes?" Liu Xiaolin also knew that if the spies of Lixingshe took the money away, he would have to admit that he was unlucky, so he still hugged him. Asking with some fantasies,

"First of all, no one saw how they transported the boxes. Second, if the rickshaws they used were the same as what Xu Tian said, it meant that they didn't intend to go on the road after getting the boxes, but wore So it’s not easy to find them, I guess these people may have left Shanghai.”

"Then what can I do! So much money." Liao Xiaolin cried with his head in his arms.

"Boss material, if you want to get back your money, I think you can only make a comeback, or do as much business as you have. What I can help is to eliminate the Lixing Society to avenge you, and now I have done it, because The Shanghai station has basically been destroyed by us, and their station master, Hai Zhengchu, is in our prison."

"Did they admit it?"

"Boss, I'm still interrogating, no matter what the result is, I think you should focus on doing business!"

"I want to do business, but I still have to work hard to get the money, in case I can get it back!"

"That's good luck for you. I came here today to tell you that I will take Liu Rusi away tonight! I will let her come back tomorrow." Qi Rui said suddenly,
"Section Chief Jiuchi wants to take Liu Rusi away?" Liu Xiaolin was very surprised.

"Not bad! Didn't you want her to serve me a long time ago? I'm not in a good mood today, so I just asked her to accompany me!"

"Section Chief Kuchi! I feel a little uncomfortable today..." Liu Rusi thought she could escape the clutches of her, but she didn't expect that Shunsuke Kuike was still thinking about her.

"Take it away!" Qi Rui said to Song Jian and Tang Rui,
Liu Rusi took her to Qi Rui's car, and Song Jian asked, "Head of class, where are we going?"

"Find a better hotel nearby."

Arriving at a luxury hotel, Qi Rui asked Tang Rui to open a room, while Song Jian was parking the car, Qi Rui said to Liu Rusi: "Are you very scared now?"

"Section Chief Jiuchi, I have promised to help you do things, so please let me go." Liu Rusi begged,
"I don't want you to be such a beautiful woman."

"Section Chief Jiuchi, I'm not clean today, why don't I change the day." Liu Rusi didn't know what to say to make this devil give up.

"Liu Rusi, there's a phone over there, go and call Tielin to come here."

"Section Chief Jiuchi, what do you want to do?" Liu Rusi asked nervously,

"This is the French Concession, I can still kill people in such a hotel, don't worry, call him here, I will talk to him a few words, and then let him take you home, since I asked you to help, how is it possible What's on your mind."

"Thank you, Section Chief Jiuchi! Thank you!" But Liu Rusi was terrified.But now she is also a little confused, what kind of conspiracy and tricks this Shunsuke Jiuchi is playing, maybe only Xu Tianlai can guess it.

Liu Rusi called the patrol room and asked Tielin to bring Xu Tian to come quickly. She said that Shunsuke Jiuchi was with her, and then hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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