Chapter 277 A Different Devil
Tielin heard that Liu Rusi was with Shunsuke Kuchi and ran away on a bicycle without saying a word, and Xu Tian chased after him on a bicycle.

"Tie Lin! What are you doing here!?"

"Brother Tian, ​​Miss Liu was taken to the Crown Hotel by Shunsuke Kuike!"

"Is it Shunsuke Kuike?"


"Don't worry, he won't do anything to Miss Liu, maybe he just wants to ask you something."

"Really! Brother Tian, ​​don't lie to me."

"Really, with Shunsuke Kuike's force, if he hadn't agreed, how could Ms. Liu have the opportunity to call."

"What does Shunsuke Kuike see me doing?"

"I don't understand it now either. In short, Shunsuke Kuike does things differently from other devils."

"The more such devils are, the more terrifying they are."

The two came to the Crown Hotel as if flying, and when they entered the lobby, they saw Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu waiting for them.

"You two come with us!"

Tielin almost rushed into the room, but saw Liu Rusi sitting on the sofa, and Shunsuke Jiuchi sitting on the other side, drinking red wine.

"Tie Lin!" Liu Rusi stood up and gave Tielin a wink to tell him not to mess around.

"Tie Patrol! Xu Sang, you came here very quickly! Sit down!" Qi Rui said in the same tone as the host entertaining guests,
Xu Tian pressed Tielin and sat on the sofa, and asked, "Section Chief Jiuchi, is there something wrong with asking Ms. Liu to call us here?"

"Tie Xun, after I took Xu Sang and Ms. Tian away today, what did Kiuchi Kagesa say to Inoue Toshihide?" Qi Rui asked,

"They didn't say anything, they just said that they wanted Xiaolin to cooperate and check the car dealers." Tielin said truthfully for Liu Rusi,
"Didn't you say anything else?"

"That Toshihide Inoue said that Section Chief Kuike was very happy and wanted to investigate the case by himself."

"Hahaha... Is he going to send someone to help Kiuchi Kagesa investigate the car dealership?"


"What two stupid fellows!"

"Did Mr. Hisaike call us here for this matter?"

"Tie patrolling, it's like this, as long as you do me a favor, I will help you."

"What does Section Chief Kuike need us to do for you?"

"I want to know every move of Kagezuo Kiuchi, Toshihide Inoue, and Xiaolin Xiaolin!"

"This one……"

"If you don't help, then Ms. Liu will stay with me tonight, and I will often visit Cairus in the future. Who makes Ms. Liu so beautiful?" Qi Rui said, squinting up and down Looking at Liu Rusi's figure.

"Jiuchi! You are too..." Before Tielin could scold him for being despicable and shameless, Xu Tian quickly covered his mouth and promised, "We promise!"

"Xu Sang is still smart. I told you that as long as you agree to help me, I will do you a favor." After Qi Rui finished speaking, he asked Liu Rusi: "Is the contract of prostitution you signed with Xian Lesi about Lin Xiaolin? hand?"

Liu Rusi nodded her head vigorously: "Yes, if I want to leave Cirrus, I must get this contract back."

"As long as you help me, I'll help you with this matter!" Qi Rui said to Tielin after finishing speaking: "Is it surprising that you will thank me, the Japanese, for the rest of your life, Tie Xunbu, actually, you don't know me at all. You don’t need to be burdened, you are doing things for the French, so what if you do me a little favor for the Japanese, I didn’t let you betray and persecute the Chinese, did I?”

"Jiuchi, is what you said true?" Tielin asked,

"If it's not true, why should I call you here? Your daughter-in-law Liu Rusi is a charming beauty. If you don't believe me, why don't you go back with Xu Tian, ​​and I'll have another drink with Miss Liu?"

"I believe!"

"Is that right? Take Ms. Liu back." Qi Rui said to Liu Rusi after finishing speaking: "If anyone wants to bully you, just say I'm your friend. Gao Ke calls, if I can't come, Shifang Accelerator and Uchiha Yu will rush over to help you!"

This is a good thing, what Liu Rusi is most afraid of now is that Xiao Xiaolin will let her accompany men again, especially the Japanese devils, who did not expect that the one helping her now is actually a little devil.

Although she was a little confused and didn't understand what was going on, Shunsuke Kuchi must be able to help her get back the prostitution contract, so she hurriedly bowed and thanked: "Thank you, Section Chief Kuchi! If you can really help me get it back Contract, I am willing to give you all my savings."

"It's enough for you to help me keep an eye on Xiao Xiaolin and the others. Ms. Liu, you should save your little savings to live with Tielin!"

Tielin and Xu Tian felt very bad after hearing Jiuchi Shunfu's words. They were all wondering what the devil was up to. Is it really so simple to just stare at Xiao Xiaolin and the others?

Seeing their surprised expressions, Qi Rui smiled and said: "Is it strange why I am like this? Actually, I grew up in China, and I am very willing to make friends with Chinese people, but I can't do it when our two countries are at war. Not playing for my country, please understand that."

"Oh!" Tielin and Xu Tian pretended to understand the perfunctory sound.

"Tie Xun, I have already paid for this room for one day, why don't you stay with Miss Liu Rusi?" Qi Rui asked Tielin with a smirk,
Tielin, who used to want to go all out when he saw Shunsuke Kuchi, lost his temper at all now, and said, "No need, I'll let her go home!"

"Xu Tian, ​​please contact me immediately if you find anything. Don't be afraid of offending Kagezuo Kouchi and Toshihide Inoue. I don't take them seriously."

"Okay, we will try our best to help Section Chief Jiuchi." Xu Tian promised,
Qi Rui took Song Jian and Tang Rui away, but Tielin and Xu Tian didn't stop and took Liu Rusi home.

Qi Rui's move was actually very clever. He led Liu Rusi through the night, making Liu Xiaolin think that he had taken a fancy to her. He dared not let Liu Rusi accompany other people in this short time.

Tielin and Liu Rusi didn't see this, but Xu Tian saw it, and suddenly realized that he took himself and Tian Dan to the special high school today as if he was protecting it.

Shunsuke Kuike!Who are you?At this moment, Xu Tian's mind is full of this question.

When he was about to leave the French Concession, Qi Rui asked Song Jian and Tang Rui to take a rickshaw back to the special high school, and drove to the Huimin drugstore in the public concession by himself.

"Qi Rui? Is there something urgent at this late hour?" Chen Jiaying asked Qi Rui into the pharmacy.

"I need sodium thiopental, should it be available here?"

"Sodium thiopental? Is the devil going to use this drug for interrogation?" Chen Jiaying, a doctor of medicine, asked.
"It's for Hai Zhengchu to use. I don't want him to suffer, so I plan to give him a ride."

"But how are you going to use it?"

"Sister Jiaying, you just need to prepare a solution with sodium thiopental for me. I will wait for the opportunity to change the package tomorrow, so that the injection of sodium thiopental for Hai Zhengchu will be overdone."

(End of this chapter)

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